Chapter 25 - (2.5K Words)

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"I swear, you must have put drugs or something in the pancakes while I wasn't looking," Namjoon said, heartily digging into his third full plate of pancakes. "These are amazing."

"No, you're just using way too much syrup," Jin laughed, playfully smacking the large bottle of syrup away from him. "You have to save some for the rest of us."

You pushed your empty plate away from you, signaling that you were done. You hadn't believed that Jin's cooking would be this good. The eggs were so light and fluffy that they looked like little clouds, and the bacon was unbelievably crisp with as little grease on them as possible. The pancakes were better than any your own mom had ever made.

Your thoughts quickly flashed back to your mom and the rest of your family. They didn't know that you were trapped in another country with dangerous people you knew nothing about. As far as they knew, you were safely with your aunt. You hadn't heard from them since you had landed; mainly because your phone was dead, and you didn't know where it was.

They'd realize that I'm not answering my phone, and think something was wrong, right?


You thought about your aunt, and how badly you wanted to see her again. Ten years was a long time, and now, seeing her meant more than being with family. Seeing her meant freedom, For now, you were stuck in this giant house with a group of seven dysfunctional men.

She has no idea where I am--she might have sent the police to look for me, I hope.

"(Y/N), are you sure you don't want any more?" Hoseok asked, pulling your attention towards him. "There's a lot more food left, and if you want it, I would get a second plate now."

"No thanks," you smiled weakly, trying to hide your sad thoughts. "I don't think I can eat any more."

"Suit yourself," Hoseok shrugged, taking your plate from the table. "More for the rest of us, then."

He disappeared into the kitchen along with your plate. Namjoon and Jin were busying themselves by fighting over the syrup, and arguing over how much one should be allowed to use. You held in your laughter as you watched them bicker back and forth, each trying to pull the bottle towards himself.

"It's strange that Jungkook hasn't been in to grab any food yet. He's usually the first one up after Jin and I," Hoseok said, coming back into the kitchen with another plate full of food. "You don't think he's been up all night long, has he?"

"I wouldn't be surprised," Namjoon said, finally letting Jin take the syrup bottle away from him. "He might be afraid to leave Yoongi and Taehyung alone. They could still be fairly mad at each other."

"Sheesh--there's no point in him being down there when he could be resting," Hoseok said, moving to sit down beside you again. "They're going to fight wether he's down there or not, I guarantee it."

"I should go and bring him some coffee," you said absentmindedly. "He's bound to be tired."

Without waiting for anyone else to respond, you went into the kitchen. You searched through the cabinets looking for coffee mugs. You heard somebody stumble into the kitchen behind you. A hand placed itself on your shoulder, and turned you around. You were face to face with a worried Jin.

"I don't think that's the best idea," Jin said, hastily pulling you away from the cabinets. "It might not be safe for you."

"Why not?" You asked, ripping away from him. "I need to go and see him anyway; I need new bandages." You pointed at your arm.

I'd also like to apologize for keeping him from his work last night.

"We can get you new bandages here," Jin said, fumbling through a nearby drawer. "If that's what you're so worried about, let's just take care of it now."

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