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I woke up to a slight pain in my neck. I tried to stand up but a heavy thing kept me from standing up. I looked down at my waist and saw an arms on my waist. I frowned and followed the arm up.


A smile spread across my face as I tought about what happened last night. After the excrusiating pain he put me through, he was so sweet and gentle with me as we mated. He was such a gentleman trying to go slow and smooth with me.

To say I was embarised when we met up with the group was a huge understatement. We went to have break-fast with them.

It seemed like they fed upon my embarisment because they kept on teasing Daniel and I but he didn't seem to mind. He seemed more amused than anything. And each time I would flush in embarisment he would kiss his mark on my neck, causing me to moan, which resulted to more teasing.

Even Mason seemed to enjoy my embarisment because he laughed his baby laugh as everyone laughed.

The rest of the week went by without me seeing Daniel a lot. He would come to my house at night and stay till I was asleep then he would leave. He didn't touch or kiss me much so I knew something was wrong. I asked him about it and he said it was some rogues that was teaming up with the Red Night pack breaking through patrol.

They caught one a few minutes ago so Daniel litterly stormed out of my house to probably interogate the rogue. Daniel also insisted that I move in with him. So I was now busy packing Masons stuff. At all times I would see someone outside my house, probably making sure I was oky.

I would've had a problem with it but knowing Daniel is stressed about this rogues is keeping me from saying something. And also because one of the girls pops in now and then so tha t I'm not lonely. Or one of the guys would pop in but that's mostly rare. Like today.

Xavier and Lucas decided to pop in. And when I say pop in, I mean really pop in. They banged open the front door, said hi, and went. I could only roll my eyes at them. But their cute.

I started taking apart Masons crib ,whom might I add were with Isis and Imogen, when I heard a soft knock on the door. I stared in confusion at the wall but hurridly walked downstairs. I opened the door and with a surprise gasped hug them.

In front of me stood Mia and Kate. Wow I last saw them weeks ago. They giggled and stepped into my house.

"Whatcha doing here?" I asked.

"Daniel invited Ryker over, so we decided to come visit you." I smiled brightly and walked upstairs. I started packing again and they helped me.

"So, I heard they told you about wolfs." Kate said. Just then did I hear the banging on the front door. I didn't walk downstairs because
I knew they would follow my scent upstairs. I started at the enterance of Mason's baby room and waited. Imogen showed herself first. Then Isis, Elora and lastly Shea.

"What's with you wolfs today. You keep on banging my front door open. Geez." I turned around and packed again. They each grabbed something to pack and fold. Imogen exited the room and came back shortly with seven wine glasses and two bottles of wine. She poured a glass for everyone. We cheersed and pack again.
"Daniel told Ryker you didn't run when he told you he was a wolf. Why, because I ran my legs off to get away."

"I promised I would hear him out, so I did but I got mad at him because he broke a promise." They laughed at that softly but kept on drinking. I looked at my half full glass. They were probably on their third glasses. Me on my first.

"How was it?" Imogen asked. All the girls perked up and stared at me.

"How was what?" Shea looked at me like I was stupid.

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