Chirs X Ashley

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Trigger Warning: none

As always, I let him drag me into this. Why you might ask, well because I love him and he's my best friend.

There we sat at the small caffe by our school, which we should be in right now, "Chris, tell me again why you made me skip for this?" I asked annoyed, for my day hasn't been going as planned.

He sipped from his coffee and looked at me with a warm smile on his face, "Because you were having a bad day, and algebra wasn't going to help your case either."

He was right, I don't think I could've taken Mrs. Donavan's algebras class right now, and I did need a booster.

"Looks like you know just what I needed then." I sipped my pumpkin spice macchiato, getting warmth from the cool fall weather. I turned my head slightly to look out from the window, watching the colorful shriveled leaves fall from the trees.

"So, got any plans for Halloween?" I asked, trying to find a topic for conversation.

"Me and Josh are gonna be big babies this year."

"Aren't you two that daily?" I joked, learning from Chris because I was always around him.

"Oh well played, but I don't think we could top you girls going as emojis." I giggled at our costume idea. I'm being the kissy face, while Sam is the winky face, Emily blushing face, Jess as the smirk, Beth as heart eyes and Hannah as the one and only laughing face.

"You're right on that one, we're going to be soooo fabulous.." I laughed, knowing how stupid both of us are going to look.

"Oh Ash, you look amazing in anything you wear." I blushed at his compliment, for I always love when he made me feel special.

"You're such a nerd, but you're my nerd." I reached over the table and gently hit his arm, making him chuckle, the one I wish I could just put in my pocket and carry around with me. God I love this guy.

Just I was starting to get comfortable, I took a look at my phone, the time flashing on the screen, realizing that the period would've just ended.

"Oh shit Chris! We've gotta get back!" I quickly got up and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the door. Our school was literally right up the block, so if we ran, we could make it by next class.

I hurriedly ran down the block, still pulling Chris along, but he obviously wasn't in as much as a rush I was.

"Don't worry Ash, we'll be fine! If we're late we can just tell them we were in the bathroom or something." He continued to follow me, but wasn't going as fast.

I continued to go, and we got there right after the second bell rang. Oh shit, now we're screwed.

"Come on, we'll make it, don't worry." He held his hands out and walked backwards, talking in a calm voice. But before he knew it, he bumped right into Principal Franklin. Big mistake.

I saw his face cringe at the feeling of bumping into the tall man behind him, now we were caught.

"And what do the two of you think you're doing?" He asked in his stern voice, with his hands on his hips.

"Oh, Principal Franklin, didn't even recognize you. Did you get a new hair cut?" Chris turned around, looking up into his icy glare. He always tried to get himself out of things, but this time it wasn't working.

"So, think you can skip class and get away with it huh? And who's idea was it, you Ashley?" He now turned to me, staring me down.

"I ah..not exactly but-" I was cut off by Chris who no stood in front of me.

"Nope, it was all me. I literally dragged her out, I wanted company on my mischievous journey, take me instead." He held out his hands like he was going to get hand cuffed, which made me giggle, but luckily I managed to hide it.

"Very well, I guess you'll take responsibility for both of your detentions." He pulled out a detention slip from his pocket and wrote down how many he received with the date and times.

"Don't let it happen again Christopher, or the consequences will be more severe." He began to turn around and walk through the hallways.

"Thanks for the gift, I'll treasure it!" Chris shouted at him from the other end of the hall, making an echo. Once he was gone I giggled at Chris and hugged him.

"Thanks for taking the blame for me, such a sweetheart today are you?" I held onto his torso and looked up at him, making him smile.

"I'll receive as many detentions as I must to save you m'lady." He bowed and waved his hand downwards.

"Well, doesn't the brave knight deserve a prize?" He asked, adjusting his glasses with pride.

I giggled and stood up on my tippy toes, barley reaching his lips, giving him a small peck, just to tease him. I pulled away and began to walk down the hall.

"Oh, you can't just tease me with that!" He followed me hastily, with his arms out wide.

"Go to class you nerd.." I giggled once more, heading toward my bio class. I left him standing there, a smirk on his face.

"After school I'm gonna track you down and get some more of that.." He said before going down the other hall, heading to his next class.

Man, he couldn't get any better then that.

Here it is guys, my first story in weeks! Since school has been tough, I figured I would write about it! Hope you enjoyed it, sorry if it was short, and I'll do my best to write more when I get great ideas from you guys or I get one. Thanks for reading loves 😘

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