Chris X Ashley

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Trigger Warning: swearing

I don't know what to do. We have to get out of here. She has to get out of here. I have to save her.

"Chris! Please! He's right behind us!" She was panicked and afraid as the killer chased us through the labyrinth of a basement.

"I don't want to die Chris...not now...not today..." A light flow of tears, drifting down her face and the terror in her eyes made me want to bash the killers face in.

Why was he doing this? What did we ever do to him? I couldn't care less about me, but her? She's done nothing wrong for god sakes!

"Ash, listen to me, your not going to die." I tried to calm her down, yet it was nearly impossible due to the fact I was freaking out myself.

We've come to a dead end, and his heavy foot steps were looming closer and closer by the second. There was no were to run, no were to hide. The only thing I could do was try and protect her. I wrapped my arms around her, using myself as a human shield. The killer was practically face to face with us now.

"Leave us alone you fucker!" I yelled at him, yet it only made him laugh.

"Oh Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris. You think you can stop me? You'll never be able to protect her from me. I'll always find a way." His sick distorted voice echoed in my ears.

Ashley, now sobbing into my shoulder, was hysterical.

"Oh, your trying to protect her? Let's see about that." He chuckled.

"No! I will protect her! You can't and won't get to her!" Yelling in his face.

"Nighty, night." The killer put a mask to my face, which, in seconds, started to knock me unconscious.

"No! Please! Get off of me! Don't do this!" Was the last thing I heard.

I knew what he was doing. Showing me that he was in control, not me. I couldn't protect her, and it killed me.

I awoke in a room with a small screen window. I picked myself off of the floor and looked around, then it hit me. Were's Ashely. He took her. He has her. Torturing her. Hurting her.

"Hello again Chris. I thought you would like to see something. Please, walk over to the window." He said over a loud speaker.

In the pit of my stomach I knew what he was going to show me, I just didn't want to believe it. I wanted to think it was something else, but I knew Ashley was behind that screen. Right out of my protection. Right out of the little safety and comfort I could manage to provide her.

I slowly walked over, and looked into the screen. Just as I thought, there she was. Hanging by her hands, unconscious, with a black eye. He hit her.

"Why did you hit her?!?" I yelled, my anger getting the best of me.

"Oh, that should be the least of your worries. What I'm going to do now is going to be a lot worse." Chuckling, he walked into the room with her.

Please let this be a nightmare. My worst fear, come true. So close to her, yet so far, just out of my reach. He could get to her, and I couldn't do a thing.

Her eyes fluttered open. Now was his time.

"Perfect timing Ashley. Your just in time for the act." He said before going back into the room, coming out with a hot branding iron.

"Oh my God. Please don't. Hurt me instead. Not her. Don't." I begged.

Ashley, now knowing what was happening, was absolutely freaking out. She was squirming, screaming, crying for my help.


It pained me so so much. I couldn't help her. I begged to him again. It was no use.

"So, were should I tattoo her? Hum? Her face? Her back? No, you won't be able to see it happen from there. Oh, I know we're." He pulled up her shirt, stopping right before her chest.

It made me so mad. So upset. He could do anything he wanted. She was absolutely ballistic now. Squirming around like a fish on a hook.

He held the branding iron right up to her pale, delicate skin. It killed me.

"Watch closely Chris."

I didn't know to turn away or not. Should I look out of respect for her, in a sense she didn't have to go through it alone? Or should I turn my head to shield me from her pain. I squinted, half looking, half not.

He pushed the hot iron against her skin, making Ashley scream at the top of her lungs. I didn't even know that I was crying until I felt the tears on my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Ash! I wish I could protect you! I'm sorry!" I yelled.

After leaving it there for a couple more seconds, he pulled it off. The mark was terrible. Her pale soft skin, now a bright red with a dark indentation.

He cut off her ties after, allowing her to fall to the floor. He walked out of the room, and suddenly the door opened allowing me to get to her. I immediately ran to her side, yet she just laid on the floor with her shirt still up crying in pain.

I didn't know what to do. How to treat her. I had nothing cold. Snow - I had to get outside.

"Ash, I'm here. Don't worry, I'll help you." I tried calming her.

"It burns so bad! So bad Chris!" She yelled.

I knew she wasn't walking anywhere anytime soon. I scooped her up off of the floor, and ran as fast as I could to the exit.

Finally, we made it back to the cabin, and I laid her down on the couch.

"It's going to be fine. I have you now. I'll help you." I ran to the closest door, opened it, grabbed a snow ball, and came back to her.

She was still crying. I couldn't even image how that felt.

"Hey, hey Ash. It's fine. Just calm down so I can cool it off." I soothingly said.

She somewhat stopped moving. I gently lifted her shirt to find the red inflamed mark. Slowly, I lightly placed the snow on it. I could see the immediate relief in her face as she let out a sigh.

She looked at me, thanking me in a way, without any words. She wasn't  moving nearly as much now, but I knew it wasn't perfectly better either.

I don't know why, but I had the urge to kiss her. To attempt to make all of her problems go away. And that's what I did.

I slowly placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She didn't take to long to accept. Once I pulled away, she gave me a soft smile, despite all of the pain she had just been through.

"Thank you Chris. Thank you for trying your best to protect me and helping me when I needed you the most."

"Thank you for being everything I need. I'm so sorry I couldn't kill that guy right there and then. I wish I could have..." She cut me off with another kiss.

"I love you." We both said in unison.

Hope this one was good enough for you @GRIMlock14 I added a little more horror into it, and made Josh a little bit of a more cruel character, but in the end I managed to make it decent. Once again, Enjoy! 😘

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