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The first few days passed in a blur. Today is Friday, which I'm thankfull for. Since I started school on Monday and befriended Isis and her friends, all the teens were trying to invite me to their 'epic' party, thats tomorrow.

Elora, whom I thought was a shy bookish girl, convinced me to go to the party. I have been saying no to Imogen and Kaiden, who kept on asking, but once Elora asked me, I just couldn't say no. She was just that sweet. Imogen and Kaiden however, threatened to drag my ass to the party, even if I'm not dressed. They said and I quote, 'you need to know how we party, your part of us now and we never miss a party, no matter how lame it is'.

So here I was, last period gym with the whole gang. Daniel sat with Lily the rest of the week, not that I cared but the rest of our group apparently does. Lily on the other hand has been full on glaring at me everytime she sees me. That girl has some big issues. First she says Imogen stole me from her and then we stole Daniel. That girl needs help.

Gym was eventfull. What am I kidding? It was hilarious. Imogen and Isis convinced coach Martin to let us play volleyball instead of baseball. We got into four teams because we are a huge class with our gang and Lily's gang in one class. Not to mention the other groups to. Out whole year has been diveded into two gym classes.

Imogen, Isis, Haiden, Caiden and a few other players were team one. Daniel, Lily, Elian and also some random players were team two. Elora, Max and I were on team three with another girl and random guys. Team four concisted out of Xavier and the jocks.

Team one was against team two, and three against four. Imogen 'accidently' hit an unsuspected Lily on the head. She then tried to hide behind Daniel but everytime the ball came his way he would dive out of the way and Lily with her manicured nails would be hit.

Imogen and Isis kept hitting the ball in Lily's direction making team one win because Lily refused to hit the ball with her, 'newly french manicure'. My team and Xaviers team were less brutal and not so funny to watch. We actually played the game. But in the end our team won, of course. And we played against team one.

Everyone teamed up with either Imogen or us. But in the end we end up being tied with 3-3 each, but unfortunatly Lily was on my team. Therefor we were tied because we had to save her stupid ass everytime the ball headed for her head. But it was fun never the less.

The bell finally rang and we headed towards the parking lot. The boys were picking us up at Imogen's house tonight at eight so we had aproxamately six and a half hours to get four girls ready. The girls got into their cars and we all followed Imogen to her house. I told them I wanted to go home because I need to get some clothes but they insisted that they borrow me some of their stuff. 'Thats what best friends do.' Imogen said.

The girls showered one by one. Imogen was first. She got out and sat in front of her mirror doing her make up while I did her hair and Elora is showering. I braided her hair from her right ear to her left ear and curled the hair thats flowing out under the waterfall. She put on a light blue eyeshadow and made her lips a dark red, she put on some blush and eyeshadow.

After she was done she headed to her closet and pulled out a light blue floral dress that's strapless and tight around the waist. A big dark blue bow was wrapped around the middle and sat on her hip. She put on black high heels and some jewelry. Next was Isis. Imogen did a red smokey eye and also made her lips blood red. I straigtened her hair and braided her hair side ways so that some of her hair hangs over her face and all her hair hangs over her right shoulder.

She got up and pulled her blood red dress out of the closet and put it on. The dress has two straps that makes her hair fall over the one shoulder, almost covering her right strap. Her purple hair really looked nice with the red dress. She put on some purple heals to match her hair. Elora sat patiently in front of the mirror and dried her hair.

Imogen put silver eye shadow on Elora and put nude lipstick on her lips. Today was a braid everyones hair, day. I made a slight path in her hair and french braided both sides. I pulled the braid back and made a bun at the bottom of her skull and tied it up. I grabbed the pins with flowers in and sticked them into the braid. She put on a black dress thats tight around her waist and flowed slightly out. The top has silver beading done on it and some are on the bottom as well.

She put on her silver heals and spun around giggling. I complemented everyone on how beautiful they looked. The stared at me like I was crazy and quickly pushed me into the shower. I quickly washed my body and hair and wrapped a towl around me. Imogen grabbed me and rushed me to the make up table. She put a light purple eye shadow on me and did a grey smokey eye over. She put eyeliner on me that made my green eyes stand out.

Elora and Isis blow dried my hair and tries doing something with my wavy hair but failed. I sighted and smoothed my hair out and put it on my shoulder. I did a quick messy braid making some of the hair fall out. Imogen pulled me up and trew some underwear towards me. I grabbed it and put it on. She threw a dress my way and I slipped it on without second thought.
The dress is a light purple with a few gaps that's filled with white and silver beadings. The dress is one shoulder and the strap is also white with silver beadings. My braid fell on my left shouder and the strap was in the right shoulder. The dress was slightly tight on me but was at least mid thigh. Isis threw a pair of white heels my way and I put it on.


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