Chris X Ashely

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Trigger Warning: none

I knocked on Chris' door after trying a countless number of times to come and take care of him before.

"Chris, come on! Let me in! I don't care if I get sick trying to take care of you!" I yelled from the other side of the door.

"No one wants your Girl Scouts cookies!" He joked from the other side of the door with his stuffy nose.

"What if I said I have more services then just Girl Scouts cookies?" I replied with a smirk on my face.

He immediately opened the door, "So, you say you had more services, huh?" He adjusted his glasses and stood up tall. Oh Chris, even when your sick you have a goofy comment for everything.

"Only if you let me take care of you first." I replied, the smirk still on my face, as I entered his house.

"Oh darn, I thought all it took was dollar bills." We continued over to the couch, were he had tons of cozy blankets, a tissue box, his inhaler, and a countless amount of used tissues on the small glass table in front of it.

"Well my service is a little different then all of the others, considering I only provide to very few audiences." I giggled after my sentence, laughing at my own joke.

"Well then, I guess I hit the jackpot." We plopped down on his couch as I handed him a coffee I brought over from the café, hoping the warmth would sooth his sore throat.

"So, back to business, how are you feeling?" I said before bringing the warm cappuccino to my lips, taking a small sip.

"Eh, the normal 'I have the flu' drill, but I have been improving." He replied before taking a large gulp of his coffee.

"Hey, I smell cappuccino." He brought his stuffy nose up to my cup, taking a somewhat sniff of my coffee.

"Chris, how are you telling me you smell a cappuccino if you can't even take a full sniff of air?" I giggled, wondering how he knew I got a cappuccino for me and a normal cup for him.

"Well, the foam on you lips kinda gives it away." He pointed out the light white foam lingering on my lips.

"Damn, forgot about that. Well you caught me, send me to the cellar, I got the all mighty coffee lover a normal cup instead of a cappuccino." I teased him.

"Oh that is the worst crime out there! You think that punishment will be sufficient? Ha! The punishment for bringing me a regular cup is having to be my slave forever. You must obey my ever command from here on until the day you die." He made his voice sound like an all mighty King, I giggled.

"Now to make sure you sentence was right, you must close your eyes and stay still. Very, very still...." I did as he commanded, going alone with the joke.

Suddenly, I felt his warm lips against mine. I was shocked, but didn't hesitate to kiss back. Sadly, he pulled away quickly.

"Yes, your sentence is now set, for that was definitely a cappuccino." He smacked his lips together, tasting the foam left from my coffee.

"Oh Chris, if you wanted to kiss me so bad, you could've just asked." I said sheepishly.

"Well, I ah, didn't want to get you sick, but, I really needed a taste of that cappuccino." He rubbed the back of his neck as his face got a light shade of scarlet, while he awkwardly chuckled.

"Well the damage that's done is done right?" I replied.

Before giving him a chance to say anything back I pushed my lips into his, feeling his warmth, that was especially high today due to his slight fever. I slowly placed one arm behind his neck, holding onto him tightly. He grabbed my waist, pulling me in closer.

We pulled away coming up for air, "So, how's that for services?" I said with my eyes closed, still holding onto him, our foreheads still touched.

"That's worth a lot more then dollar bills." He chuckled, yet soon after, he fell back into the couch, having a coughing fit. I frantically searched for his inhaler, finding if rolled up in some blankets on the floor. I quickly handed it to him, taking it, he stopped coughing.

"You ok?" I asked shyly, can't helping but feel like I made him cough.

"I'm perfectly fine, but in not sure if you are. You just kissed an infected man." I straightened his glasses that became tilted after coughing so much, then sitting up again.

Before I had a chance to reply, a small sneeze escapes my noise.

"Well at least we can get better and drunk cappuccinos together now."

Hey guys, managed to write one again that I had. Sorry if your looking for your request and it's not out yet, I'm doing my best, especially with all of my homework 😭. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, I personally love crashley, so I really love writing these one. Byee guys, thanks for your patience and understanding 😘💖

Until Dawn|One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora