Chapter 43|Shot

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Savannah Morgan walked into my party, drunk off her ass, calling my girlfriend names that Satan himself wouldn't even approve of.

In a blind rage, I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of sight and into the most hidden corner. I yelled at her, asked her what the fuck she was doing here, only for her to try to make physical advances on me.

When I refused her, she resumed the name-calling and at first, I controlled my anger and remained quiet, trying to figure out what I was going to do with her. But when she called my Freddi a, "gold digging little whore," I completely lost it.

When I was seven, my father taught me to never put my hands on a woman, to never control my anger whenever the thoughts presented itself, but at that moment I saw red.

Not just any red, firetruck red.

I couldn't hit her. I have morals. But damn was I glad that Freddi had taught me that trick to knock people out by pinching their elbow.

I made sure that she was still actually breathing before handing her off to one of my cousins to be put in a lockable room.

My lawyers would make sure that I wouldn't go to jail for it later if she even remembered anything.

I ran upstairs and searched for Freddi around the bathrooms. When I didn't find her, I then began to search the crowd for Freddi, and when that didn't work out, I used the next best thing, FindMyiPhone.

Finding the little red dot leading to the town park, I immediately hopped on my motorcycle and sped in her direction. As I got to about 15 feet away from the park, the skies doused everything with a heavy rain.

I hopped off my bike, ensuring that I grabbed the key, and ran to the center of the park. As I passed the small slide, I was faced with the back of Noel Thompson's head.

Noel stomped at a small figure on the ground and I immediately realized it must have been Freddi. I ran at him, tackling him into the dirt and began punching him.

I hesitated when I heard Freddi sputtering and having trouble breathing, allowing Noel the split second it took to flip me over and deliver punches of his own.

They weren't particularly hard, though they were enough to keep me stunned, but as soon as he had to break due to exhaustion, I flipped him over again and resumed my attack on his face.

With a few punches and sickening crunches, I had broken both his jaw and his nose. Yet he laid, nearly drowning in his own blood, smiling and laughing at me.

I stood, dragging him up with me and threw him to the ground, kicking him in the side just as he did my Freddi.

Breathing heavily, I walked over to Freddi, dropping to my knees and pulling out my phone to call her an ambulance.

My fingers were trembling and my heart beat at the pace of a freight train as I dialed the three simple numbers, looking down at the panicked blue eyes of my girlfriend who couldn't seem to even gasp properly.

"It's okay. The ambulance is coming, you're gonna be fine," I cooed to Freddi, running my fingers through her hair.

A sudden pain, an intense burning, shot through my thigh and I cried out in pain, my eyes clenching shut at the sensation.

I fell back to avoid crushing Freddi's ribs even further, and using my newfound anger and determination to fuel my movements, crawled over to Freddi's dad.

Narrowly avoiding getting shot again as Noel tried to crawl away. I made my way to him, and gripping the back of his head, bashed his skull repeatedly into one of the poles that held up the jungle gym.

He groaned loudly before going limp in my grip, and as soon as I released his head, I threw his gun towards the swings and crawled back to Freddi.

I was bone tired and depleted of every ounce of my strength and energy. My exhaustion forced me to stop only a hairsbreadth away from Freddi. Our fingertips just barely touching as tears ran down her face while she was unable to make a sound.

I cooed softly at her, noticing the flashing lights of the ambulance finally appearing around the corner. "You're gonna be fine," I whispered, praying with all my might that I wasn't telling her a lie.

Just as the ambulance stopped at the park, I relaxed, my head falling into the grass. The throbbing pain from my leg had suddenly become unbearable.

Forcing my eyes to stay open, I looked at Freddi once more to ensure they didn't make the situation with her ribs any worse.

When the EMT Fletcher, I believe the name was, got her on the stretcher without jostling her body in the slightest, I allowed my eyes to close, though my fingers still reached for the love of my life as I was wheeled into a separate car.


Published: 11/09/17
Edited: 02/16/18

And again on: 09/22/18  

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