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I woke up to a loud banging on the front door. I groaned and stood up after stretching my body like a cat does. I glumly walked downstairs and opened the door. There on my doorstep, on a sunday, stood Imogen, Isis, Max, Haiden, Caiden and Elian.

Isis and Imogen was holding their heads and pushed passed me into my house and headed straight to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind the last one and headed to the kitchen. I walked in and started making coffee for everyone. They looked like I felt, terrible. My head is pounding eventhough I only drank two bottles of vodca.

I put mugs of steming hot coffees in front of them with two pills each for their hangovers. I grabbed two for myself and swallowed them stimutaniosly. I quickly took a few sipps oc coffee and stood up to make some breakfast. I grabbed a pan and put it on the stove with oil to warm it up. I heard the doorbel rang and everyone groaned. I giggled and send Max to open the door.

I got bacon, eggs and sausages out of the fridge. I threw the bread at Imogen and told her to make toast. She groaned but obligated. I threw the bacon in the hot pan and the sausages too. I looked around and saw Max walking into the kitchen with Xavier and Daniel on his heels. I made two extra cups and gave it to them. I headed back to the stove and finished cooking.

I looked back and saw Imogen spreading the butter over the toast. I put the eggs and bacon in bowls but left the sausages in the pan. I grabbed plates, forks, knifes and glasses. I put it in the middle of the table and walked to the fridge to get apple and litchi juice. I placed them in the middle and headed upstairs to call my brother.

I knocked on his door and heard a groan. I rolled my eyes and barged into the room. I saw someone laying next to him. I scrunched my face up in disgust and muttered an ew. She sprang up at the sound of my voice and I gasped in surprise as I saw her.

"Hailey?" She asked, her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Yes." I pulled my mouth in a firm line and looked at her disgusted.

"This-, it's not what it looks like." She quickly got out of the bed and shook her head.

"Please don't tell Daniel. Not yet."

"Why shouldn't I Lily?" I sneered as I took a step closer to her. She took a step back and looked down.

"Please don't say anything." She begged pathetically.

"Why? Start talking or I'm telling him now since he is downstairs at the moment!" I said as I tightened my fist, wanting to punch her in the face. Eventhough Daniel and I weren't friends I still care about him a lot.

"Please I'll explain everything to you at school tomorrow. Please Hailey, don't say anything." The desperate tone in her voice made me stop in my tracks and look at her. I nodded my head and went back downstairs. I heard laughter and talking as I neared the kitchen. I walked in and took an empty seat. I poured myself some juice and took toast and the last piece of bacon and sausage.

I ate quietly and looked at my plate the whole time. I heard the front door open and close, she must have left. Imogen must have seen something was wrong because she had a questioned look on her face but I only shook my head and said it was nothing. Daniel looked at ease and smiled with the rest of them. He must have felt my stare because he turned to look at me.

I blushed in embarisment and looked away. I heard him chuckling and looked in his direction. He was still staring at me but send me a small smile which I returned. My brother, Toby entered the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek as he headed to the fridge. He grabbed a carton milk and poured himself a glass.

My smile dropped instantly as I thought about him and Lily doing the deed. Daniel must have seen my mood change because he frowned at me but I only shook my head. After everyone was done eating I cleaned the table and put everything in the diswasher while everyone went to the living room. Daniel stayed behind and helped me put everything away and in the right places.

We finished in five minutes and as I was heading to the living room, Daniel stopped me by pulling on my elbow. I spun around and came face to face with Daniel. I took a step back, he took one forward. We continued the proses until my back hit the table in the middle of the kitchen. Daniel smirked down at me and put his arms on the table behind me, trapping me in.

I gulped as I stared into his mesmoriseing blue eyes. I tried keeping my eyes on his eyes, so that my eyes don't wander to his lips or toned muscles that stood out. He leaned down slightly and I leaned back, swallowing. His smirk widened but quickly turned serious as he remembered something.

"What was that about?" He asked. I frowned and pretended to be stupid.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb with me. When you reentered the kitchen you looked down. When the front door opened and closed you look ready to murder someone. And when your brother entered the kitchen your smiled turned upside own. It doesn't take a genius to know what's going on Hailey." He said seriously. I laughed nervously and looked him in the eye.

"And whats going on?" I asked nervously. I tried to relax so he doesn't see through my facade but my nerves didn't want to co-operate.

"Your brother slept with someone you really hate probably." He moves away from me now and took a step back. I breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Am I right?" He asked. In his eyes I could see that he was hiding something.

"No, but keep trying." I said. I walked around the table and headed to the living room.


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