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It's finally spring break. The last three weeks went by fast. Daniel and I talked a lot. We had a lot of sleepovers, not only Daniel and I, but the rest of our gang. Most of the time we were at Daniel's house since his parents owned a big house. Daniel even has his own cottage that looks like a mansion a few feet into the trees behind their house.

Now I stood in front of my house with my luggage waiting for Daniel to come pick me up. Daniel came around the cornor and I sighted in relief. It was starting to rain and I don't want to be wet on the plane. He stopped and got out. He took my bags and put them in the back. I gave him a quick hug and got into the hummer.

He put on the heater when he saw I was shivering from the cold. I send him a gratefull smile while he took my hand and held it in the middle.

We rounded the cornor and stopped. Lucas got out of the house and put his things in the back. We picked up Xavier too and were off to the airport. We got to the airport, checked out luggage in and searched for the others.

Thirty minutes later we were on the plain. Since Lucas dad owns his own air flight we got business class. We also flew with his dad's plane. I took a seat next to DanieI whom sat opposite of Max and Imogen. I caught him staring at her a lot in the cafeteria, but never said anything.

Elian sat next to Isis. Elora next to Caiden. Imogen and Max, Xavier and Lucas, Toby and Lily and then Haiden next to the new addition to our group, Shea. I gathered that she is very open about her feelings towards people, she doesn't beat around the bush and I like that about her, looks like Haiden does too.

About four hours into the flight everyone started dozing of, even Daniel. I couldn't sleep so I made sure everyone wasn't cold and made sure their comfortable. I threw blankets over the ones that was shivering slightly and put pillows near the others. As I got to Xavier and Lucas I saw something surprising. They were holding hands. I didn't judge them about being gay, it's their decision, not anybody elses.

A yawn escaped me and I went to sit next to Daniel. His arms instictavely reached over and locked around my waist. I sighted softly and leaned into him. I started dozing of when I heard something sweet.

"You make my heart beat straight out of my chest baby." I recoginse the voice immediatly. I opened one eye and saw Lucas kissing Xavier straight on the mouth. They closed their eyes and enjoyed the moment. Lucas reached over and tucked a strand of long hair behind Xaviers ear. I knowI'm invading privacy, but I couldn't help it. As I started dozing of again, I said something that I probably shouldn't have.

"I support you." I heard a gasp and opened one eye lazily and saw Lucas staring at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I closed my eyes and snuggled further into Daniels embrace.


"Wow." Was all we could say as we reached our destination. The waterfall was beautiful. It flowed onto shallow rocks then further down into a bigger and deeper puddle.

We first went to our hotel rooms. Which was a disaster because nobody could choose who wants to be with who. So I pushed the girls each into a room and pushed a guy in after them. Xavier and Lucas was the odd ones out because they are the only boys sharing together. Daniel ended up with me, but the people were smart enough to give us the biggest room with the king sized bed after shooting daggers into them with my eyes.

And I'm glad they gave us this room because we have our own bathroom. The hotel has basically a small house or two on each floor. We got the top floor which gave us the best view and biggest part of the hotel. We have a small living room and then seven rooms. Which was a coincedence because we are basically seven pairs.

By the looks of it everyone got a long very well on the plain. The pairs are basically insepratable. They do everything together. The boys carring the girls stuff and so forth.

And now here we are. At the beautiful waterfall. I quickly took my clothes off and jumped into the water. Everyone followed suit. We laughed loudly and played tag team against each other. We had a great time but it was getting dark and we had to go back. Max voiced my thoughts and told everyone to get dressed so we could go back. After a lot of reluctance we all headed back.

Back at the hotel we took showers and got dressed for the night. We decided to go to a club tonight to get a little loose since we are on vacation. The boys all took their clothes and headed to the other bathroom in Max and Imogens room. The girls came to my room and we showered, shaved and dressed.

Since Lily was showing already we dressed her in one of my loose floral, sleevelss shirts that's pink and a black pair of high waisted skinney jeans. Imogen went with waivy hair, black short high waisted skirt with a cropped top and heels. Isis put on a onesy,but the tipe where the whole thing is short and fitted her perfectly. It was black with dots on and sat nicely around her hips. She put on gold sandles and did her make-up.

Shea dressed in a skin tight black dress with red high heels. Elora went with white skiney jeans, black ankle boots and a black sparkly crop top. I stared at the clothes that I brought with me, but couldn't find anything to wear. Shea stared at me for a long moment then rushed out of the room. I heard the boys whisteling and hooting them I heard a cry of pain. I giggled and waited. She came back a few minutes later and passed clothes to me.

I went to the bathoom and dressed in the white sexy lace underwear and pulled on the clothes she gave me. I turned and looked into the mirror and almost gasped. I had on a dress. That much was clear.

The dress was white and sat tight around the bodice. My breasts stood out proudly at the top because she was smaller than me in that section. The rest of the dress flowed out with lace ontop. The top part that didn't have lace was sequinced with silver rhinestones.

A light blue bow was tied around the middle of the dress where the bottom flowed out. I stared at my reflection for a long time. I heard a knock on the door then a yell. I opened the door and heard the girls gasp. I looked up and saw Lily smiling at me. Shea pulled me into a chair and curled my long blonde hair. She did my make up lightly and slipped a pair of light blue heels on my feet.

I stood up but was still shorter than mostof them except for Elora. But with her sandles on I'm only a few inches taller than her. We exited the room and headed for the living room. I knew I forgot something so I turned around and quickly got my phone and purse from the room. I rushed to the living room. I looked down at my feet as I walked because I didn't want to fall on my face.

I felt a stare on my face and looked up. I caught Daniels eyes and smiled. His mouth was slightly hanging open as he held out his hand for me to take. I took it and we headed to the club.


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