Chapter Forty

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I gasped out as my eyes shot open. I took in my surroundings and the bright beam lights. Jasper breathed a sigh of relief and kissed my lips.

"You're okay, you're okay," he whispered as he stroked my cheek. Nate held onto my hand and squeezed it. I turned to look at my brother and smiled at him weakly.

"Hey, big brother. You can't get rid of me that easily," I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Not even a bullet can stop Anastasia Grace Light from leaving this world," he said sniffling. Tears poured down as I covered my mouth.

"Rachael's dead," I said.

"I know, I'm so sorry about your friend," Nate stroked my cheek as I cried.

"She didn't deserve this! She stood in front of a bullet for me! She-oh god!" I cried out. I cried even more and covered my face. Jasper didn't say anything as he stroked my hand. Nate and Jasper allowed me to mourn for the loss of my friend. They didn't say anything as I cried. I covered my face as I sobbed. After a few minutes, I stopped crying. Nate stroked my hair but didn't say anything. Nate's friend, Brooke, spoke up.

"Okay, what's the plan?" she asked. Nate turned his head, and looked at her in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"The plan to get her out of here!?" she exclaimed.

"I'm getting her out of here, not you! I don't want you getting hurt, I don't want either of you people getting hurt," he said as he looked at Brooke and my friends.

"Nathan, please! Don't you remember those times we talked about how wonderful it would be to have a brother or sister! You kept her a secret all those years! You actually have a sister! And she's amazing! She looks just like you! I mean I just operated on her and she almost died but she's good!" Brooke exclaimed as she gestured towards me. I was to weak to say anything as I watched those two talk about me as if I weren't in the room. Brooke placed a hand on my brother's chest and looked him in the eyes. He avoided her gaze but she forced him to look at her. "I always wondered as to why you had to leave early whenever we threw parties, or why whenever we invited you to places, you always declined. Or how about the time you dated Jake but you guys broke up because you never let him inside your house or your heart. Remember how devastated you were when you guys broke up? It took everything I had to cheer you up again but you never dated anyone ever again. Or how about the time we had that one night stand? You were literally freaking out in the morning about how late you were and you said your sister's name by accident but you said it was a patient that you were suppose to check up on but it was your sister the whole time! Now everything makes sense with you! Why you have always been secretive with me since the day I met you! I want to help you!"

Nate looked down at her, speechless. She looked up at him with determination in her eyes. Then the next thing that he did left me speechless. He kissed her, it was a chaste kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. He pulled away and smiled down at her. I never really got a chance to look at her until now. She had curly black hair up to her shoulders, brown skin, her brown eyes was a little bit slanted and had an almond shape to them. She looked Hispanic and Asian. Maybe Dominican or Puerto Rican, Chinese or Japanese. I wasn't sure but she looked sweet and seemed to care for my brother.

"You weren't suppose to shout out that I was bi to my sister, she doesn't know that I'm bi," he scolded at Brooke. Her small mouth formed a shape into an O and she covered her mouth. She gave him an apologetic look but he rolled his eyes at her. He looked back at me and gave me a sheepish smile. "Surprise, I'm bi-sexual"

"I didn't think you dated anyone at all, much let alone be bi-sexual, to say I'm shocked would be an understatement. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked softly. He walked over to me and clasped my hand. He kissed my forehead softly while smiling down at me.

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