Chapter 13|Lies

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Heather ~ SURPRISE

I quickly walked to Freddi's house since it was only 3 blocks away, and stepped inside her house using the spare key that she definitely needed to hide better.

I looked behind me, trying to peek into the tinted windows of the unfamiliar green car outside, before closing the door.

"Fred?" I called as I stepped into the living room.

"Upstairs!" I heard in reply.

As soon as I stepped into her room I was rewarded by the sight of her frantically packing a red duffel bag full of clothes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell are you doing?" I questioned, gripping her shoulders to stop her from moving.

"Umm, my dad and I were fighting, so I'm leaving," she answered, though it came out as more of a question than a statement.

"Why were you fighting?" I asked as calmly as possible while she began packing again, not believing her.

"Axel sort of... stayedthenight," she rushed the words out probably expecting to be quizzed for her actions. 

"So did you go to the party?" I asked imploringly.

"Well, I did need my phone," she answered with a small smirk.

"Whatever," I snorted rolling my eyes "We both know you went because papi grande Axel told you to."

Freddi glared at me. "That's not true, now help me pack." 

"Soo, are you gonna tell me why you're really leaving or are you just gonna crash at my place until your dad gets a warrant to get you back?"

She looked panicked for a minute before replying, "Actually, I'm staying with Axel."

Freddi paused her packing momentarily, closing her eyes tightly as if she were dreading my reaction.

"Yeah I know, but why?" I asked, narrowing my eyes in scrutiny.

"Well, he um, he slept here. So, Axel heard the argument and um said I could stay with him... In his mansion," she stumbled through her sentence, an obvious sign that she was lying.

"Okay," I acquiesced not questioning her any further. "So why not just stay with me instead, I mean I sincerely doubt you want to stay with ASS," I smirked.

"Well, Axel is the reason my dad let me leave, and quite frankly your mother terrifies me," she answered, this time honestly with wide eyes.

"Two things, one; what do you mean, and two; she just wants to braid your hair," I snickered softly, prompting both of us to laugh.

She shook her head, "Axel told my dad he would call the cops. The only reason that he let me leave was because he was scared."

I didn't believe what she was saying for a second, but I did know that if she really wanted me to know, she would have told me already. "For yelling at you? Damn! You must have put in work last night," I giggled causing her to glare at me. "Oh, come on, you know I'm kidding."

"Still a virgin Heather, I got all the stuff I need, so let's go," she spat as she stood up holding two duffel bags, one in each hand.


Freddi led the way to the green car parked outside and I realized that it must have been Axel's. She placed the bags in the trunk before motioning for me to get inside.

"Let's go to the movies," she offered, obviously trying to forget whatever really happened today.

"As soon as you answer my question."

"I'm driving, remember?" Fred cocked an eyebrow at me.

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. "Oh my fucking GOD! If that asshat touched you, I'm gonna rip off his dick and shove it up his left nostril," I threatened. Freddi was way too innocent to lose her V-card to such an ass like him and also much too young.

"No he didn't do anything, we just slept. Nothing else happened," she stated, obviously amused by my reaction.


"But you do know that I will eventually have sex one day right," she piped as she started the car.

"Yeah but not so soon! You aren't even seventeen! Are you trying to kill me before I'm old enough to drink?!" I scolded as if she were my daughter.

Freddi simply laughed at my response and pulled off.

How could her short ass even reach the gas pedal?

. . .


. . .

My drive back to the house was silent, as Freddi was not with me this time. So when I reached the house, only having been gone maybe a half an hour, I was slightly anxious to see her.

But as I stepped inside, I remembered that she had my car keys. I quickly dialed her number (Heather gave it to me) to find out where she was.

"Hello?" Freddi's soft, beautiful voice rang through the phone, unintentionally making me hard while also speeding up my heartbeat.

"Hola nena," I could practically feel her blushing as soon as the greeting left my lips.

"Don't call me that. What do you want?"

Smirking at her frustrated response, in as innocent of a voice as I could manage, I replied, "Well babe, I just wanna know where you went?"

"First, I am not your babe and second, Heather and I are at the movies."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Are you the asshole who talks on their phone in the movie theater?" I asked jokingly.

"No, the movie doesn't start for another 15 minutes," she grumbled, annoyance lacing her tone.

"Why was I not invited?" I pouted like a five-year-old even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"It's a free country, babe," she replied, putting emphasis on the word babe.

"Great, I'll be there in 5," I said gleefully before hanging up.

Now about this boner...


(A/N: Ignore the "twins" I had a picture of at first. I'm seeing Keenan Tracey & Burkley Duffield as Jack and Zach and if you know/figure out why, then you know which I see as which.)

Published: 12/12/16
Edited: 12/31/17

And again on: 09/22/18


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