Sam x Reader

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Trigger Warning: none

I don't know if I was more afraid or excited to be on the frost bitten mountain again. After what happened last year, it was rough, but I was finally getting to spend more time with my Sammy again. I missed her, even though we did hang out regularly, it was finally my chance to confess my growing feelings for her.

Chris and I came down together, and we're waiting at the cable car to come when Sam finally arrived.

"Sammy, is that actually you? Or is that just munchkin roaming around these woods?" I joked, I was a giant compared to her.

"Har'd har har." She fake laughed, making me chuckle.

She came to me, accepting my hug with open arms. We stayed there for a solid 30 seconds before breaking apart.

"So, ya miss me Sammy?" I put a goofy grin on and held my arms up high.

"How could I not miss my big teddy bear?" She cocked her head to the side and giggled.

"Oh, I already knew that, I was just checking." I approached her and ruffled her blonde hair.

"(Y/N)! It took me all day to get it like that!" She playfully punched my arm.

"Sorry to break up your little moment, but I'd like to actually get to the mountain." Chris cut into our conversation.

"Your right, the cable car is here anyways." Sam walked to the cable car station, with me following close behind.

"Thanks for ruining the moment bro." I playfully growled at Chris.

"No problem bro." He laughed as we all boarded the cable car.

"So, any "special plans" this weekend with Ashely?" I smirked at Chris.

"Wha? Me? No..uh no... I mean.. Uh." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down, avoiding eye contact with us.

Sam and I both chuckled.

"Chris, we all know you and Ashley like each other. Why don't you just go for it already." Sam said.

"I never wanted to ruin our friendship and I'm afraid she is going to reject me and things will just get awkward. It's better off if I just leave things the way they are." Chris replied.

"Don't you want to take things to the next level?" I questioned.

"Of course I do...Its just never going to work."

After that, Chris and Sam carried on a conversation, yet I just looked out of the window, gazing at the beautiful, yet treacherous mountain. I always had an eery feeling about it, I knew something was off, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

We arrived at the mountain and left the cable car, greeted by Jess. We all hugged and said our hellos, then continuing into to the snowy forest to the lodge.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna stay behind and wait for anyone else who comes." Jess walked back to the station, sitting on a bench.

"Yeah, you mean Mike." Chris mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Jess replied.

"Nothing. See you at the lodge." And with that, we walked into the dark forest, giving me a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

We all stayed silent, because each one of us didn't have the courage to break the silence. I knew all of us felt that dark feeling, something was watching us.

About 5 minutes into our walk, we heard something equivalent to foot steps straight ahead of us.

"Uh, guys, was I the only one who heard that?" Sam huddled into me.

"Nope, me too." I agreed.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." Chris edged us foward, making us continue walking, when a dark figure jumped out in front of us, attempting to chase us.

"RUNNN!" I yelled, pulling Sam along with me, Chris following close behind us.

The figure chased us further into the forest. We couldn't run anymore, fearing what else lies in the uncharted area of the woods, we we decided to hide behind some trees.

"Sam, I just wanted to let you know, I..I always loved you."

In return, she pulled me close, stood on her tippy toes, and touched her warm lips against my own. At least I can say I got to kiss her before I die.

We stayed there until the figure came to a stop, pulled off its hood, and yelled "Guys! It's just a joke! Come back!" The familiar voice chuckled.

We stopped, panting from all of the running, "Josh! You ass!" Sam broke away from me, and leaned onto her knees.

"What? It's just a joke!" He chuckled.

"You got us good bro." Chris laughed and fist bumped him.

"Well we're not laughing." I growled, scared for both Sam and I's life.

And that's when we heard it. A monstrous screech coming from father into the woods. We all turned to look, and saw an awful sight. Everyone of us stood as still as statues with wide eyes.

It moves in spider like motions and made sounds I have never heard before. I closed my eyes and carefully pulled Sam closer to me. She whimpered and pushed her face into my shoulder.

That's when Josh snapped,"I gotta get outta here man!" Running away from the creature, making a fatal mistake.

The creature ran to him, picked him up by his head, and ripped right into his stomach, making Sam cry heavier into my shoulder. I pressed my eyes closed even tighter. I saw Chris start to shake heavier.

It went farther into the dark forest, dragging Josh's body with it. Once the coast was clear, my body went limp, making me a Sam fall to the floor. Chris curled up into a ball and rocked on the floor.

Sam and I huddled on the floor, just holding each other, not knowing what to do next. If we move, it may come back. Josh was killed right before our eyes. What was that thing? All I know is that I was going to protect her no matter what.

Ughhh so sorry, I know it's terrible and I don't have a good ending. I rushed this one and I didn't have a good inspiration for it either. Either way, I hope you somewhat enjoyed it @MaileruSenpai. I'm going to try to get one out tomorrow. Byeeee 💗

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