Mike X Reader

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Trigger Warning: abuse, rape

I felt dirty, like no one could ever touch me again. I felt like I would never be the same. I scrubbed and scrubbed at my skin, but what he had left on me would never come off, at least not in my mind.

After it happened, I didn't know where to go. How could I tell anyone, let alone the police, who were complete strangers. It felt like my feet had a mind of their own, as my own mind was lost in shock. I found myself wandering around the streets, lost of all direction.

I didn't really know how, or even realize, but Mike had found me wandering the streets, knowing something was wrong, so he quickly brought me to his house.

I wanted to shrink down, to disappear, to let the floor open up and consume me somehow so I wouldn't have to deal with this awful burden. How could I let him know what happened?

I was so embarrassed, and even though some part of me was glad that I was no longer alone, I didn't want Mike to see me like this. I was so vulnerable, which was rare for me. I hated being viewed as weak and small, but right now, he had defeated me.

In a way, I kind of felt like it was all my fault, like I shouldn't of let it happen, but I didn't want Mike to think that too. I could've avoided this if I would've took his advice to leave him.

I was mumbling, but I wasn't keeping track of the words that were spilling out of my mouth. To be honest, I didn't even know what I was saying at all, if they were even words.

"M-Mike...h-he held me down....h-he touched me.... I co-couldn't fight it..." Tears began to pour out of my eyes, sobbing into his chest. I was disgusted with the thought and words.

"I wasn't ready..." I continued to cry to him.

He took from me what I had held up as a defense for myself for so long; my purity, my untouched body. That was gone now, just like that.

"Mike....he took it away from me.... He...he..." I cried harder into him, shielding my face from his eyes.

Mike was holding me, stroking my hair in an attempt to calm me down,
but even with his gentle touch, he was practically pouring rage out of every part of his body.

"That son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill him." He growled with anger, holding me closer.

"I knew that guy was no good for you. I knew something was up with him. Oh that prick is gonna get it from me." His rage built. I should've left him while I had the chance.

He didn't blame me, like I somewhat did myself. I knew that he didn't blame me, for it could have been the way his arms kept tightening around me as he thought about my words, or maybe it was the threats he kept repeating, over and over, but I knew. Mike understood me, he always did.

"Mike..." I cried harder into his chest.

"Hey, (Y/N), it's fine now, I've got you and I'll never let another man do that to you ever again..." He replied to my cries with a soothing voice, but I still heard his boiling rage for the guy who had done this to me.

"We have to go to the police (Y/N), they'll be able to lock him up." I was shocked at his words, I could never tell anyone else.

"Mike, please no, I can't tell anyone, I can't let anyone else know..." I begged him, I would have to relive it, to memorize every detail. I couldn't, I just couldn't bring myself to it.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed (Y/N), it's not your fault, there was no way you could've controlled it." He rubbed my back on large circles, persuading me to tell the police.

"Please Mike, maybe another time, I can't now, please..I'm to....to drained..." I let him support my weight, for I couldn't any longer.

"Ok...ok. We can stay here, you can stay with me for tonight if you want.." He finally gave up, and allowed me to have the little peace I could find in the situation.

He guided me to the couch, were we both sat down. He was still holding me close as I silently sobbed into his shirt.

I was happy to be there with Mike, to feel the difference between his hold on me rather then the grip my so called 'boyfriend' held on me. Mike was there to help me, not for his own intentions and reasons. He wasn't just there to get something out of it, or to hurt me, but to comfort me, and help me through my pain. Maybe the right boyfriend was standing right in front the whole time. I should've just stopped pushing my real feelings to the side and took the chance.

Maybe I was changed forever. Maybe I would wear today like a scar on my body and I would never feel the same again. Maybe I wouldn't be able to stand the touch of most men ever again. But Mike was there with me, right when I needed him, and his touch, and his only, was welcome.

Sorry if no one requested this,
I just had this plot prepared so I decided to finish it off before I work on my requests. I'm doing a couple of them now, and they should be posted throughout the week. Thanks for reading loves, cya soon 💖

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