Chapter 19: Why you can't Love me?

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She was sitting reading book which was laying on the table when she looked up at watch. It was 11:00 in night. It had been two months since Elam entered in politics and had been giving his best. He always came late and perception for soon to be election were going in full swing. He had made his party which mostly included new and young people and giving his best to help around. Mr Farooq was soon going to leave his Post though upcoming elections where new PM will be choose. She was reading when the dinner room door opened and he tiredly entered. She stood up from the chair while he walked and looked at her

'Jannat, how many time I said to you not to wait for me on food. I always come late and you are always hungry till I come.' He said and looked at her. From past two months he had start coming late so she always wait for him on table for food.

'It's Okay, I am used to it.' Jannat said while he sighed

'Okay,warm the food, I am coming after getting freshen up.' Elam said and walked upstairs while  she nodded her head in yes and walked into kitchen while he went upstairs. she warm up the food and put it on table when he came back in his nights clothes. He sat down on the chair and they start having their food.

'How is everything going?' Jannat asked and he looked at her.

'Great.' He simply replied and they got back to their food and ate it in silence. She looked at him and he was not looking well at all. His eyes were red, dark circles under them and face looked weak as well. She was about to looked away when something catches her attention. There was cut mark on his hand.

'What happen there?' She said quickly while taking his hand in her hand and he looked at her.

'I just got cut today while working. It's minor.' He said and Jannat softly touched it while he loudly hissed in pain and she looked at him.

'It's hurting you badly and you think it is just minor.' Jannat said while standing up and her hand was on table while she glaring at him whereas he surprised looked at her.

'But I am fine now.' He said while she intensely was looking  at him.

'For god's sake Elam, for once have some care for your own self. You no need to all the time care for others while ignoring your pain.' She suddenly screamed and he still dumb folded was looking at her when she turned over and walked out. She came back after a while with first aid box. She sat down next to him and start doing his bandage while he was looking at her.

'Jannat why you want Divorce from me?' Elam asked out of blue while she freeze stopped on his place while her heart  skipped the beat. She slowly looked up and met with his gaze.

'Why you think you will not stay happy with me?' Elam asked again while not getting answer and she start feeling sweaty. What should she tell him that there is nothing wrong with him but he deserved someone better then her. She can live happy life with him but he can't with her.

'You are asking useless question Elam.' Jannat said then quickly start putting bandage while trying to hide her nervousness. After finishing the bandage she quickly stood up. She turned over and had only took few step when he got up then pulled her back while pushed her in the wall and in all process the first aid box fell down while he get hold of her arm behind her back and she shocked looked at him.

'I want answer Jannat why you want divorce from me? If you worried if I came late, you are hurt when I don't give you time, you cared when I am hurt then why you want divorce from me?' Elam screamed while dead serious looked in her eyes and harderen his grip on her arms and she was looking at him. His gripped was hard but she was feeling pain because only what matter the moment of him so close to her. She felt anytime she will stopped breathing because of their closeness.

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