Hangido x Reader 2

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Trigger Warning: cannibalism

No more cold. No more pain. No more.

Hunger. Hunger. Hunger. You must eat. Must eat.


Bones snapped in between your molars. You ran your tongue over the broken edges, sucking out the marrow.

When did you even get food? When did you get outside? What were you eating? Or who were you eating? You didn't care, as long as there was more of it.

A screech pierced your ears. What was making that? Was it you? Was it Hannah? Was it one of the others?

Everything was a big blur, especially your vision. All you were aware of was small red patches here and there. Were those moving things?


Another one, this time you know not from you. Our of pure instinct you screeched back. You didn't even know you could make that noise.

Finishing up the pile of flesh that was in front of you, you stood up. When did you get this tall? Your legs were slim and long, as well as your arms. Your back was curved and the blades of your spin were starting to jut out from you newly formed skin. Your teeth were as sharp as blades, and they now cut into the sides of your cheeks. You weren't yourself anymore, you were a monster. Only bags of your cloths remained draped loosely over your body, your hair much thinner then before.

You screeched, calling for whatever made the screech before you.

This time, a large red looking patch moved into your vision, then another noise was heard. You were fighting off the urge to attack it, but the pull was strong. This time, it wasn't just a plain screech, but more. Like a high pitched whisper, repeating your name over and over again.


You screeched back, this time doing your best go call Hannah's name.

Again, you heard another low, high pitched word.

"Thank youuuuu...."

Was this creature really Hannah? Thanking you? Was she happy that you stayed?

Again you tried to get in contact with her.


This time, the large red patch in front you moved again, and you watched closely to were it was moving. It jumped from tree to tree, and you followed it carefully. Only rarely it turned around to talk to you again.


You did as you were told and followed her through the forest. Soon enough, you came across a burnt down lodge. Did you know this place? You felt like you did. Your memories we're fading, and you could only remember small parts of your past self. You worked hard trying to remember, you had to. That was the whole point of this.

Digging into your broken mind, you pulled out the memories of what you used to look like, your friends. How you used to laugh and play games, what this lodge used to look like. What both the good and bad memories you made here were. You were (Y/N). You were a girl that turned into a monster for her best friend.

"Missed you.."

You hissed out, finally clearing your thoughts.

"Friend..." She replied.

"What happened to old friends..."

Since you couldn't see her facial expressions, you just watched the red patch shuffle its position.

"I'm not good...not good...hurt them...hurt brother..."

You couldn't find a hint of sadness or regret in the odd noise that scrambled into words, nor see any emotion on her face, mostly because you only saw in red and blue now, but you could tell how sorry she was through her somewhat words.

She wasn't in control any more. She didn't want to hurt any of you on that night. It was the hunger. The current hunger you were feeling now.

"Forgiveee you... Do forgive me??...." You questioned.

"Stuppiddd prank...forgive you...."

She did remember. You didn't think she would, and you hoped she wouldn't, but she did. She remembered what her friends did to her over a year ago. But you were happy she forgave you. You appreciated that you could finally find the little humanity left trapped inside a monster.

Your ears started to pick up more noise, and your head whipped around. You turned to find two human like figures glowing red in your vision. Now it started to take over again. The monster inside. The hunger. You couldn't control yourself, you couldn't talk to Hannah anymore. You couldn't remember who you were again. Now it was just you and the hunger. And it wanted to be satisfied.

Two deep voices came from the red figures, and you assumed thy were male. You didn't know the voices, which made you feel better about what you were doing. You left out another blood curdling screech. They stopped in there tracks, making you lose the red patches. Shit. Luckily, you could still detect the noises they were making, which led you to the two.

With a swift motion, their heads were clean off  and you were already dragging one of bodies into your lair, allowing Hannah to drag the other one, mostly to keep her happy. Before you even knew it, the bodies were completely devoured and you were already looking for more. Will this hunger ever be satisfied?

You heard Hannah speak up again in another screech.


You agreed with her.

Again, you realized, you were back outside again. You were still hungry. You didn't remember much of the previous time spent killing and eating.
You hated it. Hated killing. Hated forgetting. Hated losing control. But this was your life now, and there was still guilt planted at the back of your mind thinking this is how Hannah spent the last year, alone as well.

This was your new life. This was the sacrifice to be with Hannah again.

"Be with you...be with you...until end.." 

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry about the delay, but for me, it was thanksgiving and I had so much to do to prepare. I've been really busy cooking and stuff. This is a part 2 to the Handigo x reader and I know I usually don't do part twos, but because it was so requested I decided to write it, and I kinda loved the topic of how the Wendigos interact, even though I know thy compete for food and more when it comes to living around each other. But I decided to make them 'friends' just for the sake of the plot. Hope you enjoyed, I'm kinda in the mood for writing depressing stories for some reason, even though I'm not really depressed right now, so I think I'll do something like that. Thanks for reading, cya loves later and hope you had a happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it😘😜🦃🍂

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