Sam X Mike

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Trigger Warning: none

"H-Hey Mike?" I questioned sheepishly, did I really have feelings growing for him? I mean, he was a good friend of mine, especially after the lodge, but I've never felt this before.

Jessica was dead, and he always had the scent of a different girl's perfume on almost every night. He was in pain, and I wish I could fix it, I just didn't know how. We hung out almost every day, either at our houses or at a café or something like that.

"Yeah?" He responded bluntly, not looking up from his phone.

" you ever think about...them..." Now he lifted his head from his phone, staring blankly into space, knowing exactly who I was talking about.

"A-all the time.." He drifted off.

"Do you ever wonder how life would be with them still here?" I questioned again tears pooling in my eyes. I missed him. He missed her. We missed them.

He looked over to me, watching a single tear drip out of my eye, "Sam, we can't dwell on the past, we can't do anything about it. We can't ask the what ifs, or the I should have's, cause it won't get us anywhere." I scooted closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder, him placing his arm around me, pulling me closer. This was a common occurrence, for we thought nothing much of it.

This time I wanted to take it farther. I wanted it more then just for comfort. Did I dare to kiss him and ruin the connection we had? I did.

Looking into his comforting eyes, I slowly brought my lips to his. He didn't move his head away, he just held my gaze and prepared for the kiss.

I only allowed myself to lay a small peck on his warm lips before I could take it to far, which I wanted to badly, but I had to tease him, just to see if he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him. I lingered there for a moment, and nibbles on his bottom lip before pulling away.

He just stared at me, or should I say my lips, until he forcefully pushed his lips against mine, not worrying about being gentle any longer. He nibbled my lips, ran his tongue across them, wanting access to my mouth, which I gladly granted.

"Mike..." I moaned his name as he continued down my neck.

"Sam, do you really feel this way about me?" He brought his face close to mine, asking a serious question.

"Yes, I do. Why would've I kissed you if I didn't?" I giggled for once in a while.

"Well, you could've just kissed me for comfort.." He playfully explained his reasons, but I just pulled him closer.

"So...Mike...are you..ah..gonna go for all of those one night stands again?" I asked, looking down into my chest.

He just chuckled, pulling my head into his chest.

"I only did that to help me with the pain, but now I've got you, right?"

"Yeah, yeah you do." I reassured him, letting him know I will always there for him.

"So, what do you say we go get a coffee at the café and spent a little time together?" He said grabbing my hand, helping me off of the couch.

"Thank sounds like a perfect date." I gladly accepting his offer, wanting to be with him for a while now.

"I..I love you Sam." He blurted out as we walked toward the door.

A slight blush appeared on my face, "I..I love you too...Mike.."

We both smiled at each other, happy to have each others love and care.

I just loved the idea of Sam and Mike confessing their feelings for each other, so that's what I did. I know it's short, but I think it's pretty decent. Thanks for all of the support guys, luv ya 💗😘

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