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Daniel and I didn't have an intimate moment again for the rest of the week. I can savely say he has been trying to avoid me. The only time we are near each other or holding hands is when the rest of the guys and girls were near. If I was tired and went to bed, he would hang out with the boys (keep them awake) until I was asleep then he comes into the room.

In the mornings when I wake up he would be gone again. The only way I know he's sleeping next to me is the warmth of the bed where he must've laid. Today were flying home again because school's starting again Monday. I helped everyone pack and were off to the airport. Mason was a sweet little boy but he woke most of us up at night.

We borded the plain and were off to home. I decided to sit next to Lily on the way back to give Daniel a piece of his own medicine. I took little Mason and cradled him in my arms. He woke up about an hour into the flight and started crying. Lily was sleeping for the first time in two days so I took his bottle and fed him. Once I was done I burped him and made him asleep.

I kept him in my arms the whole way home to let Toby and Lily sleep. I woke everyone and gave Mason to Toby as we got off. I refused to let anyone help me carry my bags this time. We said our goodbyes and got into the cars we came in except for me. I rode with Lily and Toby because firstly, they don't have a car seat yet and secondly, we were going to my house in any case. Daniel was angry by my decision but I refused to give in.

I could see the laughter in everybodies eyes as they stared at the two of us. We were acting like children. I didn't even say goodbye to Daniel. We stopped at the house and got out. I took Mason up to their room and put him in his car seat. I carried the car seat downstairs and helped to unpack.

After we finished I took a seat in the living room and watched some television. I heard a beep on my phone and took it out to see who it's from.

'Daniel: you gonna keep ignoring me?'

'Hailey: you gonna keep avoiding me?'

'Daniel: maybe.'

I didn't even bother to replay to him. I put my phone on the coffee table and layed my head back down and looked at the sexy Jacob Black in twilight. That man and his abs. Yum. I heard my phone ringing and turned to look at it.


I picked up my phone and ended the call. I put it back down again and kept watching how Jacob turned into a big redish brown wolf. My phone rang again and this time I answered.


"Can you not ignore my presance right now?" I could practically hear the anger in his voice.

"Why?" I asked not paying attention to him because Jacob turned human again and I stared at his muscles.

"Are you even listening?"

"Uh. Yes?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Fine. If you don't want to listen to what I wanna say and Jabob Black is more important then I'll go now." Before I could appologise he hung up on me. I sighted and called him back.


I pulled my shoes back on and took my keys. I got into my car that I drove so long ago and headed to his house. I didn't bother going into the big house because he wouldn't be there. I walked a few miles further into the forest and walked into his cottage.

I walked straight to the place where I heard the music. I walked into the room and it looked like a gym. Daniel was laying on a table kinda thing where he lifted weights. I walked over to him and strandled his stomache. He froze for a moment but relaxed and kept on doing weights, clearly ignoring me.

I layed flat on my stomach on his chest, my head a few centimeters from his face. I kissed his jaw, his neck and the cornors of his mouth. I heard him putting the weights on the stand above our heads. He slided his hands down my sides and rested them on my hips.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. I kissed his nose lightly and sat up giggling at his stunned face.

"I'm very sorry. I got distracted for a moment." I said. My eyes traveld down his face to his bare chest. His chest is even better that Jacob Blacks.
"Nah it's fine baby. I'm just frustrated to no end." He muttered running his hands up and down my sides.

"Why?" I tried to distract myself from getting distracted by his toned chest and abbs.

"Trespassers." He muttered. I frowned and held his moving hands still in one place.

"Trespassers?" He nodded but didn't elaborate.

"Why don't you just call the police?" I asked him in confusion. He laughed darkly but shook his head. He sat up with me still in his lap. Our chests touched and he wrapped his arms around my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I pulled back and laid my head on his chest.

"Uh, sorry to bother you Alp-, I mean Daniel. But there's people wanting to meet with you." I stood up and held my hand out to Daniel. He took it but pushed himself up.

"Thank you Mark. Can you please take Hailey to my office? Get her anything she needs and don't let anything happen to her. Understood?" Mark nodded and told me to follow him.

"Can't I go with you?" I asked Daniel.

"No Hailey. I'll see you in a bit." He never called me Hailey, unless we were fighting or he was serious. Like the time he asked me to be his girlfriend. So this must be serious. I nodded once and walked out of the room, following Mark. We climb the stairs and a few doors down he opened a door for me and I walked in.

He asked if I want something to drink but I shook my head and sat down in Daniels office chair. The table was made of a dark wood and stood in front of the big window. The table faced the door with a big chair behind it. His computer stood proudly on the side of the desk. He has about two cabinets for filing.

Big book shelves covered all the walls. The door stood out a little in between the book shelves and the window behind me also.

I put his computer on and saw he has a lock on. I tiped in anything I could think of but it doesn't want to log in. I tried my name but it didn't work. I thought for a moment and an idea entered my mind. I opened the locket he gave me about a month ago and in it was a photo of me and him.

I took the photo out and looked behind it. I tiped in the words that was behind the picture and with success it entered. I put the picture away and was glad that Mark left the room when I said I didn't want anything.

I played around on his computer and saw he has no games. I looked around curiosly and saw he has wi-fi. I fist pumped the air and started downloading plants vs zombies.

By the time Daniel came back it was already late and I played through adventure mode. I was playing one of the mini games, whack a zombie, when he entered the office. I paused and looked up at him. I smiled slightly and resumed my game.

Whack. Another zombie is dead. I finished the game and looked up at him. I noticed that he was wearing a tux. He started taking off his jacket and loosened his tie. He threw the tie and jacket on the couch in front of the desk and loosened his buttons.

He walked to me and I spinned around to face him. He kissed me on the forehead and slid his hands down to my hips. He pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He sat down on the chair with me around him. I broke the kiss and looked at him.

"How did you log into my computer?" I pointed at my locket and he laughed softly, kissing me again.


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