Jessica X Mike

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Trigger Warning: depression, upsetting thoughts

I am ugly. I am worthless. I am nothing.

Those words repeated in my head as I glared at my ugly reflection in the mirror. Why did this have to happen to me? The gashes that once cut deep into my chest, stomach and face are now haunting me every time I look into a mirror. I am thankful that they healed properly, yes, but now they're a constant reminder of what happened on that night.

I continued to look into the mirror, running my fingers over my scars, tears bubbling in my eyes. I will never be beautiful ever again. Who will want a marked up girl as a model?

I turned away from my reflection, tears pouring out of my eyes, silently sobbing into my hands. I heard keys enter the door as the door knob turned. I immediately picked up my cloths from the floor and frantically tried to put them on, not wanting anyone to see me without a thick layer of cloths on. Yet, before I had a chance to get dressed Mike walked in, staring at my near bare body. I turned away and sobbed into my hands once again.

"Mi-Mike...don't look at me..." I sobbed walking further into the room, avoiding his eyes. I heard his heavy foot steps follow behind me, followed by his protective grip around my waist.

"Jess, how many times do I have to repeat how beautiful you are?" He slowly rocked me back and forth, whispering into my ear.

"I'm not beautiful, and I'll never be beautiful. Look at all of these scars.. Have you ever seen a model that looked as ugly as this?" I cried into the crook of his neck, taking in the smell of his musky jacket.

"Yes, I have, and she's standing right in my arms. Jess, you will be a model, and I'll make sure of it. Anyone to turn you down must be a mad man." He continued to rock me back and forth, softly whispering into my ear.

His sweet compliments did make me smile, but I knew it wasn't the truth. It was hard for me to get dressed in the morning, to even look in the mirror.

"It''s getting harder everyday...I..I hate myself..." I sobbed into his chest, wanting to do nothing more then to just hide myself from the public eye.

"You should never hate yourself, if anything Jess, those scars are making you even more beautiful. They tell your story of how brave you are and how you've made it through some hard times. You're the strongest of them all." He placed soft kisses along my ear and down my neck, making me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Yo-you really think so?" I now looked into his eyes, my nose sniffling from all of the crying.

He looked back down at me with warm eyes and a inviting smile, something that always make my heart skip a beat.

"Jess, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Those scars tell a story of a strong, beautiful person, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and if they do, I'll beat their asses so hard they'll have worse scars then you."

I giggled, knowing its true, for he cared for me so much. Ever since the mountain, he has been a more caring, protective person then before.

"Do we really have to go out today?" I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, wanting to just snuggle all day long.

"How could I say no to that face?" He smiled at me, wiping away the few tears that stained my cheeks.

He kicked off his boots and placed his jacket on the table, guiding me into the bedroom. He undid the covers that were neatly done and slide under them, pulling me with him. I acted as a child would snuggle into a blanket on a cold winter day, curling up into a small bad and nudging my face farther into his chest. He held me tightly, not letting me go.

"I love you Jess, and I always will." He quietly said holding me even tighter.

He was such a different person after the mountain, and so was I. We both were changed people, and for the most part, it was for the better. I can safely all of us now have a better perception of life and how it can change so quickly, and to be honest, both me and Mike learned that caring for the people you love is the most important thing, not being better then everyone else at everything.

"Love you to Mike. Always have, always will."

Ok, I have a ton of explaining to do. I have been having some technical difficulties for the past week, number one. And second my mom took all of my electronics away bc I failed my algebra test 😁, but now I'm back and kickin! This is just a really short one to cheer you up, kinda something I would picture between Jess and Mike if they both survived. Hope you enjoyed, and I'll be posting a few a week, so keep those requests flowin! Luv you guys 💋💖😘

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