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It took Daniel not even ten minutes to get to my house. It usually takes thirty minutes so he must have run in wolf form. Unfortunately for me he brought Bexley with him. The moment I saw her I scowled and looked at the movie playing. I could feel Daniels eyes on me but I ignored him.

Imogen proceeded to tell him about Lily and Toby suddenly leaving Mason with me. She also told him about them leaving till monday. Daniel growled loudly and I turned to look at him but he was already looking at me.

"She really did have a child?" Bexley asked. I nodded and pointed at a sleeping Mason.

"I knew that bitch was up to something." She growled.

"What the fuck are you going on about?"

"Toby is my fucking mate. But since Lily got pregnant with his child he was blind to the wolf bond. I could damn well feel it. But he doesn't seem to notice me. Only that skank. Then you came into the fucking picture." She growled as she took a step foward.

"Me? What the hell do I have to do with this? He's my damn brother you skank. If you think there was something going on with us, then your messed up." She looked taken a back and stepped back.

"So your not trying to keep him from me?" She asked softer. Guilt welled up in me because I though there was something on between them. I was so wrong.

"No." Mason started wailing and I sighted. I walked to where he was laying and bend to pick him up. I rocked him in my arms while he cried. I sat down on the bed and put him in front of me. I took both his feet in my hand and lifted his butt in the air. I pushed his spit blanket under his butt. I looked behind me and grabbed one diaper and wipes.

I took his diaper of and wiped his butt clean. I took the baby cream and rubbed some on him. I put the other diaper on and dressed him again. I pulled him into my arms and rocked him. He seemed to fall asleep so I put him down and stood up to throw away the diaper. Someone followed behind me and I had a good suspision it was Daniel. I threw away the diaper and turned around.

"Baby I'm sorry. I totally forgot about her but I promised we didn't have anything going on. She was talking about Toby." I sighted as tears blurred my eyes. He walked foward and took me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry too. I was judging before I got the full story. I assumed things and it was wrong of me."

"It's oky baby. Hey look at me." I adverted my eyes from his chest and looked up at him.

"I love you. I love you so much baby. And I won't let anything come between us again oky?" I nodded my head and brushed my lips on his.

"I love you to." He smiled and kissed me hard. I laughed and wiped my eyes. I took his hand and walked into the living room. I stood near the couch and looked as Imogen pulled faces at Mason. I heard his little laugh and smiled up at Daniel.

Imogen noticed us and smiled. I smiled back and walked around to sit on the couch. Daniel followed and sat down next to me. Bexley stared at us with a frown on her face. She looked deep in tought before a grin broke loose on her face.

"You were jelous." She stated as she looked at me.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"That's why you were mad at Daniel. You tought he and I had something going on." She kept on grinning and I saw Daniel smirk.

"I was not jelous." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Whatever you say." I sighted and looked at the sleeping Mason.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Bexley asked.

"I am going to look after him." Daniel frowned down at me but said nothing.

"We need to find Lily and get my mate back." Bexley said. I thought about it for a bit while they discussed what they need to do.

"She was part of the Red Night pack right?" Bexley said.

"Yes, then she met her 'mate' Toby." Bexley growled loudly making Mason wake up crying again. I glared at her and picked him up. I sat down next to Daniel again and rocked him to sleep.

"What's a pack?" I asked.

"It's like a pack of wolfs that live together. We are the Midnight Blue pack. That big house father from my house in the woods is the pack house. It's were most of the pack lives but there are members that lives in their own houses like me." I nodded and kept on rocking a sleeping Mason.

"Daniel you know it would be hard having a human mate."

"Why?" I asked as I placed Mason down.

"Your human. You don't have the pain tolerance we have. They could torture you and it would take you weeks to heal. We heal within hours." My eyes widend in surprise. Something crossed my mind.

"You said that females aren't werewolfs. How is she a wolf then?" I pointed an accusing finger at Daniel.

"She's ons of the lucky girls that turned. It's not unknown to have female wolfs. It's just rare." I nodded and stood up to get a drink. Imogen followed behind me. We quickly made sandwiches and poured cooldrinks.

We went back into the living room just in time to see Bexley and Daniel with stunned looks on their faces. Mason was wailing loudly and they were arguing who should calm him down. I sighted and handed the things to Daniel. I took Mason again into my arms and lulled him.

Thirty minutes later I grabbed Daniel's hand and walked upstairs. We took a shower together and layed down next to each other. We started kissing and things got heated again.

He bit my neck and marked me as his.


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