Mike x Sister

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Trigger Warning:  slight gore, swearing

You were in the lodge, condemned to stillness as the Wendigos prowled around the three of you, searching for its prey, which in this unlucky situation, was you. It's screech rang throughout your ears and it was taking every last drop of will power you had left not to cry out for Mike's help, as you always did when you needed someone to come and protect you, and who was better for the job then your big brother.

Mike had just gotten a great idea, to blow the lodge to bits with the Wendigos inside, but the one flaw was, was that all of you were still in it.

The lucky portion of your friends stood at the many exits of the lodge, just waiting for the right time to sprint out, but you with your bad luck, of course  had to be stuck dead center in the middle.

You were terrified for Mike's sake; he was the one who had to break the lightbulb, which required walking across the room. This was a dangerous task, and you knew you couldn't live without your big brother. You loved him, even though he was the biggest fuckboy in the entire school.

You mouthed multiple times for him to be careful, yet being your brother, he made just one move to quick while drawing his hand from the broken light bulb, drawing the creatures attention.

Now, your heart was racing more the before, something you didn't even think was possible, but apparently, it was. It couldn't kill Mike, you wouldn't want to live without him.

You knew what you had to do, it was your turn to be the protecter, to be the one who saved your sibling. You built up your courage, telling yourself this was for the time he broke your ex-boyfriends nose for cheating on you, for the time he took the blame for the stupid house party you threw, and for all the times he had just plain been there for you when you needed him.

He was looking you straight in your eyes, knowing he was basically reading your thoughts.

Don't do it. I swear to god don't do it (Y/N)

He mouthed over and over again, the creature getting closer to him with ever large step. Even if he hated you forever after this, you still had to do it. You couldn't let him die, not after everything he's done for you.

"Hey! Over here!" You yelled, making the creature immediately whip it's head around to your direction.

You saw Mike's face, which showed utter fear, shock, and sadness all in one. You mouthed I love you before having the courage to look the creature in the eye. It knew where you were, and it wasn't giving up this time.

It picked you up forcefully by your throat, which sent even more adrenaline shooting through your veins. Your instinct was to call out for Mike, and since it had already gotten you, you didn't see the harm in doing so.

"MIKE! MIKE! PLEASE MIKE!" You cried, not exactly knowing what your screaming was going to accomplish exactly.

"NO! (Y/N)! WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?!" He yelled back to you in a tone you had never heard your brother talk in before. It was pure sadness, hurt, loss, everything that you never wanted to hear coming from his mouth.

Before you had a chance to respond, the creature shoved it sharp claws right through your stomach with ease, sending waves of pain throughout your body, yet it didn't last long before you eyes began to role to the back of your head and everything around you, including your pain, started to drift away.

Your vision was gone now, but your hearing was still somewhat in tact, which you really wish wasn't, mostly because your were still able to hear the whimpers of Sam and the cries of Mike, who were still desperately trying to stay still, Mike more less now that he had lost you. You also heard all of your innards fall to the floor with a sickening plop, which was something you never ever wanted to hear.

Mike's cries became louder, and you wished so badly that you could tell him to shut his big mouth right now. After you were thrown to the floor forcefully, all of your senses, at least the ones that you had left, we're starting to die down now, knowing you were nearing the end. The only thing you regret was not being able to hug him, tell him you loved him and tell him how great of a brother he was one last time.

Third Person

Mike did his best to hold himself together as he watched the color drain from his sisters face, mostly for Sam's sake, for he decided that life wasn't worth living after what he had experienced and what he had lost.

Slowly but surely, he backed out of the cabin, leaving Sam to do the rest so he could let out all of the tears that were begging to pour out of his eyes. As soon as he escaped the lodge, he collapsed into the icy snow, holding his face in his hands, tears streaming down his filthy face. Not soon after, the lodge burst into flames, Sam flying out due to the blast. Once she had gotten up, she went over to him, pulling him off of the ground.

"H-hey Mike, it's okay. I bet she's in a better pla-place now." Sam was trying to get him to at least stop crying, but she was doing her best of holding back the tears herself. She died right there. Right in front of them. They could've done something. They should've done something.

"Fuck, Sam after all night of keeping her safe she fucking dies to one of my screw ups! We were so close to getting home safe! It should've been me!"

Sam didn't know what to say. She was speechless.

"I should've been the one saving her! Not the other way around! She's my baby sister, it's my job to protect her!" He sobbed more into Sam's shoulder.

"She's really gone...she's gone.." Mike's mood changed from anger directed at himself, softening to realization that she's gone, and she's never coming back.

"I-I'm sorry Mike."

By @foolishdesires
Why must you risk your life
just to save mine?
If it were to keep me safe,
I knew you'd put your life on the line
So this time it was my turn
From you I led them my way
Although their claws stabbed through my heart,
I was happy
You got away

Hope you enjoyed @Ririrocks23 I actually really enjoyed writing this one because I love picturing how all of them would do as big brothers and sisters and their reactions of failing to protect them. I hope it's not to short, I was pretty satisfied with the length so I hope you are to. Thanks for all of your support, see you next time! Handigo x Fem reader should be coming out soon as well! 😘☄✨💗

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