Chapter 3: Waiting for Him

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He opened the room's door with his feet while holding her as a bridal style in his arms. The room's door opened and he walked then lay her down on the bed while she was looking at him. He stood up and was about to walk but she stopped him by holding his hand and he looked back at her.

'I am sorry and Thank you.' Jannat said while looked up and leave his hand.

'I am going to change in the restroom, you can change here.' Elam said then took his night clothes from wardrobe and walk in the restroom. She slowly also got up and change her clothes then walk back on the bed when he came out and they looked at each other.

'You can sleep right side and I will sleep on left  side.' He said while putting cushion between the bed as a wall and she nodded her head. He walk towards her and closed his eyes then he read something and blow on her while she was just looking at him.

'What did you read?' She asked when he was about to turn around.

'I read ayatul kursi (verses' from quran).' Elam said.

'Why?' Jannat ask innocently and he looked at her.

'You get good sleep if you read Ayatul Kursi before sleep and you should blow on others as well.' Elam said and she nodded her head while walk toward his bed' s side. Then he turned off the light and laid down on his side while she laid down on hers.

'Good night Elam.' Janant said and closed her eyes.

'Good night Jannat.' Elam said and sleep took over them.

She opened her eyes when someone was shaking her shoulder.

'Janaat , get up.' Someone was whisper said to her and She opened her eyes and there he was leaning on her while trying to woke her up.

'Janaat.' Elam said and she got up from bed then  look around. She confused looked at him and then looked at clock. It was only 05:00 in morning and he was looking really fresh as if he was ready to go somewhere.

'You can read Salah.' Elam said and she looked at him.

'At this time?'she asked confused  and he weird looked at her.

'Yes, its morning Salah.' He said while putting on jacket.

'I never know.' Jannat said  and he Shocked looked at her while she was innocently looking at him.

'You never read Salah in morning.' Elam asked  surprised and she nodded her head in no.

'Mom and Dad never wake me up. I don't read 5 Salahs a day regularly.' She confessed.

'Well, I am going to read in mosque, then I will go for jogging with dad and Aryan. You should get up and read.'Elam said

'And How many I have to read?' Jannat asked before he could walk away and he looked back at her then sighed .

'2 Sunnah and 2 Fard.' Elam said and she nodded her head in yes while he walked out and she misses his presence and she don't understand why? She shook her head then walk towards restroom and get inside to do her Wudhu . She finished reading her Salah then decided to go downstairs. She walked into the kitchen where her mother-in-law was talking to maid over something.

'Salam.' Jannat said and they looked at her.

'Wasalam and good morning.' Mrs Malika said while smiling and she walked inside.

'What are you doing?' Jannat asked 

'I am making breakfast for everyone as everyone  like food with my hands.' Mrs Malika said lovingly.

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