Josh x Reader

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Trigger Warning: depression, cannibalism, swearing

This can't be the end. This can't be the end. This can't be it. You've gotta get out of this hell hole, with Josh, alive. But how? Hannah's thrown you in her lair and she's made sure you're not going anywhere with the injuries  she's inflicted on you.

"Fuck Josh! We've gotta get out of here!" You yelled in frustration, holding the large slice on your thigh with both hands.

You loved him, and you wanted better for him. He didn't deserve this, if any one deserved this was all of the assholes who played that prank last year.

Josh just sat on the floor, holding his head in his hands, repeating nonsense.

Oh, how you wish the strong, clever, witty, protective Josh was with you right now. The one you fell in love with.

You've tried to get up and snap him out of it, to bring him back to reality, but you were bound to the floor with the gash on your thigh that was still harboring a steady flow of blood. Never the less, you tried again anyways.

"Josh, hey, Joshie, listen to me. I'm here for you, come on. Please, come back to me. I love you Josh, and what ever your seeing and hearing, it's not real." Attempting to comfort him, you scooted closer to him the best you could, gently rubbing him back.

When this attempt didn't work, you were considering turning to something you didn't want to, but it worked with Mike, so it was worth a shot.

With the little force you could muster, you slapped his back, not enough to inflict any pain, but enough to get his attention.

"(Y/N)...p-please...don't hit me..." He whimpered, leaning a little closer towards you.

"I know Josh, I know. I just had to get your attention. Come here Josh." You pulled him closer to you, cradling him in your arms, yet still keeping one hand on your leg.

"Whe-where are we?"

"We're in the mines Josh, and this is a serious situation. We need to get out of here if we're going to live, ok?" You told him, running your one free hand through his hair.

"Bu-but your leg...all of that blood.." He whimpered, staring at the blood pooling on the floor.

"Josh...I'm not sure how I'm going to get out of here like this.." Your head was throbbing more then before, and you were getting dizzier by the minute.

"(Y/N) please don't leave me all alone..I don't want to be alone anymore..." He cried into your shirt, still laying in your arms.

"I would never leave you, no matter what. Don't you worry about me, because I'm not going to leave you alone, I'm always going to be by your side.."  You replied, yet some doubt shown through your words.

He didn't respond, just laid in your arms as you ran your hands through his hair.

Your vision was blurring and your head was throbbing, you so desperately wanted to rest.

"Josh, in just gonna take a quick nap. Promise me you'll stay here while I rest."

"But, what if you never get up, losing all of that blood can't be good."

"I'll wake up, I'll make sure of it. Just promise to stay right here, and if anything comes back, stay still, ok?"

He nodded again, still holding you tightly. Sighing, you leaned your head on his shoulder and let your eye lids fall, consuming you into sleep.


When you awoke, Josh wasn't in your arms anymore, but luckily your leg wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Josh?" You called out, affixing yourself in a sitting position. Your eyes scanned the cave, landing on a figure hunched over something.

Your mind went to the worst as you heard the stomach churning sounds of ripping flesh.

"Is that you Josh?" You asked cautiously, now getting its attention.

Josh now snapped his head around in your direction, his face covered in blood. He was holding the strangers head in his hand, now devoured. You raised your hands to your mouth in shock. Now you were both damned. There was no coming back from this.

"Oh no Josh, what did you do.."

"I-I'm sorry, Hannah and Beth told me...they said it would all be better.."

You knew there was no going back from this. That now, it was either turn with him, or wait for him to eat you alive.

Now crawling up to him, you took a piece of stray flesh that was on the floor and forced it down your throat. The metallic cold flesh stung the back of your throat, making you want to immediately throw it back up, but you didn't let it.

"(Y/N), you didn't have to do that.."

"'s ok. Now we can go crazy and lose our minds together, right?" You said, giving him a weak smile and holding onto his hands tightly.


The first day into it, you didn't feel differently, just more comfortable in your environment. Josh started to snarl more then a normal human should, but you didn't think much of it. Your leg was healing incredibly fast, and you were already walking on your two feet again.

The second day, you weren't cold any more, no more cold. No pain. Only hunger. Now, the corpse that once repulsed you and Josh was enticing, but you pushed the thoughts away and let Josh finish off the head.

The third day, your humanly instincts were fading. You didn't need rescue, you needed food. You shared the body with Josh, sucking all of the marrow out of the bones. You barely shared words anymore, just a mixture of growls, snarls, and screeches.

From then on, you could my count the days, you couldn't control yourself. You didn't feel cold, and your vision was rapidly fading. You weren't confined to the dark mines anymore, but spread out with Josh to the outside in search for more food. This was how life was now, but you kept your promise, you never left his side.

Heyy loves! Hope you enjoyed this one, I enjoyed writing it. I know it's also sorts depressing, but Wendigos are just so cool! Working on a Mike x Reader Christmas thing, and in pretty excited for that one to come out. But there's one thing I must confess, I'm taking a small break from writing for like a few days, but I have a couple of stories prepared. I got addicted to Agents of shield and I just can't stop watching it, so far I've binged watched season 1 and half of season 2 in a few days. So until finish it, I am taking a break. But don't worry, I'm there's only 1 more season left. Cya soon loves, byeeeeeeee 🎄😍

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