Chapter 1|Bully

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"Ouch!" I groaned trying not to scream from the pain of what felt like a bruised rib. My father had come home drunk again, meaning I would be getting hurt, again.

"Shut up bitch!" He yelled at me, his words slurred.  Thank goodness I thought, that meant he would most likely go to bed soon.

He kicked me in the stomach four more times before walking upstairs, leaving me huddled in a ball on the living room floor.

My father has blamed the simplest of issues on me ever since I was twelve. He has not ever looked for an excuse, nor has he ever told me why. He simply calls me names and just begins beating me senseless for no reason.

I waited for the telltale sound of his door slamming before trudging my way up the stairs to my room and trying my best to sleep, wishing as I had for years that what I had just endured was a dream.

. . .

I woke up to the annoying beep of my phone's alarm, and I couldn't hit the snooze button because like the genius I am, I placed it on the other side of the room.  I groaned and winced in pain as I sat up. After a quick shower, I slowly picked out some jeans and a long-sleeved shirt to hide my bruises. Don't call me dumb, of course, I had initially tried to fight back. That just made it worse the second time.

And I could never tell the cops because he was the beloved sheriff, lucky me.

I made my way downstairs noting with relief that he had already left for work. I grabbed a granola bar and hopped in my little car that my mother had gotten me on my sixteenth birthday, to drive the short distance to Lesley High School.

As I stepped out of my car Heather and Wesley (my only friends) immediately walked towards me. With a silent greeting, we walked towards my locker together, I didn't talk, I just listened as Heather gossiped to Wes about her weekend activities. I rolled my eyes as she mentioned her most recent 'lust' interest while also trying not to wince with every step. I may as well be the only virgin in the school.

After we reached my locker they waved and walked their own lockers while still talking.

Just as I open my locker it is slammed shut by none other than the school's biggest bitch, Savannah Morgan.

Savannah was considered the prettiest girl in school. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She had guys falling at her feet. But still, they would try to leave her, for me. I would always turn them down, though.

I mean I'm really not that pretty, maybe my disbelief in my "attractiveness" makes me desirable. But, I never really tried. Savannah, on the other hand, had a face full of makeup. She apparently hated me because I was pretty and smart without trying.

"Hello ugly." She smirked.

"Yes, Savannah?" I snapped at her. I was in more pain than usual and really didn't feel like being bullied today.

"Well, well, well, look who's finally growing a backbone," she said with fake shock, clapping her hands and nodding with fake appreciation.

I was just about to be bold enough to ask what she was planning when I noticed Axel Slade leaning on his locker, with his arms crossed, staring directly at me.

Axel was Savannah's on again-off again boyfriend.

We had never even spoken, and though we had classes together -most of which he didn't attend- we never got paired for a project. I know this makes it seem like I wanted to be around him, but I didn't. He was a bad boy, I had learned to stay away from those.

None the less, his staring confused me, seeing as how I had never been noticed by many people, especially by boys, as they learned that I would only ignore them.

I was brought back from my thoughts by Savannah. She was visibly pissed that I had zoned out while looking at Axel.

"Yoo-hoo, nerd? You know can't ignore me," she said pushing me back into my locker as I looked back at her innocently. "Remember that," she taunted still grinning as she walked away from me.

I looked back to Axel's direction, but he was no longer there. I grabbed my textbook and made my way to English IV class.

. . .

By now I was suspicious, in all the classes I had with Savannah, she hadn't made any attempt to embarrass or humiliate me. At all.

Although I believed this is just her working up to some extravagant way to make me look like an idiot, I was secretly thankful to not have to put up with her for at least one morning as I had been through enough the previous night.

After my World History class, it was time for lunch. I usually met up with Heather and Wes as soon as I walked out of the classroom.

But today, they weren't there so I just decided to walk to lunch by myself.

As I walk through the cafeteria doors, I instantly regretted my decision because someone poured cream of mushroom soup over my head. Wiping my eyes, I turned to see Savannah looking triumphant, with a thermos in hand as the entire cafeteria erupted in laughter.

Damn it! My hair!

But I didn't say a word, I never did. I just turned and ran towards the girls' bathroom, but being the clumsy person that I was, I bumped into a wall.

As soon as I hit the ground, I felt two strong arms helping me back to my feet. Looking up into the most gorgeous emerald green eyes, I realized I just bumped into Axel.

I had seen him in fights, and I knew how bad his temper is, so I immediately attempted to apologize.

"I'm so sorry," I said horrified, still looking up to him considering he was a whopping, 6 foot 3 and I was just barely 5 feet tall. He looked down at me confused, most likely because I looked like a wet cat.

"No problem," he said biting his lip and looking at me with some unnamed emotion.

Unable to keep looking into his eyes, I blushed and scurried away into the girls' bathroom. Thankfully it was empty as I began to dry myself as much as I could.

I got a call from Heather. "Wes and I saw what happened, where are you?" she sounded frantic.

I snorted at her worry. Every time something like this happened it she acted as though it was the first time. "Don't worry. I'm fine. I'll just go home, shower and change." I said slowly as if I was talking to a child. Which, I pretty much was.

"Okay, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Bye," I said before hanging up.

I left the school, not feeling the need to tell anyone where I was going since I would only miss about ten minutes of lunch and drove home to shower and change. The entire time I did so, I thought about the look Axel gave me and what it could have meant.

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Published: 08/02/16
Edited: 12/16/17

And again on: 09/22/18


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