Sam X female reader

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Trigger Warning: none

There are so many things going on. I can't handle this, unlike my best friend and girlfriend, Sam. I could only wish I was as cool and collected as her.

"Come on guys, we need to find Mike." Sam, taking on the role as leader, was directing us.

"Do we really have to go for Mike? Is he that important?" I said, really really wanting to go back to the safe room.

"We're saving as many as us as we can." My confident friend replied.

"But Sammmm....." I went up to her, temping her with a gentle kiss.

She smiled in return.

"Don't worry my (Y/N). I'll protect you." She gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

"You better." I smirked as we kept walking.

We kept walking, yet the uneasy feeling I had in the pit of my stomach didn't subside, yet worsened. The cave got darker and darker, and so did my fears.

"Sam, please. I'm not kidding. I don't want to die down here." I seriously said getting more frightening as time passed.

She turned around and looked me in the eyes "There is no way in hell I will let you die down here. I will protect you at all costs."

"Can we at least stay close?" I moved in closer to her.

"As close as can be." She smiled and pulled me to her side, grabbing my hand.

After another terrifying 5 minutes passed, we heard a sickening screech. We all knew very well what it was.

"Everyone, hide now! Don't move a muscle!" Sam whisper yelled.

She pulled me into her and backed up against a wall. She held me close, with both hands around my torso. I felt safer with her.

"Don't move a muscle." She whispered into my ear as the creature passed us.

We stayed for another minute or so just to make sure it had passed.

"Thank you Sam." I genuinely thanked her. I would never make it down here without her support.

"Anytime." She laid a soft kiss on my lips.

Without her, I would be a mess. She is my support, my comfort, my shoulder to lean on when I'm scared, upset. I am so lucky to have her, and to be quite honest, I don't think I deserve her. I know both of us will make it out alive and I'll make sure of it.

Sorry if it's bad @Chicken_derps I still hope you enjoyed 😘

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