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Today was the day Lily was suppose to tell me why she's sleeping with my brother and why she's cheating on her boyfriend. I walked into the school and straight to where she was. She looked confused when she saw me walking to her but recoganation crossed her face.

She stepped away from Daniel, who were talking to her in hushed whisperes. She looked at me and nodded her head in the direction of the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and waited for her. She entered the bathroom and made sure nobody was in hearing range. She checked under the cubicles and I watched her.

"Oky so here's the deal. What ever Daniel and I had, is over. There's no spark, no nothing." She said seriously.

"That doesn't give you the right to cheat Lily." I growled as I took a step closer.

"I know! And I'm sorry oky. But please listen to why I'm doing this. Please." She begged. I nodded once and took a step back.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I only nodded.

"Daniel and I slept together." I rolled my eyes at that because I knew it.

"I got pregnant. We were excited about the baby and all, but I lost it. I was driving home after a fight with Daniel about the same stupid things." Tears filled her eyes and she looked down. Pity wallowed in me. I wanted to hug her but I need to know first.

"Daniel felt pity and remourse because we lost the baby, so he stayed with me. About six months ago I met your brother, he made me really happy. He bought happiness and joy back into my live. He knows about all of this with Daniel, that's why he didn't say anything." She smiled as she talked about my brother. I smiled slightly and motioned for her to continue.

"I'm pregnant Hailey. With your brothers child. I wanna leave Daniel today. But I'm scared." I widened my eyes in surprise and gasped.

"Wow. How far along are you?" I asked and she giggled.

"About three months. We were actually waiting for you to come live with Toby so we could find out the gender." I stared at her in disbelieve.

"Waiting for me?"

"Yeah. We didn't wanna do it without your concent in this."

"Wow I'm hornored. But were gonna be late. Let's go." I grabbed her hand and rushed out of the bathroom to first period. I ran straight into someone and fell on my butt. I looked around and saw Lily standing a few feat behind me. At least she didn't fall. I looked up into the eyes of the culpit.


He frowned down at me but helped me up. Sparks flew between us and my heart almost stopped. He must have felt them because he swallowed and pulled his hand back. He looked at Lily sceptically, making sure she's oky.

"Lily." He said.

"We need to talk." He sounded serious and Lily gulped. I looked around me and glared at the girls who started to giggle and gossip to each other.

"Go to class, now!" Daniel demanded as he looked around him at the people. They quickly scattered. Daniel stared down at me but I straightened my back, crossed my arms and shook my head. He groaned but turned to Lily.

"I get it you told her?" He nodded his head in my direction and she nodded, looking down.

"Lily, you and I both know we are fighting a lot since him. We aren't like a couple anymore, I'm sorry butI think we weren't made for each other. You are a lovely girl, but your not made for me." He turned around and head to class. A sense of relief filled met at their break up. I know it's wrong but jelousy doesn't burn so much in me now.

Lily gasped slightly and tears blurred her eyes. It must hurt to date someone for two years then be left like that. I hugged her quickly and headed to class.

I entered second period English and walked towards my table. The rest of the day Daniel was nowhere to be seen. Lily sat with her friends like always but this time without her boyfriend.

I walked into double biology and went to take my seat at the only empty table, the second table from the front near the wall. Mr. Wallis walked into the room with a student behind him. I heard the girls gasp and squeel. I didn't even look at the person but I already know it's probably some handsome young man by the sounds the girls are making.

"Mrs. Collins?" I sighted and looked up.

"Yes sir?" He motioned for me to walk to him. I did and stood a few feet away from him. He motioned to the new guy. I looked at him and almost gasped. He was hot. He has black hair and ocean blue eyes. He is build muscular with muscles that stood out under nearh his blue shirt. He smirked as he saw me checking him out. A scowl replaced the awed look on my face.

"This is Lucas. He will be your lab partner since you worked alone since you started school." I nodded my head and walked back to my seat. I heard footsteps and assumed Lucas was following. The girls in the class was staring at him with love stucked faces. Sudenly boobs were pressed out of shirts and lips were pouting. I widened my eyes in disgust and looked behind me.

Lucas had a seducive look on his face and licked his lips as he stared at someone in the back of the class. I groaned but looked at where he was looking and saw Xavier and Daniel. I must have looked at the wrong table. Lucas turned his head up to look at my face and grinned. I scowled at him and took my seat.

"I'm Lucas, but you can call me Luke." He winked as he took a seat next to me. It felt like I could melt in my chair at his beauty. Daniel is way hotter than him. He grinned knowingly and winked again. This time I smiled at him and gave him a wink of my own and sending him a kiss with my hand. He looked shocked for a moment but composed himself and smirked.

"I think we already established that Lucas" His smirk dropped and looked at the back of the class again. He turned towards me and kissed my cheek.

"Oh really?" He leaned down a little bit. And whispered, "Your boyfriend is burning holes into my back with his eyes. But you pick them nice." I looked at the back of the class at Daniel. He looked angrily into my eyes so I flashed him a big smile.

He smiled back slightly and looked away. I turned back towards Lucas and flashed him a big smile. He laughed slightly at me.

"To bad your into boys." I muttered. It looks like he didn't hear me because he kept staring at Xavier. It couldn't have been Daniel because he kept staring at me and Xavier was licking his lips as he stared at Lucas.


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