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I woke up with my body in pain. I groaned as I opened my eyes. Daniel's face was above mine in minutes, bring water down to my mouth. I rolled my eyes at him and sat up, earning protests from Daniel and the nurse.

"Oh shush." Daniel narrowed his eyes at me but thankfully said nothing. He gave the water to me and I drank it up. Nothing bad happened to me that I know off so my body being sore must have been because I fell asleep on the ground.

"Can you remember what happened?" I glared at Daniel and nodded. The nurse came foward and checked for a concusion and so forth.

"You were pretty stupid doing what you did." Daniel kept his hard glare on me.

"Really? Why's that?" I asked as I glared right back at him.

"Giving your energy to me. And not to mention the rest of the pack got some too. You could've died. Or worse, lose the baby." His glare intensivies. Out the corner of my eye I saw the nurse leaving.

"You only care about the baby. What about hundereds of pack members? What if all of them died. What about you? Yes it would be bad if I lost the baby. We would've survived. But what if I lost you? What if you lost me? A baby could be made again. But if I lost you, my soul would've died with you." Tears flowed down my cheeks.

Why am I so emotional?

I looked away From him and out of the window. I heard Daniel swallow hard. I heard his footsteps and then the bed sunk in a bit.

"I'm sorry. You infuriate me a lot when you try to save my stupid ass." I laughed at that and wiped my eyes. I looked at him and smiled. I couldn't believe he was mine. I am truely happy.

"I love you." I giggled and kissed him.

"I love you too you idiot." He laughed a throaty laugh and kissed me again.



"DANIEL!" I yelled as I stood near the door tapping my foot on the ground impatiantly.

"Coming." He appeared out of nowhere in front of me and I pouted.

"You take longer than me to get dressed. And that says something." I huffed and turned on my heals and headed outside. Imogen stood with her baby boy, William Knight. Catchy I know, I thought about it.

I felt a kick in my stomache and came to a halt. I rubbed my hands over my stomache that made me look like a bus. I felt hands on my stomache and looked behind me at Daniel. He had a small smile on his face as he rubbed my stomache. A frown took over his face when the baby didn't kick again. He was complaining for the last three months that he can't feel the baby kicking.

I leaned into his chest and kissed the side of his head. He tilted his head more and kissed me on the mouth. The baby kicked and I could already feel the grin on his face as he felt the baby. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him.

I looked over at the rest of the people in front of me. We were all dressed and ready to go have dinner. But plans didn't work out so well because little Aiden Kellen was kicking my stomache to much. I held my stomache in my hands and leaned foward. I felt water prickle down my legs and stare at Daniel in panic. He stared back the same way.

"Jeez. Let's get to the hospital. Daniel snap out of it." Daniel snapped out of it and he picked me up, carrying me to the car. We all got in and hurriedly went to the hospital.

Several hours of screams, pain and a Daniel looking ready to pass out, did Aiden finally come. And to say he was beautiful was an understatement. He looked just like Daniel. The only thing he had that was the same as mine was his green eyes.

After a few hours in the hospital we got to go home. Daniel insisted that he carry me but I refused. Yes it hurt like a bitch walking. I just popped out a baby but I could do this. I was through worse.

Daniel carried Aiden and some of his things we took with to the hospital. We entered our room and layed Aiden in his crib that was on my side of the bed. I layed down on the bed and looked at Daniel. He smiled down at me and picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and opened the tap to fill the bath.

While we waited he pulled my shirt over my head. He pulled my pants down but were carefull since I was sore from pushing Aiden out. He took my bra and my panties off leaving me naked. I pulled his clothes off and turned around to check the water. And to hide the ugly stretch marks on my stomache. Daniel seemed to notice this and turned me around. Pulling me flush against him.

"You are beautiful Hailey. I don't care about the stretch marks. They show us what you've been through. And I love them." He bend down and kissed the marks on my stomache. He reached behind me and closed the tap. I held my breath as his hands brushes my breast lightly.

He noticed me stiffening and frowned down at me. He smelled the air and froze. A smirk replaced his frown as he leaned down to kiss me.

"I turned you on by just touching your boob?" I rolled my eyes at the smugness on his face.

"Oh shut up. We didn't have sex in two months. Because you said, and I qoute ,'baby, I'm to big, what if I kill the baby or something because of this.' I rest my case." With that I motuned to his erection. His smirk turned into a grin. I rolled my eyes and looked out the open door at Aiden still sleeping.

I walked back and climbed into the bath. Daniel got in behind me and wrapped his hands around my stomache that's almost flat again. Daniel kissed my neck and moved down to my shoulder. He turned me around and kissed me. I kissed him back eagerly. He lifted me up with him and layed me down on the bed. I giggled softly at him as he licked my soft spot.

He reached over me and entwined our hands like he always did when we had sex. He slided his erection closer to me.

"Wait." I said. He groaned but stopped.

"What?" I stood up and walked into our closet. I pulled my clothes on and threw boxers to Daniel.

"Not happening."

"Why?" He whined as he crossed his arms like a kid.

"Because I'm sore. And baby, your erection is to big for me. You would kill me or something." I laughed at his stunned face and climbed into bed. He stood up, still naked and walked into the bathroom. I heard the shower running so I giggled.

A few minues later he was done and laid sown next to me.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


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