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"Hailey." Someone whispered shaking me slightly. I opened one eye and stared at Lily.

"What?" I asked as I closed my eyes and snuggled back into Daniel.

"I need your help!" She said urgently. I almost shoot up but remembered Daniel sleeping. I quickly removed his hands from me and got out of bed. I turned to look at him and kissed his forehead. He groaned and I started to panic, hoping he doesn't wake up. Lily pushed a pillow into his searching arms, making him snuggle with my pillow.

I almost laughed but rememberd Lily needing my help with something. She took my hand and dragged me behind her to her room. She stopped and I paused, looking at her sceptically.

"Can you please help me bath? I know it's weird but this baby is hurting my back. If I sit or lay in a wrong way, he's almost breaking my back. Please?" I nodded and got her bathroom stuff and clothes. I took her to my room and ran the warm water.

I made sure the temprature is correct and turned to close the door. Daniel sat awake looking around woriedly until his eyes snapped to mine. I smiled at him and he frowned. I shut the door and locked it.

"So tell me Lily. Why do you need my help and not Toby's?" She blushed and looked down.

"I don't want him to know the baby is hurting me. I'm six months and a half. It's not suppose to hurt this bad. He would want me to abort it. He told me when he found out that if he's hurting me a lot I have to abort him." I gasped but shook my head. I helped her undress and helped her into the tub.

"Why?" I asked her curiously.

"No idea." That's weird.

I layed her down with my hand under her head and washed her. She squirted shampoo in my hand and I washed her hair with my one hand still under her head. I heard banging on the door and my head wipped around at the sound. My heart beating a hundred miles per second.

"Lily?" I blew out a sight of relief as I heard Imogen's voice.

"Yes, she's here." I helped Lily sit up straight and headed to the door. I unlocked it and let Imogen, Elora, Isis and Shea in. I looked behind them and saw the boys sitting on Daniel and I's bed. I rolled my eyes and locked the door again.

"What's going on?" Isis asked.

"I'm helping the pregnant girl bath." I rolled my eyes and helped Lily lay down again. They quickly caught on and helped me bath Lily.

"Ow." Lily cried. Her hand flying to her stomache. I put my hand on her stomache and felt a very strong kick. Jeez this little man is strong. We quickly got Lily out of the bath and into a bathrobe. She cried out in pain again and I saw a puddle of water on the floor.

She's six and a half months, this baby can't come now. I hooked myself on one side of her with Shea on the other side. Elora hurridly opened the door and called Toby. He rushed over with a panicked look. When he saw the water he got a scowl on his face and his jaw clenched.

He picked her up and rushed her out. Daniel grabbed my hand and ran with me, with lightning speed, down the stairs. When we reached the bottom I was out of breath. Daniel didn't even look tired. We rushed out and started the car. The rest came out of the elivator and jumped into the car. I pushed Toby to sit one seat in front of us so I could help her.

He growled loudly and I froze. I narrowed my eyes at him and Daniel grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and pushed him into the seat in front of us. I made sure the boys sat at the front with the girls near to us so that they wouldn't see things they wouldn't want to see.

Luckily for me I grabbed my first aid kit I used when I worked at the hospital now and then. I opened Lily's robe and she gasped breathing loudly. I shushed her and made sure all the boys were not looking. I put a towl under her so that she's spreading her legs open for me. I told Shea to grab her hand and get her to breath more.

She did as I told her and calmed Lily down a little. Toby kept on growling each time Lily cried out in pain. His eyes were pitch black and I just had enough. I got Daniel to push Toby to the front so that Elora can sit with us in the back. I know this baby is coming soon and the nearest hospital is two hours from now.

"Leave my mate alone." Toby growled. I stared at him in confusion. Everybodies eyes went wide as they looked at me. I ignored it and turned to Toby.

"Would you shut the hell up. I helped at the damn hospital mom worked at everyday before I came here. I can damn well deliver this baby unless you want her and the baby to die of pain." I just had enough and blew up. His eyes went wide but thankfully shut his mouth.

"Lily, push for me darling." She pushed and pushed and pushed. She breathed heavily and layed her back flat against the seat.

"Toby I need you near her now." He shifted with a sick looking Elora. He also shifted with Shea so that he could lean over the seat and help. He put his one hand behind her head and the other one held her hand.

"I can see the head. I need you to push very hard for me." She gave a push and stopped. I shook my head.

"You need to keep pushing. I know your tired but he will suffocate if you don't push now Lily." That motivated her and Toby because he got her to push harder. She was still a little weak so the baby couldn't pop out. I thinked of plan B and pushed down on the top of her belly. She cried out in pain but pushed succesfully. Toby growled but Daniel had him at the scruff of his neck. I smiled at him and made sure he can't see anything of Lily down there.

I heard a wail and helped the small baby out. I wrapped him in a small blanket I grabbed before leaving. Everything is basically full of blood, including my hands. I handed the baby to Lily and searched for my tools to cut the cord but couldn't find any. I layed against the window and sighted.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked.

"Cut the cord Hailey." Toby demanded.

"I can't, I don't have anything to cut it with." I heard shuffeling.

"Will this work?" Daniel handed me a pair of scissors, alcahol and two pieces of string.

"Perfect." I grabbed the things and threw it in a bowl. I threw alcahol on so that they aren't infected. I wrapped the stings tightly around two different places on the ambilical cord. I hesitated but finally cut the cord in the middle of the two strings. Immediatly the baby cried harder. I told Lily to feed the baby.

Clueless she is, she asked how and with what. I rolled my eyes and pulled her robe down, exposing her breast. I saw Imogen covering Daniels eyes and almost laughed. I put the baby on her breast and he immediatly stopped crying. Toby smiled down at Lily and his baby.

"So, what's his name?" Elora asked sceptically from the front, next to Haiden who drove. I don't know how they switched from Daniel driving to Haiden, but it doesn't matter now. Lily and Toby smiled.

"Mason Flynn Collins." I smiled and nodded my approval.


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