Chapter 3|Detention

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I was standing outside the dreaded detention room, debating on whether or not I should have made a run for it.

But, I was too much of a good girl so, I decided against it, concluding that that would just get me another detention.

I walked in and immediately wished I hadn't, the only other people in the room were Axel, and a random jock who I think was named Tristan, and Jack—or at least I assumed it was Jack.

No one could tell the difference between the twins. Not even me and I dated one of them!

Of course, there was also one sleeping teacher. I groaned and sat in the back corner away from the others.

The twin I used to date, Jack he got pissed because as an already physically traumatized, inexperienced, immature fourteen-year-old, I wouldn't "please" him.

He and Tristan walked over to me. "So, what did Miss Goody Goody do to get a detention," asked Jack.

Annoyed and with a deep desire to be left alone I replied, "Leave me, alone peewee," and rolled my eyes making Tristan laugh.

Jack fake gasped and placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "How would you know, you never saw it?" He smirked and began whispering to Tristan that I was a tease.

I narrowed my eyes, "Exactly." Tristan busted out laughing again, while Jack's lips became a thin line and he returned to his seat giving me a death glare.

"Wow, didn't think you had it in you, baby girl," I cocked my eyebrow as I turned to face a grinning Axel.

"Baby girl?" I asked him confusedly.

"Yes that's what I'll call you from now on," he said biting his lip. I rolled my eyes though I squealed inwardly as the gesture caused my heartbeat to race.

"My name is Freddi."

Axel licked his lips and looked me up and down, his gaze leaving a scorching trail down my body, "Trust me baby girl, I know." I narrowed my eyes at him not amused by my new nickname.

He merely chuckled at my annoyance, "Can I ask you a few questions?"

I sighed in discontent, "Sure."

Detention couldn't possibly get much worse, could it? As if answering my unspoken question, Axel grinned triumphantly.

"Hey, are you a drill sergeant?" Axel asked the first question, and here it begins.

"No Axel," I sighed.

"Really, because you have my privates standing at attention," he wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to blush a bright shade of crimson.

Axel smiled at my reaction and smirked. "I think its time I tell you what people are saying behind your back," he said, now completely pokerfaced.

"Okay, what?" I asked, holding my head up in my hands with my elbows on the desk.

He moved his desk directly next to mine and whispered in my ear, "Nice ass." Causing me to blush even darker and push gently on his— weirdly muscular for a nineteen-year-old boy — chest.

Axel's pectoral muscles contracted beneath my palm and I nearly died when he grabbed my hand in his instead of just pulling away, "Hey baby girl, can I use your thighs as earmuffs?"

My jaw dropped, not only at his question but at the fact that he intertwined our fingers as he asked it. "Absolutely not," I responded, trying but failing to glare at him.

He smiled knowingly, it had taken me a bit longer to respond as the feeling of just our bare hands was causing my already erratic heart rate to speed up.

Jack and Tristan who had been laughing at our conversation, suddenly got quiet causing me to look away from Axel to find out why. My answer came in the form of Jack's glare, aimed at Axel and I's interlocked fingers.

"Okay, enough questions," I said, clearing my throat slightly. The combination of Jack's glare and the questions were beginning to make me uncomfortable.

"Aww, but two things baby girl. One, I'm not done. And two, you agreed to this," Axel said smiling mischievously.

"Whatever," I groaned.

"Do you mix concrete for a living?"

"No Axel. Why?" I say sarcastically awaiting a response.

"Because you're making me hard," he answered with a small groan.

"I lost my virginity," he stated in an obviously fake, sad tone.

"Soooo?" I questioned, everyone knew he'd had sex with most of the school's female population. Not including me of course.

"Can I have yours?" He asked as if this was just the most normal question. I narrowed my eyes as Tristan is laughing his ass off.

"Axel... No," I responded, shaking my head.

"Do you have any Mexican in you?" He asked, smirking at the joke he was about to tell. I rolled my eyes, Axel's dad was Mexican, so Mr. Bad Boy spoke the country's language fluently, but still took the class. Unfortunately with me.


He grinned widely, "Would you like some?" He asked nonchalantly.

I shook my head, "I'm afraid of the dark, will you sleep with me tonight?" I smiled and shook my head again, gasping as he began rubbing his thumb gently across my knuckles.

"Damn girl, I'd love to kiss those beautiful, luscious lips," I blushed at the sound of his words.

"The ones on your face too," He winked, tapping my cheek with his free hand, and I gasped blushing an even darker shade of red.

"Okay, now that is enough."

Axel picked me up out of my desk, forcing me to squeal, and he placed me on his lap causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Though, for some reason, I didn't try to move. I didn't want to.

Over his shoulder, I saw Tristan's expression was the same as mine. While Jack looked completely and utterly pissed. He grabbed my waist making me gasp again. "You are so fucking selfish," he whispered, making me confused.

"You're going to have this body for the rest of your life and I just want it for one night," he whispered and I subconsciously tried to pull my hand away, "Well maybe a couple thousand nights..."


Published: 08/09/16
Edited: 12/25/17

And again on: 09/22/18


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