Josh X Reader

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Trigger Warning: suggestive

Why did I take her out again? I remember what happened last time I took her to a club, but I thought this time it would be better, she promised me she wouldn't drink as much, but she did anyway. I hated seeing her with all of those guys on her. It made me angry. So jealous. So worried.

I loved her, I wish I just had the guts to tell her how I felt. But wouldn't that just ruin everything?

"Woahhhh!" She yelled as more guys surrounded her while she danced.

I hated sitting there and just watching, but what could I do? Go up and get her out of there, but how was I getting through all of those horny teenagers.

I sat back in my chair, taking a small sip from my drink, watching disgusted at what they were doing. Now, they were grabbing her, touching her, closing in on her, I couldn't, I couldn't let her practically get raped.

Rage filled my body, my blood boiled as I slammed my drink on the counter.

"Hey! Get off of her!" I yelled at all of them, getting their attention.

"What's it to you?" One growled.

I furrowed my eyes and punched him right in the nose, getting a shocked expression in return.

"Anyone else want some?" I yelled, and shortly they started to scattered.

As for the rest of them, I pushed them aside and grabbed her arm.

"Who are you anyway bro?" One hissed.

"Her brother." I lied, trying to get the rest of them off of her.

"Wha? No yo-" I cut her off, not wanted to be caught in my lie, "Let's get out of here." I pulled her through the club, outside to the front of my truck.

"What the fuck Josh?" She yelled, absolutely wasted.

"I wasn't about to let you get raped by a bunch of horny guys with STDs." I said annoyed as I pulled her into then truck, driving her back to my house.

"Josh, I was just about to get it, and you scared them all away! I just wanted to have some fuunn...." She giggled, falling back into her chair. I sighed, hating the way she acted when she was like this.

"Come on, let's get you inside (Y/N)" I picked her up out of my truck, and carried her inside, knowing there was a slim chance of her actually walking in.

I laid her on the couch, and sat down next to her putting on the TV to some pointless channel. She just closed her eyes giggling, while she wiggled on the couch.

She opened her eyes and crawled up on me, kissing me slowly. I wanted her for so long. I kissed back and pulled her close to me, but something felt wrong. I wanted her, but not like this. She ran her hands through my hair, continuing kissing me. I smelt the heavy alcohol on her breath, and knew this wasn't her.

I slowly pushed her away saying "No..(Y/N), this isn't how I wanted this." I pulled away from her warm touch, keeping my eyes closed.

"But Josh, I want you..." She pulled me back, grabbing me, making me moan. I trembled in my sexual thoughts, my temptation growing. I had to fight back my lustful thoughts, my wants.

"No, not when you're wasted, not like this." I said, now getting up, leaving her on the couch, watching me with her lonely eyes.

I lifted her up, accepting only the kisses she gave me as I carried her upstairs, laying her in the guest bedroom.

"Joshieee...please stay with me, sleep with me..." She grabbed my pants before I walked out.

I only chuckled, prying her hand off of my pants, gently kissing her on her forehead.

"If the offer still stands tomorrow, then I'll gladly accept, but right now, you need some sleep (Y/N)" I said in the door way, slowly closing the door.

"Okay Joshie, goodnight." She yawned, giving up on perusing me.

I went into my bedroom, getting in my bed, knowing that what I did was right. I slowly shut my eyes, drifting off into sleep.


My eyes fluttered open, feeling cold from the crisp cold air of the morning. I yawned, and slipped out of my bed, stretching my stiff muscles. I left my bedroom, and walked over to the guest bedroom, quietly peeking into the door. She was still sound asleep, not like I expected other wise due to her drinking, so I decided to go downstairs and start on breakfast.

She always told me how my pancakes were the best, so I decided to make a stack of those for us, with some bacon and juice. Just as I was finishing cleaning up, I heard footsteps coming down from the steps.

"Morning sunshine." I joked as she mixed a yawn with a soft smile.

"All of this for lil'ol me?" She replied as she sat down at the table, taking a sip of the orange juice I had poured for her.

I assumed she hadn't remembered last night, so I just pretended as it didn't happen, going over to the table, sitting down next to her and taking a fork full of my pancakes.

"Oh, and Josh, I just wanted to thank you, for last night. Thanks for getting me out of those guys hands and also for, you know....not giving into me..." She said shyly, looking down at her plate.

I blushed, wishing she didn't remember.

"I was just doing the right thing, I wasn't gonna let those guys use you, and..I wasn't going to use you either.." I gave her a soft smile, knowing that I wasn't going to take advantage of her when she was vulnerable.

"And that's what I love about you Josh, you didn't take advantage of me or use me because I was wasted, you helped me. And, if you want, the offer does still stand." She winked at me with a smirk across her face.

I blushed, but also replied with a smirk, "Maybe later we can continue from last night, but with both of use aware.."

"Sounds like a plan.." She giggled.

Hope you guys like it, I just had this idea because I could see Josh doing this. I'm working on more requests, but I'm not sure when they'll be out because I have a lot going on this week. To start off, I have school which sucks, but it's also my birthday on Friday, and I'm gonna be busy with that, but I'll get more out ASAP. Thanks for reading 😘💖

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