Chapter 44|Dr. Abrams

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I was thrown from my swing with a hard shove.

I struggled to push myself onto my hands and knees.

I was forced back down, wheezing as my assailant's blow knocked the wind out of me.

My father.

• • •

I awoke with a jolt, unable to sit up properly, but clutching at my chest and wheezing as tears streamed down my face.

Instantly the door flew open and a young woman in pale blue scrubs rushed into the room, a doctor in a lab coat not far behind her.

They both relaxed slightly and the doctor began to explain what had happened, while the nurse checked my vital signs.

I was unable to speak as I felt that my chest was going to cave in on itself. I was still struggling to breathe and calm my erratic heartbeat as I was struck with a crippling fear and worry for my boyfriend.

Nurse Lexis and Dr. Ramirez both tried to calm me down, however minutes later they gave up, and Nurse Lexis was ordered to give me a sedative.

Though as doctors this may have seemed like the right thing for them to do, it was one of the worst things I had ever experienced. It was nothing like the way that books described it –a comforting darkness with no worries– if anything it was the opposite.

The darkness was anything but comforting, I was pushed into the deepest recesses of my mind and left with only one thing to think about as I floated steadily into a drug-induced oblivion.

Axel was shot... because of me...

. . .


. . .

Looked like my family would be suing the Lesley Hospital. 

Everything with Freddi was for lack of a better word, okay. She had eight broken ribs and a couple stitches on her chest, she was lucky she didn't have a punctured lung.

The reason we would be suing the hospital was because as they were operating on my leg –which was fine, thanks for asking– I woke up. This wouldn't have been a problem if it hadn't been for the fact that the uneducated fuckers couldn't put me back under.

I had a very calm conversation with my surgeon Dr. Addams, a nice older lady with kind pale green eyes, she seemed nervous every time she responded. It was understandable.

I was awake, but a still little loopy. I remembered telling her about Freddi, "I just love her everything! Her hair is like a lion's mane and it's so soft and curly. Her eyes are like water. The pretty kind at the beach ya know? No matter how much she complains about her height, I love the fact that she's so much shorter than me! Like a doll. And she is so se—"

Luckily before I got into any gory details, they covered my mouth and pumped me full of something that would have a crack addict in heaven.

Hours later I was awake and rambling happily about Freddi, telling everyone that passed that I loved them. I could hardly see, the doctors had taken out my contacts, but I was hopped up on something nice and enjoying my stay in the hospital.

I had finally made it into my room with my giant, half-Russian nurse, Ondina and despite my many pleas and protests, she put me to bed.

• • •

I awoke to the faint sound of screaming, a sound that I wanted to ignore, but found that I couldn't. So, ripping the IV from my arm, I hobbled into my wheelchair.

Weary but alert, I pushed myself towards the sound of the noise, eventually finding that the sound resonated from the room at the end of the hall. The door was open and doctors rushed in as I wheeled myself in behind them.

I found Freddi, thrashing in her bed as her nurse prepared to sedate her.

"No!" It took me a second to realize that I had been the one to yell the word and though my ears felt hot, I continued, "You don't have to drug her, just let me see her."

My offer was met with several confused looks before the doctors realized that Freddi was already mostly calm since I entered the room.

"Sir, what are you doing up?" The nurse asked, eyeing me curiously as I wheeled myself closer.

"Freddi's my girlfriend," I whispered hoarsely, hesitantly grabbing her hand.  "Her dad hurt her. I was shot while I was saving her from him. Please, the drugs aren't necessary. She only has nightmares when she doesn't feel safe. I can calm her down. I'll call you if she actually needs it. Please." I glanced up at her doctors along with my nurse as they all looked at me with the most pitying expressions.

It was an expression I had loathed since I was eight when my mother's pompous ass friends were told the story of how he cheated on her and left with his mistress. Her friends, though they were all snooty and stuck up, managed to feel sorry for the little boy who no longer had a father.

However, at the moment it worked in my favor as Freddi's breaths soon evened out. The doctors left, although they were obviously a bit stunned, and agreed to move me to a more private room with her.

When I heard the sound of the door click shut, I grabbed Freddi's hand, and my voice hoarse with unshed tears, I began to whisper softly to her. 

"He's gone... He can't ever hurt you again..." I repeated the words. I had read somewhere that she could hear me so I kept saying it if only to give her peace of mind in regards to her safety and mine.

Minutes passed, hours maybe and another doctor came rushing into the room. "Axel Slade," asked the new doctor, a slight frown on her face.

I simply nodded, scared to speak due to the possibility that I would start crying.

"You are her boyfriend, correct? You have been caring for her for the time being?" The doctor asked, gesturing towards Freddi.

"Yes," I croaked, confusion plain on my face.

"My name is Dr. Abrams. I'm terribly sorry but I'm afraid I must be frank, Ms. Thompson's mother, Ms. Mercer has just passed in a car accident."



Published: 11/13/17
Edited: 02/17/18

And again on: 09/22/18  

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