Chapter 20|Costume

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It was October twenty-ninth, it had been 6 weeks since I moved in with Axel. Six weeks and no contact from my father. Six weeks and people still stared at Axel and I like we had gone mad.

A month had passed since Wesley fell down the stairs and fractured his radius. There were no stairs at his house.

Not many people knew what really happened. Not even Heather, which I guess gave her the right to be mad at me for not caring. But, I think Zach told her what happened, or at least part of it since she was no longer talking to him either.

I didn't mean it when I asked him to hurt Wesley, I was just upset. But, I didn't feel a single ounce of guilt, no remorse whatsoever. He deserved a hell of a lot worse in my opinion.

Jeez— when did I become so morbid?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I finished applying makeup to the bags under my eyes. I still hadn't been getting much sleep, no matter how much I tried ignoring the memory of the blue eyes so much like my own that haunted me.

I slipped on my Converse as I prepared to endure the torture that was shopping, for my Halloween costume with Heather.

I managed to steer Axel away from following and getting matching costumes, he claimed he needed to show everyone we were together.

Possessive much?

Heather already had a costume. She was going to be a SWAT officer, in a body-con dress with knee-high combat boots.

She hadn't seen Zach's costume yet, but the two were so in tune that they had unintentionally matched each other, as he decided to be a sexy cop.

According to Heather, the theme was sexy. I wondered what Axel was gonna be.

. . .

Sexy Batgirl— No.

Sexy Catwoman— Are you kidding me?

Sexy cup noodles— What the hell? No!

Sexy Nerds box— No. Wait... maybe.

"Freddi come on, you have to choose something. You can't just not have a costume!" Heather groaned, exasperated.

I had said no, to everything except for the sexy box of nerds costume, but even that only got a maybe.

"Well, how about I try one that I pick, and if you don't think I should wear it, I'll be a Nerds box," I offered, trying to placate her. I really didn't care what I was. Shopping gave me migraines.


Scouring the racks of costumes, I finally found the perfect costume. Stepping into the dressing room I slipped it on.

"How about this?" I asked, stepping out from behind the curtain and twirling to show Heather.

She laughed, "It suits you."

Well, I guessed that settled it. For Halloween, I was going to be a sexy schoolgirl.


. . .

Heather decided to come to the mansion to get ready for the party, that way we could all get to the school in one trip.

I was super excited, but also nervous for Axel to see my costume.

Since I wouldn't let him know what I was going to be, he changed his costume at the last minute and won't tell me what it is.

However, that didn't matter since whatever it was wasn't going to shock me as much as I was going to shock him.

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