Chapter 14|Movie

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"Zach?" I yelled from the kitchen. The mansion was three stories high, and yet he chose the only bedroom on the first level.

"What do you want?" Zach asked, obviously annoyed at me for interrupting his reading as he appeared with his glasses fisted in his hand.

"We're going to the movies," I informed him, grabbing the keys to my red Aston Martin DB9. Another gift in exchange for my silence about one of my stepfather's red-haired conquests.

"What if I don't wanna go?" Zach asked, grabbing a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge and taking a sip.

"Heather," I taunted with a smirk as I spun the key around my index finger.

Not wasting any time Zach walked over to me and snatched the keys out of my hand with a small smile and nearly sprinted to the garage.

"Whipped little bitch," I muttered under my breath as I trailed after him towards the cars.

"I heard that!" Zach yelled from the driver seat, before slamming the car door. I rolled my eyes at his actions before getting in the passenger seat.

"You do realize if you don't talk to her, she won't notice you right?" I asked as I connected my cell phone to the car's radio.

"I do talk to her," he defended before pulling out of the driveway.

"Mumbling 'Hi' in the hallways is not talking," I said in a sing-song voice, rolling my eyes as I played the song No Shopping by French Montana and turned the radio up.

"If you want her to notice you, make a move. Ask her out. Flirt for fuck's sake!" I said punching his arm playfully.

"Hey! I'm driving, watch it!" Zach exclaimed.

"I'm just sayin', if you don't ask her out, she'll run to some college guy, that you can't scare away," I told him as I leaned back in my seat.

"Shouldn't you be in college anyway," he asked tersely.

"Changing the subject to me failing 3rd grade will not help your nonexistent relationship."

"You failed tenth too," he smirked as he parked in the parking lot of the movie theater.

"Okay, your father held me back, and you're denying that you're afraid to go out with Heather."

"Who cares if I'm afraid? Your girl is jail baiting you," he said with a small smirk since we both knew it wasn't true.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Step-brother, do you know nothing? The legal age of consent in Nevada is sixteen," I replied to his snide remark with a smirk of my own as I climbed out of my car.

"Of course you would know," he muttered as he followed.

. . .

We found the girls in the arcade waiting for their movie and after arguing with Heather, which wasn't really an argument since she didn't give me a chance to speak, Freddi spoke up.

"You guys had to buy tickets to get in here so, what are you watching?"

Zach replied first as I was fighting the urge to look at her breasts, slightly outlined by my shirt that she still had on. "We got tickets to see Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children," he answered, his unwavering stare still locked on Heather.

Freddi's eyes eagerly looked up from the floor. Knowing her generally submissive demeanor, she had probably just agreed to see the other movie for Heather's sake.

"How old are you guys 5?" Heather asked, looking everywhere but at Zach.

"Nope, but Freddi and I will go see that and you and Zach, will go see the chick flick," I told her, leading Freddi away before the others could argue.

"B-But Heath-" she began, looking back at her friend who I could feel glaring daggers into my skull.

"This'll be good for them."

It was Zach I worried about, the poor kid would probably run away with his tail between his legs like a frightened puppy.

"O-okay," she muttered sheepishly.

We walked into the theater silently, having bought one large popcorn to share. Situating ourselves in the top row, I noted that there were not many people there.

As the movie began to play, I looked over at Freddi who was watching the screen intently. Shoveling large handfuls of popcorn into her tiny mouth.

Plump, pink lips, wrapped around my-

Fuck! I absolutely had to stop thinking like that. I didn't even like having my dick sucked.

Turning my attention to the screen, I continued to watch the movie in silence.

. . .

We were just walking out of the movie, which really wasn't that bad, my arm casually around Freddi's shoulder when she turned to me.

"I'll be right back."

I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity, not understanding.

"I have to go to the, erm bathroom," she whispered while blushing a light shade of pink. I bit my lip and nodded, as she stood.

Glancing at my Rolex, I noticed That Freddi had been gone for longer than 5 minutes.

Therefore I had to see what was taking so long. Right?

I walked towards the bathrooms only to find her hiding carefully behind a movie cut out, watching Zach and Heather who were kissing passionately, just as I wished we were...


(A/ N: picture of Savannah in media bar. I figured I'd make the mean girl an "icon" sorry, not sorry Kylie)

Published: 12/27/16
Edited: 12/31/17

And again on: 09/22/18


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