Josh x Sam

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Trigger Warning: none

Today was the day I've been dreading for quite a while now, putting it off whenever I could, always rescheduling, but now, it must be done.

I always hated the dentist and I have a feeling that I'm going to hate them even more now. Today is the day I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled.

I know I couldn't do it alone, needing someone to drive me there and back, to help me through it, as well as take care of me when I'm on laughing gas. What better people to call then my best friends, Josh, Hannah, and Beth.

Hannah and Beth were, of course, my best friends, as well as Josh, yet we had something different, something ..... special. I told myself Josh was just a good friend, I tricked my mind into believing that he was the kind of person that you loved, but as a friend you knew for years on end. Yet, not in my mind, but in my heart, I knew I had fallen for him along time ago.

Quack Quack Quack

I heard my phone go off. I looked over to the glowing screen and saw Joshes name appear. Involuntary, a smile spread across my face.

Because no one was around, I allowed my face the small indulgence of smiling to his name, along with his picture, the one I chose purposely of us at the carnival, right after I stuck cotton candy to his face, because I knew every time I saw it, it would remind me of the happy times we spent together.

I picked up the phone and read, "Ready to get high on laughing gas Sammy? Remember, you never know what your going to say on that stuff..." , I could just image the sly smirk on his face, yet I couldn't deny his logic. I could only hope that I won't confess myself while I'm with him.

"Oh, and what do you think that will be Joshie? You think your getting anything special out of me?" I replied.

"Maybe not while your full guard is up, but you know what they say, hit it when it's weak." I laughed at his remark, always having some witty comment to reply with.

"Who said that I'll be weak?"

"We'll see about that when we're there. We're coming to get you now, be there in five minutes Sammy."

I went down into the school lobby and stepped outside. I fiddled with my phone to pass the few minutes before Josh and his sisters pulled up.

He rolled down the window, "So, you ready to get your teeth ripped out of you mouth?", he joked, wincing at his gesture, knowing I hated the dentist.

"Oh, don't be so squeamish Sammy, barely even hurt when I got mine out." Still with a warm smile on his face.

"I bet it's gonna be fine Sam, and it's definitely gonna be interesting when you get out and your on gas..." She smirked, sharing a glance with Beth and then looking back at me. They always wanted us to get together.

"Let's just get this over and done with." I hoped into the car, dreading what was to come my way.

I slumped into my chair as we rode to the dentist, fear filling me every second closer. We stopped in the parking lot, and I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Josh must've seen it in my face, because he turned to me and gently put his hand on my shoulder and said "Hey. Listen, I know it's scary, but your one of the strongest people I know. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine."

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