Josh x Sam(sorta)

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Trigger Warning: suicidal thought, swearing

Josh woke up from his drossy slumber, and he could feel that something wasn't right already. He wasn't sure if it was just the hangover making his head throb, or if it was the fact that no one was around when he awoke.

He lifted himself from the bottle filled counter and rubbed his face, doing his best to wake himself up. No - something was definitely wrong, and it wasn't just his handover, he could feel it lurking in the air.

Shaking off the feeling for now, he dragged himself over to the coffee pot, pouring himself a hot cup that seemed to be freshly brewed not to long ago. Luckily, he found the small bottle of blue pills that had helped him so many times present on the counter, which he gladly took.

Taking another sip from his black coffee, he searched around for his friends, surprised that he didn't find Beth cleaning up the dozens of empty bottles scattered around the kitchen.

"Han? Beth?" He called out, peering around the kitchen.

When he received no reply, he decided to search the rest of the cabin. Walking into the living room, he glared out of the glass doors to find his friends gathered around outside, hands stuffed inside their jacket pockets. But two were missing, Hannah and Beth.

Now he was scared, he wasn't sure if he even wanted to go outside. He wasn't sure if he was ready for his whole world to be shattered with awful news. He didn't want to lose the peace that he still had, the peace of he unknowing, the innocent.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the door, mentally preparing himself for what was ahead. Everyone whipped there heads around to face him, yet not one of them could make eye contact with him. There faces were dripping with guilt.

"Guys? What's going on?" He questioned, closing the door behind him.

Everyone stayed silent, even his Sammy couldn't bare to look him in the eyes for more then a few seconds.

Ashley was the only one who could choke out a few words, "T-there was a...a p-prank..."

"What do you mean a prank? Where are my sisters?" His face now hardened and mixed with his confusion.

"Josh.." Sam came up to Josh to comfort him, and somehow he knew that Sam wasn't the bad guy in this situation, she would never do anything to his sisters.

"Tell me what's going on. Now!"

"We pulled this stupid prank, and Hannah ran off into the woods and Beth followed her." Emily choked out, being quick with her words.

At first, Josh wasn't to worried, if they ran out now, they could still find them. It was bright out, the snow had stopped, it wouldn't be to hard.

"So what are we waiting for, let's go and get them. They couldn't have gone to far."

Everyone lowered there heads, afraid to talk.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He said, getting angry. He was pissed that they did something that would drive Hannah into the woods, and even more pissed that they weren't even bothering to find them.

"T-they ran out...last night...w-we were hoping they would've shown up by now.." Ashley replied, guilt coating her words.

His heart dropped, along with the cup of coffee he was holding. Last night? It was snowing, it was dark. They're probably already dead by now. Frozen somewhere in the forest.

"Last. Night. And no one went looking for them! Are you fucking kidding me?!?" He was masking his complete sadness and fear with anger for who ever made them run out into the forest.

Chris and Sam stayed by Josh's side, while the others stood in front of him in shame.

"Who did this?!? What did you do this time!" He yelled, wanting an answer now.

"I-it was all of our idea...we.." Matt couldn't bring himself to continue.

"We told Hannah to meet Mike in the guest room...and..and we hid with cameras..while Hannah..." Jess was quiet with the words she provided Josh.

This filled him with rage. They exploited the one thing that Hannah was vulnerable over - and that was that douche bag Mike.

He forcefully grabbed Mike by his collar and swung his fist, hitting him right in the face. Mike's head bounced back as his groaned in pain.

"The fuck man!" Mike yelled, holding his already bruising jaw.

"You don't have enough going for you? All the girls are throwing themselves at you but you still need to screw around with my sister? Why? Cause she has a crush on you?"

"It was just a joke.." Ashley spoke up.

"A pretty fucked up joke Ash." Chris growled at her, something he had never done before.

"Yeah, now look were your little 'fun' has gotten you! My sisters are gone, and you haven't even tried to look for them!"

Now that he had let all of his rage go, the realization had set in. His sisters were gone. Shaking his head, he ran into the forest at his top speed, tears spilling from his eyes. He heard the calls of Chris and Sam behind him, but he didn't care.

He continued deeper into the forest screaming at the top of his lungs for Hannah and Beth. He cupped his hands around his mouth while he called, the tears never ceasing from falling out of his eyes.

He ran for what seemed like hours, shouting their names, before he came across a cliff. He slowed down, out of breath, falling to his knees. After crying for sometime, he observed his surroundings. Not to far from the cliffs edge, he found a patch of burnt grass as well as the danger sign broken and in half.

His heart sunk even lower into his chest as the worst came to his mind. He didn't want to look over the edge, he didn't want to confirm the smell of death that came from the deep cavern. So he just cried more. He cried and cried and cried and cried for he didn't know how long. Time seemed to slow down in the means of his suffering.

After what seemed like hours, he heard the voices of the only two friends left behind him.



They both leaned down next to him, Sam draping a coat over his shoulders.

"Josh, hey, i-it's okay."

Josh knew Sam was trying to make him feel better, to comfort him, but he knew the cold hard truth. They were gone. Forever. Never again to be seen, or heard from. His beloved sisters, gone just like that.

"S-Sam, they're g-gone."

"N-no, don't worry J-Josh, we'll find them, y-you'll see them again.."

Josh knew that was a possibility, but only if it was in their casket or if he planted a lead bullet in his skull.

"Come on Josh, the police are here, we've gotta go talk to them." Chris encouraged him to get up.

Josh just sniffled and sobbed more, taking Sam's hand following Chris back to the cabin. Josh decided that the only thing holding him onto this pointless life anymore was Sammy, and if she ever left him, he wouldn't have to think twice about going to see his sisters anymore.

That's right, more depressing stories. Sorry if I'm getting you guys bummed out, it's just I have so many feels right now that need to be let out. Still hope you enjoyed, and I hope to be drifting away from the more depressing stories soon. Btw I'm really sorry for not posting, I'm at a huge writers block and I need to break it down! Cya loves later, byeeee 💋🦁🌺💙🎄

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