Chapter 43 - (2.2K Words)

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I think I spent a little bit too much time outside.

You lightly poked your shoulder and flinched when you felt your skin sting in protest. You moved your hand away from your back and let it rest at your side. The water flowing from the showerhead drizzled down your neck and onto your back, giving you a few sweet moments of relief.

You tapped your head against the cold tile of the shower wall and let out a tired sigh. The water trailed down your neck and fell into the thin layer of steam gathered around your feet. You blinked the stray drops away from your eyes.

In the first few minutes of the shower, you had washed all of the chlorine out of your hair. Now, you were taking a moment to relax and unwind. The warm water was helping to wash away the sticky feeling from the chlorine, and the tired feeling you had inside you.

Hoseok and Namjoon never came back outside, leaving you alone with Jimin. Luckily, nothing happened between the two of you after you got out of the pool. You came inside after taking a short nap in the sun and instantly headed up to the shower. As far as you knew, Jimin was still outside, swimming around.

You lifted your head off the wall and tilted it back, letting the water droplets run off of your face. You blinked, reached over and twisted the shower faucet, turning off the water. You leaned against the wall of the shower and waited for the steam around you to dissipate. You stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel you had laid out on the bathroom counter.

You wrapped the towel snuggly over your figure. You ran your hand through your hair and grabbed your glasses from the countertop. You slid them on over your nose and looked at your blurred reflection in the steamy mirror. You ran your hand across the mirror and gazed at yourself in the thin reflective streak you had made.

You didn't even look like yourself anymore. Your skin was dull and gray as if the life had been sucked right out of you. The red bruise from Jiyong's shoe stood out against the paleness of your skin. Your eyes were darker than you had ever seen them before. The light that was in them at the beginning of your trip was now missing. If anything, you looked dead. A single, cold tear trailed down your cheek as you looked over your face one more time.

I'm almost out of here. There's just  a few more hours of this.

You tore your gaze away from the mirror and walked out into the bedroom. You quickly redressed in the clothes from earlier in the day and laid down on the bed. You flopped onto your back and sighed. You stared up at the ceiling and reminisced about your arrival in your mind.

You said goodbye to your parents. You waved to them as you stepped into the hallway leading to the plane. You sat down next to Jackson for the entire flight. You watched as Jin attacked him, but you were too scared to do anything to help. You fled the plane, all while wondering about Jackson's safety. You boarded the bus. You watched as the seven boys forced everyone into the street except for you. You learned what they wanted from you and who they were. You arrived at the bunker. You cried yourself to sleep while Hoseok comforted you.

You met Mark and Yugyeom. You walked through Daegu with Mark by your side, telling you what was going on in the outside world. You fought against Jiyong in the dark alley until Yugyeom came to your and Mark's rescue. You held yourself into the seat as Yugyeom sped down the road. You struggled against Jimin as you watched them get down on their knees with guns pointed at their heads. You stopped them from being shot. You watched them run down the road away from harm.

You arrived at the safe house. You wandered around the house. You went down into the garage with Yoongi. You both got in trouble for being found in the garage. You played as many games of pool with Taehyung as you could. You hid behind him, but still got hit by the flying dish. You walked with Jungkook to the infirmary despite the sounds of the struggle coming from the dining room. You cried and moaned in pain as he pulled the out the glass that was rooted deep in your hand.

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