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We complimented each other and headed for the door as soon as the bell rang. Imogen open the door and greeted the boys. I quickly went upstairs to get a few pins so that my hair can stay in place. I heard Elora calling me and I rushed down stairs in my heels. I watched everyone's reactions as I came downstairs. They looked surprised and I could feel the lust rolling off of the boys at how smoking hot we looked.

Mouths were hanging open and eyes were wide. Imogen and Isis smirked at the boys reactions to our clothes. I felt eyes on me and turned to look at the source. Daniel was staring at me with a blank face but looked away as soon as he saw me looking at him. We pilled into cars and I was paired to go with Daniel, Elora and Haiden.

I called shotgun first and laughed as Elora blushed, realising she must sit in the back with Haiden. I realised this week that I have known these people that Elora and Haiden have a thing for each other and Max and Imogen have a thing for each other. Everyone knew that.

We got into the different cars and headed of towards the party. They said it is about an hours drive because it's near the lake. The silence was very awkward for us so I turned on the radio. Daniel firstly glared at me but said nothing. He took a right and I frowned. We were supose to follow the others. I mentally slapped myself because I knew he wouldn't go anywhere without his girlfriend.

My suspiciouns were correct when we pulled up to a massive three storie house in the richest part of town with Lily standing on the sidewalk waiting. She was wearing a hot pink dress that barely covered her ass. The dress has gaps over her left side to the middle of her stomache, meaning her stomache was showing. With the dress she wore black sparkling high heels.

Once Daniel stopped I opened my door and went to sit in the back next to Elora, who shifted so that she's in the middle. I sat directly behind Daniel. Lily got in the car and once she saw me she scowled. I scowled right back at her and turned to look out the window. One of my favourite songs came on and I sang to it obnoxiously. Elora caught on and started singing with me after the song.

Everyone began to loosen up and sang out loud to the music making Lily groan. Even Daniel started smiling and singing. We ignored Lily and continued singing the whole way there. We heard the loud booming of music and went quiet. I looked out the window and saw a massive two story house with a lake in front of it. I saw red solo cups laying around in front of the house. In the lake I saw a few people swimming and laughing out loud.

We stopped and I opened my door and headed inside. I didn't bother to wait because Elora has Haiden and Lily has Daniel to look after the. They'll be all right. As soon as I stepped inside some guys hands touched me. My turned towards him and pushed him away.

I made my way to the kitchen and found Xavier standing next to the island, talking to a bunch of friends. Once he saw me he called me over and introduced me to his friends. Their eyes roamed over me and Xavier scowled in their direction.

I laughed and picked up a closed bottle of vodca. Xavier stared at me as I took a few swigs right out of the bottle. He looked surprised and opened his mouth just to close it again. He smiled and grabbed his own bottle. Soon all the guys joined and got their own bottles.

"Let's see-, let's see who, who can drink the bottle, first empty." A guy named Charles slured as he hanged on me. Everyone cheered but I nodded my head and got another full bottle of vodca for everyone.

"On three." I said. This is about my second bottle of vodca that I drank alone.

"One." They unscrewed the lids.

"Two." People came into the kitchen to see what the counting is for but stopped in their tracks as they saw Xavier, the jocks and me standing with full bottles of vodca in our hands.

"Three!" I chugged my bottle down in a few seconds and slamed it down on the table. I could feel the alcahol going to my head but I know I'm still some what sober. The guys took a few more seconds before they finished. I smiled as a drunk looking Xavier glared at me.

"How can you, can you swallow so much, much alchahol, alchahol, al-ca-hol." He laughed out loud at his own stupid joke but I giggle nevertheless.

"I have a high alcahol tollerance." I said as he hanged on me. He leaned down to kiss me but I moved back. My eyes scanned the crowd that gathered around us and my eye caugh Imogan's smirking face. I smiled at her and moved my eyes over the crowd. I saw Daniel holding a drunk Lily near him as she giggled and tried to remove his shirt. He looked ready to murder someone but I ignored it and walked outside to clear my foggy head.

I heard footsteps behind me but I ignored it. Someone grabbed my elbow and pulled me back. I stumbled a bit but strong arms caught and steadied me. I looked behind me and saw Max.

"What's up?" I asked as I watch the back door open and the rest of our gang stumble out.

"Nah not much. But how the hell did you down two bottles of dry vodca and your still standing?" I laughed at him as he stared at me curiously.

"My secret Maxy." He groaned but said nothing. Imogen was slightly tipsy but Kaiden was holding her up so she won't fall. Elora is perfectly sober with a water in hand and Haiden by her side. Isis was also tipsy like Imogen with Caiden also trying to hold her up. Max took Imogen in his arms and held her so that Kaiden can take care of Isis. Daniel was holding a passed out Lily in his arms and Xavier was standing of to the side, wasted.

We decided it was time to go and headed to the cars. This time Daniel drove with Lily, Haiden and Elora. I drove Xaviers car with him and Isis sleeping at the back and Kaiden sitting with me up front. Max, Imogen and Elian drove in Max's car. I dropped everyone at home except for Kaiden who would drop me at Imogens so that i could get my car.

I stumbled slightly on the heels I was wearing and took them off. I looked inside my purse and got my keys. I started my car and went home after waving Kaiden bye. I stopped in front of my house and saw two cars in the drive way. I guess my brother has some company. I downed about five cans of soda, two redbull's and a monster on my way here to take the alcahol out of me.

I walked into the house and headed straight up stairs. I locked my door behind me and took a long shower. I washed my hair for the second time tonight because some idiot spilled their drink on me. I put in my lacy underwear and pulled a large shirt, that reaches mid thigh, on.

I got under the covers and fell asleep.


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