Chapter 13 : Past's Scars

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She slowly opened the room's door and walked out. She slowly claimed down the stairs and walked downstairs then walk in sitting room. She removed away the curtain from the window and stood there while looking up. After Elam left as he wanted to sleep,everyone had the cake and praises her but nothing cheer her up as the person she only wanted to heard her praises, didn't even looked at the cake she made forget about praising it. And that was her one and only husband. After finishing the cake they all went back in their room whereas she didn't even had a bite from cake. she went back in her room where Elam was already sleeping. She tried to sleep but couldn't so she decided to came here. She loudly sighed then closed her eyes.

'Jannat have you give food to Fahad.' Mrs Sania asked worried and Jannat looked up at her.

'Yeah I have but he said he don't want to have it.' Jannat replied  and got back to watche television.

'I know you are sad with his bad behaviour.' Mrs Sania said sadly.

'Mum,I am fine. There is nothing to get worried over.' Jannat replied coolly.

'Stop hiding, You took all day to make that dish and your husband didn't taste it. It's obvious that you are hurt.' Mrs Sania said and Janant looked back at her.

'Trust me Mum I am not hurt at all. His choice that he don't want to eat.' Jannat said and looked back at television.

'How that is even possible. Do you even love him Jannat?' Mrs Sania asksd and Jannat freeze on her place.

'Love him?' Jannat whisper and loads of bad memories come in her mind which she had been going though with him. She looked at her mother worried face.

'Stop worrying Mum.' Jannat said and looked away from her mother's intense stare.

'Trust me Jannat. One of most hurtful thing for women is that her husband ignore the food which she made for him.' Mrs Sania said and Janant just shrugged her shoulder.

'Don't know but it didn't happen in my case.' Jannat said and Mrs Sania sighed then stood up from her place. As she was about to walked out but she stopped and turned over.

'Someday you will get though that feeling. Trust me. ' Mrs Sania said and walked out whereas Janant stared at close door for a while then get back to watch television.

'You was right Mum, it really hurt when your husband ignore you. But I don't know why I am feeling it with Elam but not with Fahad. ' Janant whisper to herself. Then she took in deep breath and just stared up at sky. After a while she heard a voice of wessel falling down. She turned and it was coming form kitchen. She confused slowly started walking towards kitchen. Most of lights in house were off. She tip toe as she was scared who could be in kitchen in the middle of night. She stood in door frame and there someone standing while looking in food drawer. She slowly walked in and it was Elam.

'Elam.' She called to him and he turned over.

'What are you doing here at this time?' Elam asked

'I was not feeling sleepy but What are you doing here?' Jannat asked and Elam nervously scratched his neck.

'Actually I went to sleep as soon I was back from my friend's house but now I am really hungry and couldn't go to sleep without food.' Elam said nervously and Jannat just stared at him.

'There is food in fridge.' Jannat said after a while and Elam looked up at her. Then he quickly walked towards fridge and opened it. There was loads of food in it. He took out plate of rice and was about to closed the fridge when he stopped on his place. He quickly re-opened the fidget and stared in it whereas Jamnat was confused looking at him.

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