Chapter 16|Kiss

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For the rest of the day, I sat in my room. I ignored any and all attempts at conversation from Axel.

Quietly dreading the school day tomorrow, I called Wesley, hoping for some sense of normalcy.

After three rings, he picked up. "H-hey Freddi," his voice was tentative, almost hesitant. Almost as though he was scared.

"Hey, Wes, what's up?" I chimed with as much enthusiasm as I could manage. Wesley was never usually this way.

"Um, nothing, my mom needs me I'll call you later okay," he spat out in a haste.

"But–" was all I managed to get out before he hung up on me. This was beyond strange. Wesley had only been semi-normal school, but this phone call made it obvious that he was just avoiding me.

. . .

As expected, everyone stopped and stared at us, the moment we stepped out of Axel's car. Most were confused as to why the hell he was with me, while others didn't give a damn.

There, however, were a few who were simply shocked by the fact that Axel owned a car.

Even a couple of teachers stopped and stared, and it didn't really help that he followed me to my locker after every class.

Zach and Heather, seemingly waiting for us as they stood, holding hands while he nuzzled her neck as she giggled.

I turned and stuck my tongue out at Axel. "Hey guys," I greeted the happy couple as I opened my locker to get my books for my next class.

"Hi," Heather replied through a fit of giggles.

I gaped at her, my Heather didn't giggle. "Erm... can I talk to Heather, privately for a second?" I asked the guys, looking up at Axel imploring him to listen, considering he would have probably argued to stay by my side.

"Sure," Axel said reluctantly, dragging Zach away with him.

Heather looked down at me grinning, like everyone she stood much taller than me at five foot eight inches tall.

"So, how long before he gets you knocked up?" Heather asked causing me to punch her in the arm, with as much force as I could muster.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?" I asked teasingly with a forced smile.

"Whatever, you're living with him so how long before you say yes when he asks you out?" Heather looked at me with an arched brow as she leaned against my locker.

"When he what?" I cupped a hand over my ear, pretending I didn't hear her.

"Oh sorry, I meant when he asks to fuck your brains out," she corrected herself.

Just as she uttered those words, the Queen Bitch and her minions decided to show up. Savannah, Tammi, and Brittney stopped directly next to my locker as if they'd been listening to our entire conversation.

"He only 'likes' you, because he has to chase you. You stupid. Little. Virgin," Savannah sneered, glaring down at me. I glared back up at her, but her height compared to mine made me seem like a tiny bug, squished beneath her heels.

What kind of idiot would wear heels to school anyway? What kind of school even allows it?

"Just because he didn't want you, doesn't mean you can torment me," I warned, my voice was soft as per usual but firm this time.

I no longer had anything to fear, I had just escaped from one of my bad guys and I couldn't– wouldn't let the other have control anymore either.

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