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Monday. That's what today was. A damn monday morning. I slept over at my own house last night because Daniel was pissed at me for attempting to go into a bar without him. I wasn't the ony one in the dog house though. Mia and Kate both also fought with their boyfriends.

Today was so far the worst day, not only because it's monday but because without Daniel next to me I couldn't get a wink of sleep so I spent my time shaving my legs and arms at three in the morning. I even washed and blow dried my hair. I was even awake when Mason woke up screaming. At least I got him asleep before Lily or Toby woke up. That's one good thing I did.

I stood in front of the school building deciding if I should skip today but chose against it. I walked into the school and straight to my locker. I got out the books I need for the first three periods and headed to homeroom. I layed my head down on the table.

"What's up?" I looked up at Imogen and Isis.

"Daniel." They looked at each other and sat down in front of me.

"What happened?" I groaned and rested my chin on my hands.

"He threw a big fit yesterday because we went to eat with friends of his and they debated on who should pay and we waited for long so we walked outside and to spite them the three of us, Mia, Kate and I, walked to the bar." They shook their heads and said something about Mia only causing trouble.

Daniel walked into the room and looked at me. Once he saw me he groaned and walked over to me. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his side. I hugged him back and let out a yawn. He suddenly stood up and pulled me out of the class. I followed behind him as he led us to his hummer. He helped me in and rushed to his side. He started the hummer and drove off.

"Didn't sleep?" He asked. He let out a big yawn and rubbed his eyes.

"No. You?"

"No." I rested my hands on my lap and layed my head against the window.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I keep messing things up between us." I said as tears brimmed in my eyes. He pulled over and pulled me into his lap, hugging me. He lifted my chin up and I looked at him. He kissed my eyelids and then my mouth.

"Hey, it's not your fault oky? I'm just frustrated like I told you. I just keep snapping at people and I'm sorry." I kissed him back and rested my head on his chest. We sat like that for a little bit but I moved to my seat again so that we could drive further. Twenty minutes later we arrived at his cottage and he helped me out and into the house. He led me upstairs but left my hand once we were in his room. He rummaged through his closet and got a shirt and a pair of boxers.

He gave them to me and told me to get dressed. I went into the bathroom and pulled my clothes off and pulled his on. I walked ouside again and layed down next to him on the bed. He pulled me close to him and intwined our legs. I layed my head on his chest and smiled slightly.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked. I looked up at him and smiled brighter.

"Because I missed you and iI love being with you." He smiled slightly and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes as his lips lingered there. He pulled back and I layed my head down again.

"Sleep." He demanded.

"You too." I yawned.

"I will." With that sleep overwelmed me.


I woke up a few hours later and Daniel wasn't in bed. His side was empty and cold, meaning he was gone a while. I looked at the clock, it's twelve o clock in the afternoon. I stood up and walked towards Daniel's office. I didn't bother knocking as I opened the door and walked in. Daniel sat behind his big office desk typing away on his computer.

He looked up and smiled at me. He motioned for me to come foward so I did. I walked around his desk and stood in front of him. He pulled on my hips so that I sat on his lap, my face on his chest.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked as I lazily traced my hand up and down his chest.

"Doing some work for the business."

"What business? Aren't you only eighteen now? Although you look to be twenty four, twenty five." He chukled and pulled my face up to his, kissing me deeply making me forget all my worries. He bit my lip a little bit but I refused to open my mouth. His hands slid down to my butt. He pulled me up so that I stradled his hips. He squeesed my one butt cheek and I let out a moan. He took it as his opertunity and pushed his tongue though my lips.

He rolled his tongue around in my mouth, tasting me. I bit down on his tongue but not hard enough to make him yelp. He groaned and squeezed my behind harder, pushing me more into him. I paused for a second but continued doing what I was doing.

I broke the kiss and kissed down his neck. Daniel tried to push me further into his chest. He suddenly stopped me, his eyes black.

He lifted me us and pushed me to sit on the table in front of him. He tugged on my shirt, well his shirt, and I pulled it off. He looked at my breasts and I blushed, covering myself.

"You were all confident the first day of school. Why are you self concois now?" He asked as he held onto my hips.

"Because you make me nervous." He pulled my arms away from my chest and kissed the top part of my breast. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt pleasure from his small touches. I tugged on the bottom of his shirt and he put his hands up in the air, making it easier for me to pull it over his head.

I ran my hands up and down his chest and kissed him. I pushed him back a little bit so I could stand. I started kissing down his neck, making my way down his chest and to his belly button. I kissed down his v-lines to the top of the waist band on his jeans. He let out a moan and pulled my face back to his.

He gave me a light push back and turned his back on me. He threw his shirt at me and told me to get dressed. I frowned at him but said nothing.

"We need to talk Hailey." This is serious.


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