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The line was very long but Daniel walked to the bouncer and whispered, to lowly for me to hear, in the bouncers ear. The bouncer nodded once and we were in. Daniel led me to the bar and that's when we all splited up. All the couples went their own way and I stayed with Daniel. He ordered both of us a few shots and we downed it. My head didn't even turn. And by the looks of it, neither is Daniel's. He ordered both of us a bottle of vodca and we headed to the dance floor.

I put my one hand on his shoulder while he put one hand on my waist. We stood quit a few feet from each other but one push from a drunken girl send me straight into his chest, making me blush. His arm curled around my waist as we both took a swig of the bottles. We downed the bottles quickly and I felt a little dissy but ignored it.

We put the bottles down and headed back to the dance floor. Demi Lavato, heart attack came on and I smiled brightly. I grabbed Daniel's hand and spinned him with me around the people. I had dance since I was three so I could dance pretty well. And Daniel seems to know quit a few moves too.

He laughed at me as I sang loudly to the song. The song changed to a song with a lot of beat. Daniel turned me around so that my back is to his front. He put his hands on ny hips and rotated my hips on his. I followed suit and pushed my hips more into him and grinded harder. I reached behind me and held onto Daniels neck while we 'danced'.

The song ended and we pulled away. I turned around and put my hands on his shoulders, his hands never leaving my hips. He pulled me closer and his breath blowed across my face. He stared down at me, both of us breathless. He leaned down slowly, his breath fanning above my lips. He leaned down further and I closed my eyes just in time to feel his lips on mine. Sparks flew between us as we kissed.

His one hand came up to cup my face. I pulled on his hair as he kisses me deeper. His hand slided down back to my hips. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me harder. He slid his hands to my butt and squeezed it. I gasped and he took it as his cue to push his tongue into my mouth. I bit his togue lightly, making him groan.

"Uh-um." I broke away from him amd turned to look at a smirking Lucas and Xavier.

"What?" Daniel said rudely as he tucked me under his arm, where I surprisingly felt save.

"We were thinking of going back to the hotel. Since it is three in the morning."

"What?" I looked at the clock on the wall and groaned. I grabbed Daniels hand and dragged him with me to the small rented combi. I sat up front with Daniel while the rest sat in the back. I looked back and saw almost everyone sleeping. Only Max and Imogen was awake.

I looked back at the front and turned the radio on. Daniel took my hand and held it in his, our hands resting in the middle of our seats. I smiled up at him and looked back out the window.

"Sleep." He said. I shook my head and looked at him. A yawn escapes me but I refused to let him be the only one awake. Ten minutes later we arrived at the hotel. We waked everyone and helped them to the elevator. I helped Lily with her bump into the elevator. We reached the top and got everyone into their beds. They fell into their beds with their clothes on and passed out in seconds. I yawned and headed to our room. I walked in without knocking and instantly regretted it.

Daniel stood in the middle of the room, naked. It looks like he just took a shower. He probably forgot I share a room with him because the moment I opened the door his towel dropped. I quickly pulled my hands over my eyes, blocking my view. I heard a chuckle but blushed nevertheless. I heard shuffeling but waited patiently, not wanting to stare at his beautiful back and butt. Such a sexy back.

I felt hands remove my arms and opened my eyes. In front of me stood a bare chested Daniel. I inhaled sharply and walked in the direction of my suitcase. I pulled it up and on the bed. I opened it and grabbed clean lingerie and a big shirt. I closed my suitcase and took my clothes to the bathroom.

I went back into the room and grabbed my bathroom bag. I headed to the bathroom and closed the door. I let out a sigh and jumped into the shower. I quickly washed my hair and body. I got dressed but left all my things in the bathroom. I took a minute to collect my wandering thoughts and walked into the room. I turned off the bathroom light and headed to the bed.

I pulled the covers back and laid down on my back, staring at the ceiling. I turned on my side and turned of my lamp. Daniel put his arm around my middle and pulled my back against his chest. Our position reminded me of our dancing tonight. I blushed but was gratefull it was dark. Daniel and I layed in silence. I debated with myself if I should say anything but decided against it.

'I might as wel be brave now', I thought. I turned around in our embrace and kissed Daniel full on the lips. It felt awkward being the only one kissing so I pulled back. Before I could pull back completely he kissed me. He pushed me onto my back and standled me. He kissed down my neck and sucked on a soft spot. I let a moan escape me that made him smile.

I suddenly realized what were doing and pushed him onto his back. He groaned but did nothing about it. He pulled me closer to him again, kissed me one last time and closed his eyes. I studied his features for a bit. His jaw that seems to always be clenched is relaxed. His cheekbones are also relaxed. His whole face is relaxed. He's not that stone cold guy anymore. He's just Daniel. Just my Daniel.

I started feeling like a creep watching him sleep so I closed my eyes and sleep overwelmed me.


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