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The morning after I changed into a big fluffly wolf, Daniel took a shower with me and we made love over and over again. This time tough he went rough with me. I'm still sore and that happened about four days ago. Since I turned wolf, Daniel and I couldn't get enough of each other and by this point I'm sure I am pregnant.

Which reminded me that I need to take the pregnacy test next week. Then it would be three weeks since the first time we made love. I don't know what I would do if I am. The threats are getting worse and worse. Last week they killed one of the packs guards. Yesterday they kidnapped a little three year old girl.

This needs to stop because Daniel is so stressed out that he hardly eats or drinks. It's worrying me. The last time he touched me was four days ago. He hardly ever pay attention to me or anyone. I don't care as long as it helps bring back that little girl. Her parents are devistated.

We still didn't hear anything about Lily or Toby. They are kept under radar and that frustrates me because I need to know if my brother is oky. Mason on the other hand was adopted by a nice family that can't have children. I wanted to keep him but I felt sorry for them.

I met her when I was at the pack doctor last week. I told Daniel can't sit around and do nothing because we were officially done with school. We finished last Friday.

Daniel told me to go to Dr. Lucifer and I did. He appointed me to do ultra sounds and check for pregnacies and stuff like that. He would come check in with me now and then to make sure I'm coping. Apparently the full moon passed a week ago and wolves went into heat.

After explaining to me that heat is what a wolf go through every full moon to get them pregnant. I just had to ask why so he laughed at me and told me it's to raise the werewolf population. I also learned that our pack is the second largest in the world. Meaning we have four hundred and ninety six members. We were five hundrend but then one of the elders got a heart attack and that one guard died. Plus Lily and Toby are missing in action.

Back to the point, I met Clair, the one who addopted Mason, at the pack hospital. She came to check in with Dr. Lucifer to see if she was pregnant. He told her he has bad news. She started crying when he said she was not capible of getting pregnant. So I sugested Mason. My heart broke but I can't look after him now with everything going on. Daniel is to stressed about the pack to worry about Mason and I.

The next few days passed in a blur and it was time to take my pregnacy test. I told Imogen that I can't tell Daniel if I'm pregnant yet because he has enough on his plate. She said she totally understands and would support me in my decision. That's when she confessed to being pregnant with Max's child. But she couldn't hide it because she smelt different to him so she confessed.

Today was Tuesday. Exacly three weeks since Daniel and I slept together. I already suspected that I'm pregnant because I kept on waking up with morning sickness. Isis, Elora, Kate, Shea, Imogen and Mia stormed into my room this morning. Mia gave me a bag and rushed me into the bathroom. I grabbed Imogen and told her to come in with me.

She did and I sighted. What to do? I opened the bag and inside was ten pregnacy tests. I looked at Imogen alarmed and she told me not to panic. She told me to be honest because Daniel would be pissed if I lied or kept this from him. I peed on the sticks and sat them on the counter and waited.

"Just a few more minutes." Isis said. The few minutes passed.

"It's time." I stood up and hoped it work. But before I could say anything Max came into the room, wrapped his arms around Imogen and told me Daniel wanted me in his office, with Mia and Kate.

The girls left shortly after to also go see their mates since it was lunch and the shifts would change now. Imogen left with Max and smiled sadly at me. I smiled back the same way and she left. I took another look at the sticks.


Tears brimmed in my eyes and I looked up at the roof, trying to blink them away. I wanted to jump in joy and tell Daniel but I can't. But what if something happened and I lost the baby. What then? I would never forgive myself.

I quickly threw all the evidence away about me being pregnant and wiped my eyes. I smiled sadly at myself in the mirror and walked out of the house. I headed straight towards the pack house and up the stairs. I knocked on his office door. I heard a faint come in and opened the door. Inside Daniel sat at the head of the table with Ryker on the other end. Between them sat a lot of male pack members.

Daniel gave me one look and he knew something was wrong. He motioned for me to go to him, so I did. I felt eyes on me as I walked to him, but ignored it. I sat down on the chair that Declan pulled near for me. I gave him a gratefull smile and sat down. Daniel instintly pulled me under his arm and I sighted in relief.

I looked around and saw Kate and Mia in the room too. They were with their mates. Imogen was also in the room, sitting by Max. She smiled at me and I nodded my head. She shook her head and looked at the table. I looked over at Mia and saw her staring at me with a suspicious look.

'I'm sorry love. I can't cancel this meeting. It's important. We'll speak after.' He spoke through mind link. I looked over at him and nodded.

I looked at the table and picked up a stack of notes and read through them. Daniel clenched his jaw but said nothing.


You think you can keep me out of your lands?

Your wrong. I want Hailey. Give her to me and you get Sammy back.

Such a sweetheart.

Would be a shame to kill her.


I stared wide eyed at the first letter. I turned the page to the second one.


Your still keeping her from me? That won't be for long.

We all know that she's special. Having a white witch as a mother has it's perks. And a werewolf father?

Such a nice combination.

Such a nice in breed for my pack.


I swallowed hard and kept on reading. They were basically all the same. They want me. One letter though stood out to me.


Toby is not good enough. We need Hailey. She's stronger than her useless brother.

Although Lily did a good job bringing him to me, I am gonna despose of him soon.

If your little mate wants him back alive let her come to me.


The last letter almost made me cry.


Im done waiting for you to respond to my letters. That guard tasted good last week. Rusty, but good.


And this little virgin Sammy's blood also tasted nice. I'm on the verge on draining her if I can't get Hailey.

Don't you think we would make wonderfull babies?

Half white witch, half wolf and half vampire?

So good.

Give Hailey to me or you will have a war.

I will kill everyone in my way to get to her. She's gonna be mine.

Stop hiding her and give her to me. Sharing is caring Alpha.

Wouldn't want to get a whole pack killed for a girl now would we?



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