Bonus Chapter | Leticia

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While looking through the book we figured that we would have a better chance of reaching the guys through Leticia than by calling the apparently wealthy bunch and saying, "Hey, I think I'm your little sister!"

Oh yes. We had Googled them, the twins were basketball players, Derek was the CEO of a major line of hotels, and Levi ran a security company.

A heavy sigh leaving his lips, Axel scratched the back of his neck before opening the dial pad on his phone.

I was going to meet my brothers.

. . .

"Hi, is this Leticia De Santis?" Axel asked, holding his phone between the two of us so that I could hear her clearly.

". This is she," the woman's voice replied warily.

"My name is Axel Slade. Do... Did you know Meredith Mercer?"

The line went silent, so quiet that if it weren't for the fact we could just barely hear her breathing, you'd think she had hung up.

". We've been friends for years. I helped her raise her boys... What did you say your name was again?"

"Axel Slade," he restarted calmly as I tried to hold my breath. So I did have brothers!

"The rich boy who married a baby? What do you know about Merri? She hasn't spoken to her boys or me in at least a year!"

I frowned looking at the phone. How could they not have known? Axel looked at me over the phone before continuing the conversation in Spanish, obviously finding that it would be easier since Leticia had begun spouting random curses about my mother.

"...Leticia, I'm not sure how to say this, so I'll have to be frank," he breathed, looking at me with sad eyes before continuing. "Meredith passed away last year. She was in a car accident."

Again, the line went silent for a beat until a stream of cries broke through.

"Leticia... Leticia, wait," Axel nearly had to shout over her cries to be heard. "That's not why I called you... Meredith had a daughter."

For the third time, though this time we couldn't even hear her breathe, the line had gone silent. For many long minutes, we sat, me silently wondering if the crying woman was still alive, while Axel seemed a bit more concerned for me.

He probably didn't know how I was going to react to my mother's death being brought up again.

"A... A daugh-ter?" Leticia exclaimed brokenly as she continued to sob, though now we could hear someone attempting to comfort her in Spanish.

"Yes, her name is Freddi, and she is really hoping to meet her brothers."

Sobbing out a small laugh, Leticia replied, with a smile that was evident even miles through the phone, "How soon can you get here?"

I laughed quietly as Axel replied, "We'll meet before the day is out, then."

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