Matt x Reader

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Trigger Warning: none

That horrific night, finally over. I couldn't be more relieved. And thank God (Y/N) is alright. I just hope she doesn't hate me though, and I'll hope she understands that I didn't abandon her back there. I tried to get her, I did, but if I didn't jump, I wouldn't be here right now.

She just sat at the other end of the helicopter, staring into blank space, not particularly ignoring me, but everyone and everything around her. I have to apologize when we land, I have to set things right.

We landed in 5 minutes at the police station to be interviewed.

I got out of the helicopter and approached her, saying "(Y/N), I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to leave you there! I swear on everything. I tried to get you, I did but-" I was cut off by a tight hug.

"Matt, do you really think I'm mad at you? If you would've went any farther down to get me, you would've fallen as well and died. If anything, you should be mad at me. I didn't mean to come off as to friendly to Mike. I really hope you can forgive me...." She drifted off, holding her hands together, looking down to the floor.

The butterflies I had when I first met her came back to me. She did care about me. I was mad at her about the whole Mike thing, but I definitely wouldn't let her die for it, I loved her.

I chuckled, showing my first sign of emotion all night long. I didn't respond, yet pulled her into a kiss. She gently kisses back, coming to me for comfort.

"Excuse me, kids, it's time for the interview." A officer tapped on my shoulder.

Sadly, I pulled away," Oh, uh yeah, sorry."

My hand, that was on her waist, now worked its way to her fingers, holding her hand lightly, gently pulling her along with me.

The interviews were torture, due to the fact that the stupid interviewers wouldn't believe us. Why would we lie about such a horrible fate? Do they think we were trying to cover up a murder! They have some nerve....

I was one of the first people to get out of the interview room, and when (Y/N) got out, she was in tears.

I immediately went over to her, "What's wrong (Y/N)?" I said comforting her.

"Matt...they think..they think we murdered those people.." She sopped into my shoulder, making my jacket damp.

"Hey, hey, they will never be able to convict you of a crime as long as I'm around. I know what hell you've been through in those mines. If anything, they should be paying you for compensation of mental torture..." I tried to calm her down, rubbing her back in wide circles.

"Wha..what if they don't believe us... I don't want to go to will remind me to much of that god damn sanatarium  with all of those things tied up." She still was heavily sobbing into my shoulder, making her words muffled and unclear, yet I still could understand her.

"Let's not think about that now, let's just go to the hospital and get checked out ok? I bet your head is killing you." She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me, still sniffling from all of the crying.

I gently placed my hand on her face and slowly whipped her tears away, making sure to avoid the gash under her eye.

She sniffled one more time before saying "Yeah, I guess your right, my face is throbbing.", She leaned into my chest again.

We got into the van, hand in hand and the rangers drove has down to the hospital. Despite all of our arguing, they checked everyone of us into the hospital giving us our own rooms, a special floor, and even a confined space. I'm guessing they thought we were crazy, because all of us were put onto the same floor with our rooms next to each other's, but to get off of our floor, someone had to open it with a key card.

I mean, I wasn't complaining. I would like to go back go the comfort of my own home, but being taken care of and having peace and quite for a couple days didn't seem to bad either.

Everyone was evaluated by a doctor and made themselves at home in their room.  Thankfully, I only had a few stitches, a sprained rib and a minor concussion, considering I was the lucky ones.

Once the doctor left, I slowly made my way into (Y/N)'s room to find her hooked up to IVs and heart rate monitors. I hated to admit it, but she looked awful. Her face had a combination of staples and stitches to close up the major cut under her eye, she had a hard cast covering her left wrist, and  it seemed like she was being prepped for surgery. I wasn't sure what to say. 

I quietly walked in, not wanting to disturb her "He..hey." I said sheepishly.

She gave me the best of what she could muster of a warm smile due to her swollen face, "Hey." She replied in a hoarse voice.

I couldn't handle it, I knew I could've prevented all of these injuries. Why couldn't I have grabbed her hand...

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry I couldn't of helped you. I just wish I could switch spots." I tried to express how sorry o felt about all of this.

"Matt, it's fine. None of this is your fault. And trust me, it looks a lot worse then it is. Just a few stitches and staples in my face, a broken wrist, and a broken rib. I'm going into surgery soon so they can put medal plates in my broken rib to place it while it heals." She tried to reassure me, but I wasn't buying it.

"If that's what you mean better then it looks, I think you've got amnesia as well." I joked awkwardly.

"Oh Matt, it just looks scary cause of all the fancy machines, that's all." Still trying to make it look a lot better then it is.

"Matt, I'm fine, I swear." The doctor called in, saying she was coming in to get her for surgery.

To be quite honest, this was one of the easiest things she had to do tonight, and just as she started to fool me, she broke, "Matt, I'm not fine. I'm scared. I'm in pain. Please, stay with me until I have to go in.." She said as if it was a task.

"I was going to stay with you even if you tried to push me away." I chuckled, making her smile.

I leaned down, and as soft as I could be, I placed a small kiss on the top of her lips, "I will be with you until the end, I will never leave your side, I will never let you fall without me by your side, even if it means losing my life. I love you (Y/N)."

Hope you enjoyed! Took me until 2 am to write, but it was totally worth it! Sorry if the ending is bad, just couldn't find the right wording for it, but I hope the stories ok @livelifelovemas @_N3k0_ 💖💗😘. Cya tomorrow and thanks again for reading! Byeee😘

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