Chapter 10|Stay

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Axel~(before kitchen)~

"Oh, the things I could do to you," I whispered in her ear. I usually didn't speak Spanish, except to annoy the Spanish Teacher.

But, I really liked Freddi and I needed a way to express it, and Spanish is one of the languages of love. Right?

She froze at my words and for a minute I thought I had made her uncomfortable, but, I didn't have a chance to ask before she muttered something about wanting another drink and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen.

If I made her uncomfortable, she must have had some type of attraction towards me, even if it was purely physical.

Although I felt ecstatic because of that possibility, I shrugged it off nonchalantly and walked towards Thing 1.

I guessed.

We're technically related, but I still couldn't tell the difference between them.

As I approached the twin, he appeared sober, signifying it was Zach. But when I was a few feet away from him, I noticed he was looking all around him frantically like he had taken something...

I stepped towards him putting my hand on his shoulder to announce my presence.

"Oh thank god," he sighed, relieved.


"Its Jack, Savannah's making him rape Freddi," Zach said so quickly, I almost didn't understand him.

No one touched her but me, and most definitely not against her will. Without another word, I rushed towards the kitchen. Frantically pushing people out of the way, too determined to save my nena to bother with any pleasantries.

Once I opened the door, I saw three guys holding Freddi down on the counter. You couldn't even to begin to understand the anger I felt when I saw this.

I already knew that one of them was Jack, but the other two were some random football players I presumed, one had strikingly familiar red hair.

As I pulled the bulkier of them off of Freddi, and punched him in the face, knocking him out on impact, I noticed the redhead running away.

Jack, however, just couldn't take no for an answer. I ripped him off of her and punched him repeatedly, as hard as I could.

I just let all my anger flow through my fist. My only concern was hurting whoever hurt Freddi.

I didn't know how many times I punched Jack before I turned to heard a small voice. "Axel stop," she practically whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

Fear? She's afraid of me.

Mid-swing I dropped Jack and grabbing Freddi's hand, I lead her outside, wordlessly marching away from the madness and towards my car.

I was just about to step through the front door, but I felt someone staring at me, so I turned and found my eyes locked with a pair of guilty blue eyes and greasy red hair.

That's who the other guy was, Freddi's friend that hated me. Weasel.

. . .


. . .

As soon as we reached the car, and were safely inside with the doors shut, Axel apologized, "I should have never made you come here. Freddi, I'm so sorry."

Sniffling loudly, I practically pounced on him, crying a little harder as my ribs brush the console, holding him tightly, as my tears began anew.

My arms locked around his neck as I clutched onto him for dear life.

Axel rubbed my back soothingly, and murmured something along the lines of, 'I'm sorry, its okay, it's all my fault.'

Eventually, my tears ran dry and he pulled away from my death grip, "How about I take you home," he suggested softly as if by saying the wrong words he would push me to the verge of crying again.

I nodded my head as he finally pulled back from the hug, taking a spare key from the cup holder and driving off, he placed his warm, oversized hand on mine, comforting me silently.

. . .

"Thank you," I mumbled softly, playing with my fingers as Axel stood in front of me at the door to my house.

"Don't," he commanded, "Don't thank me when I almost got you—"

I cut him off before he could blame himself anymore, "But you saved me before it could happen. That's what's important."

Minutes passed as we looked at one another, simply gazing into each other's eyes. Mine filled with gratitude and his with guilt.

Axel suddenly cleared his throat, "So, I should probably—"

"No!" I yelled, blushing instantly afterward. "I mean, can you stay maybe? You know the night," I asked timidly, before noticing how wide Axel's eyes got at my request. "Not like that! I'm not that type of girl! I mean, I wouldn't- we wouldn't—"

"It's okay Freddi," Axel chuckled softly, scratching the back of his neck. "Won't your parents question the six foot three, stranger in their home?"

"They aren't home. Shouldn't be for a while actually..." I mumbled. My shoes had suddenly become extremely interesting, as had the poor fallen moth I had heartlessly stamped with the tip of my shoe.

"Well then, lead the way baby girl," Axel grinned, handing me the spare key that he hadn't replaced earlier.

I smiled softly in response and as I let us both in, I couldn't deny the slight giddiness I felt.

. . .

After telling Axel to make himself at home in my room, I walked towards my en-suite bathroom and showered.

Even though the water was probably scalding hot, I didn't feel it as I shivered from the memory of their hands on me.

Once I stepped out of the shower, I realized I hadn't grabbed any clothes and though I was quickly beginning to trust him, I didn't put it past him to take a peek.

"Axel," I called, to which I only got a low grunt in response. "Can you please pass me my nightgown and some... underwear?" I whispered the last part, feeling heat travel up from my chest to my cheeks, flooding my entire face.

A low groan sounded through the walls and seconds later, Axel's hand pushed two scraps of black fabric through the door. Mumbling a quick thank you, I slipped on the clothes before realizing what they were.

A brand new, lacy black thong Heather had bought me for my fourteenth Christmas, my first year as a freshman. As you can probably tell by now Heather wasn't exactly the best influence.

But the larger scrap of fabric was plain black and reached my knees. Axel's shirt.

I blushed an even deeper shade of red before taking a deep breath and stepping out of the bathroom.

My eyes instantly flicked to Axel. From what I could see he was naked from the neck down, his lower half covered by my floral comforter, arms crossed behind his head, with a shocked look on his face that I had no problem reciprocating.

"Fuck..." he growled lowly, subtly reaching down to cover the apparent twitch beneath the blanket.

I let out a soft gasp and an almost inaudible whimper in response as I stared blatantly at his chiseled chest, his smooth tan skin was marred by only one tattoo, clenching my thighs together at the sight of him.

Fine, I will admit it. I guess I like him.


(A/N: picture of Wesley in media bar.)

Published: 09/06/16
Edited: 12/30/17

And again on: 09/22/18


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