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After the bath we took together, Daniel and I layed on the bed. He started kissing me and things got heated. We didn't sleep together. He didn't even mark me. The moment he wanted to bite my neck Imogen came barging into the room, saw us and yelled at the top of her lungs. Behind her stood the rest of our friends so Daniel lowered himself ontop of me to cover me from them.

After a few growls, teeth snapping and yelling they closed the door. I flushed in embaresment and pledged to never leave the room. Daniel of course laughed at me and helped me get dressed. Daniel grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door. I tried stopping but he was way to strong for me. I looked the floor as we entered the living room.

"I saw my Alpaha's naked butt. Gross." I laughed as I heard this from the twins. Imogen laughed too and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Daniel on the only open chair.

"Try to elaborate why you busted into our room Imogen?" Daniel asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Well, you see there was this spider on the floor and I had to get away?" She made it sound more like a question than a statement. I stood up and asked her to help me in the kitchen. She did and the rest of the girls followed. We stepped into the kitchen and I was bombarded with questions.

"What happened?"

"What did you do?"

"Did he mark you?"

"Did you have sex?" Of course Imogen asked that.

"He didn't mark me and no we didn't have sex. He was about to mark me but this stupid red head had to came in on us." Imogen looked guilty for a moment but the guilt was replaced with excitement.

"Is he a good kisser?"

"The best." I took out the bread.

"Did he kiss your neck?" Imogen passed me the butter.

"He was about to mark me, so you tell me." Isis got out tomatoes and started cutting them.

"How was it?" Shea started grating cheese.

"Pleasurefull." Elora got glasses and filled them with ice.

"We heard your moans till in the living room. What did he do?" The girls continued doing their things but I could see all their attention on me. Isis walked to the fridge and got out lettace, ham, cucumber and gerkins and started cutting them up.

"Wait." Imogen said just as I was about to elaborate on what we did. Isis and Imogen walked to the door on the tips of their toes, not making a sound. Each one of them grabbed a handle of the dubble doors, counted to three and yanked the doors open. Daniel, Haiden, Caiden, Max, Xavier and Lucas toppled to the floor on a heap. Elian stood behind them with a smirk on his face. Daniel caught on to Elian smirking and grabbed his foot, making him fall to.

I laughed at their sillyness but continued making the sandwiches. I put lettace on, tomato, ham, gerkins, cucumber, cheese and salt. Isis filled all the cups with lemonade and put a slice of lemon in each one.

"Why did you open the door babe?" I heard Max ask.

"Because you were eavesdropping."

"You can't blame us. We men need to know how good we made our woman feel." Daniel said as he pushed himself up, making his muscles flex. I rolled my eyes and turned towards him.

"You made me feel good alright. But I felt better." The girls roared with laughtet as Daniels face turn red from anger. He stormed his way towards me and pulled me to his chest.

"Your mine Hailey Scarlett Collins. Only mine." He growled. I giggled and stood on my tippy toe's. I kissed his ear.

"Don't worry babe. You were the first and only. And you made me feel very, very good." I whispered ever so slightly since I knew everyone could pick it up if I spoke normally. I kissed his earlobe again and turned back to the food. I winked at the girls that stood in my line of vision. They giggled and helped me finish the food.

I put all the sandwiches into a big plate, on top of each other. I put the plate of sandwiches in my right hand and took the plates with my left. Daniel attemted to take them from me but I refused and glared at him. He lifted his hands in surrender and backed off. He instead helped carry the glasses to the living room.

The moment we put everything on the coffee table the boys grabbed food. I shook my head. I put two sandwiches on one plate and another one on another plate. I put the one plate on my arm and the other in my hand. I took two glasses in my other hand and walked to where Daniel sat talking to Haiden. I passed the two glasses to him and he held them. I sat the one plate on his lap and sat down next to him. I took my glass from him and took a sip.

The boys ate fast and mesilly. Daniel was done with his two sandwiches so I gave him the other half of my sandwich. He first refused and told me to eat but I promised him I was full and he finally took the sandwich.

He ate quickly and finished his cooldrink. I took his plate and collected the rest of the plates. I carried them to the kitchen and placed them on the table. I walked back to the living room and collected the empty cups and the big plate with no sandwiched left.

I opened the tap and waited for the water to fill the sink. I poured some diswashing liquid in and washed the plates. Someone placed their arms around my stomache and layed their head on my shoulder. I turned my face slightly and saw Daniel. I kept on washing till everything was washed, Daniel still not moving. I moved away from him and grabbed a cloth and started drying the dishes. Imogen and the rest of them entered the kitchen. The girls quickly started helping me.

I dried the dishes while Imogen and Isis packed them away. Shea grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned the table after Elora packed all the ingrediants away. In no time we were done. I started the kettle and got cups right. I made some of my special tee and passed a cup to everyone. I looked at the clock to see that it's ten at night. Everyone finished their tee and said their goodbyes.

They left the house and I quickly cleaned the cups. Daniel helped me to dry and pack them away. He took my hand and led me upstairs. He threw me one of his shirts and I stripped down from the clothes I wore and pulled the shirt over my head. He did the same but only put on boxers, no shirt.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Daniel stood behind me and opened his mouth. I rolled my eyes and squirted toothpaste on his toothbrushe. I inserted the toothbrush into his mouth and brushed his teeth. I moved away and he washed his mouth out. We walked into the bedroom and I shut the lights off. I walked to the other side of the bed and layed down next to Daniel.

He pulled me against his chest and I closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead and sleep overwelmed me.


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