Bonus Chapter | Surprise

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"Did we pack everything?" I asked, mentally checking off all of the necessities that Axel and I would need for our trip. We were planning for a week stay, but if something came up and that ended early, or lasted longer I wanted to be prepared.


"Made the reservations?" I asked as he carried two of our five suitcases outside.


"GPS works?" I continued as Zach came downstairs, keys in his hand. He was driving us to the airport so that we wouldn't have to pay for a cab or leave the car there.



"Freddi! Enough, it's only a ten-minute drive once we get off the plane and even that's only a few hours! Everything's gonna be fine, okay?" Axel interrupted, placing a quick kiss on my lips as he bent to pick up the remaining suitcases.

"But what if this is all just a big misunderstanding? What if they don't believe me?" I cried in frustration, attempting to go back inside before I was stopped by an ever so grumpy Heather.

"Freddi. You're going to Wyoming," she stated.


"No but's. They're your family. And you have the diary, right?" Heather asked, to which I nodded in response. "They'll have no choice but to believe you. And at least one of 'em is bound to notice the resemblance."

I heaved a shaky sigh and nodded as Axel tugged at my hand. "See you when we get back," I mumbled hoarsely.

Fighting back a frown, Heather waved bye, furrowing her brows as she looked down at the baby monitor in her hand. 

They're my family...

. . .

After having parked behind a gas station to relieve some of my nervous jitters, Axel and I finally pulled to a stop in front of a small ranch house, it wasn't tiny, but still cozy compared to what I was used to.

"I don't look like we just... you know what'd, do I?" I asked, raking my hands through my hair in an attempt to tame the frizz that I just knew was there.

"Your lips are a little swollen, but we can blame that on spicy food," Axel responded, checking himself in the mirror, ruffling his hair so that it wasn't matted down by sweat.

"Okay," I muttered in response, giving up on my hair before exiting the car Axel had rented. It was a good thing I had worn a turtleneck, not only did it hide my tattoo, but also the massive hickey Axel had given me earlier.

Nudging Axel as we stood at the top of the steps, I hid behind him partially as he sighed before ringing the doorbell.

I heard a slightly muffled, 'cállate,' before the door was opened. "Sí," came the voice of Leticia De Santis, before a gasp escaped her lips and she exclaimed, "¿Where is she?"

"Hi," I whispered, my cheeks burning as Axel stepped to the side, revealing me to Leticia's curious gaze. She was a small woman, slightly thicker and taller than me, her chocolate brown hair was in a neat pixie cut and her brown eyes, though glossy with tears were piercing straight through me. As though she had known me forever,

"Dear, God," she whispered, wrapping her chubby arms around me with no preamble, pulling me into a hug. I made no move to pull away, instead, I hugged her back, resolving to wait until she was ready to let me go.

"What the FUCK?!" Another voice exclaimed from behind Leticia causing us to pull apart. 

Looking up, I found myself staring into four sets of eyes. One green, one hazel, and two baby blues so similar to my own I almost forgot I was looking at another person.

Finally figuring out who it was that had asked the crude question, I watched as Leticia turned to look at Levi sheepishly. "Surprise," she whispered.

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