Chapter ten

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I knew where the festival was because it was always at the same park whenever they host things. Hope park. Everyone loves it there and so do I, it's amazing at night with all the stars. I completely forgot about the fall festival. I skipped over to the park in merriment because I was finally doing something different. I think I need to stop going to parties and do something else for a change.

Like painting! I should paint more! I love to paint but I never had the time to do it. Now I can and I won't go to any parties for awhile. I finally made it to Park Hope and saw all the people. I grinned when I saw them. Look all the lights and the people! It was all so incredible! I walked around the place, admiring everything.

I bought a few snacks with the money I brought with me and enjoyed them while walking. I played a few games here and there. And won prizes for beating the games. I smiled as I won a teddy bear and a few other stuffed animals. I didn't mind that I didn't invite anyone to come with me or that I didn't tell my parents. I needed to be alone for once. To just be myself and not act differently around people. My thoughts got cut off as soon I heard a voice from the speaker box.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we will be starting the fireworks soon! So pick your best seats and enjoy the show!," The man said. I grinned when I heard that and immediately went to the center on the grass where everyone else was sitting. We all waited for a few minutes in anticipation.


Then it finally started. All the fireworks shot up, illuminated everything in the park. I smiled when I saw it. But then my eyes started to widen because I remembered something weird.

And then I saw it, the fireworks, It looked like Confetti. All glowing and beautiful and filled with magic. And they were even shaped differently, one was a heart and a star and the American Flag. A smiley face and different animals. The looked like exploding stars and it was beautiful. I felt tears brim my eyes and I brush them away. It was so amazing, it was the best day of my life.

I gasped and shot up from the grass that I was sitting on. Everyone looked at me strangely but I didn't care. I had to get out of there. I walked away from the grass and everyone else. What the hell was that! When did I think that! Why did I sound like I've never seen fireworks before! Almost like I've never been outside before. I needed to take my pills, they'll help me.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a burly man who was red in the face.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you," I said as I took a step back. He had a funny look on his face and I immediately knew he was drunk.

"That's alright baby, why don't we go back to place," He slurred. I shook my head and smiled politely.

"No thank you, I think you should find someone to take you home," I say as I stepped past him. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and my chest bumped into his.

"How about you take me home?," He asked with a wicked grin. I tried to yank my arm back but it was no use, he squeezed my wrist and I cried out.

"Let go of me!," I cried out. But the man didn't listen, he was about to lean forward when someone yelled.

"Get the hell off her!," Someone yelled. Suddenly the man was pushed off me and he stumbled back. A boy with black hair was in front of me and was glaring at the man.

"Hey man! What's your deal!?," The drunk guy yelled. He got up but the boy immediately pushed him down.

"You're harassing a girl! Now get out of here before I call the cops!," He yelled. The drunk guy grumbled but walked away. The boy turned to me and gave me a soft smile. I didn't know why but I suddenly felt shy around him. I tucked a hair behind my ear.

"U-Um Thank You for saving me," I said smiling softly. He stuffed his hands inside his pockets and smiled.

"No problem, I just hope that guy didn't hurt you," He says as he looked at me. I took a peek at him and he had the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. He has a nice smile too. I realized I was staring at him for too long and I blushed.

"Um no, he didn't hurt me," I said. He sighed in relief and grinned.

"Well that's good to hear," He said and then he stuck his hand out. "My name's Jasper Griffin"

"My name's Emery Cain," I shook his hand and he smiled. I smiled back at him. He was so nice and kind. Why aren't there more people like him? I suddenly realized I had to leave because I needed to take my pills. "Um, I have to go".

"Oh okay, are you sure you'll be fine by yourself?," He asked and I nodded. "Okay, well see you around"

I nodded and smiled. I walked away from him but not until he called me back.

"Hey!," He shouted and I turned. I looked at him in anticipation, wondering what he would say he to me. He smiled at me and shouted."If I ever see you again, can I call you Mer!?"

"Mer!?," I yelled in confusion. He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, short for Emery, pretty sure almost everyone calls you Em, right?", He asked and I nodded. "Well I like to be creative, so can I call you Mer?"

I thought about it and then nodded. He pumped his fist into the air and shouted.

"Great! Well see you whenever, Mer!," He shouted. I nodded my head and waved. He waved back and I finally left him. Mer? No one's ever given me a nickname that wasn't Em. It was new and exciting. And familiar. Which is weird because we've never met before. Have we?

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