Chapter 33|Sarah & Meredith

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In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have done it, but I did. No regrets.

"On Jack, dear stepbrother where are you?" I asked in a sing-song voice, walking into his bedroom.

Jack walked out of his closet, a frown on his face and disappointment clear in his eyes.

"Okay fine Slade. You got the girl I couldn't get. You win. I'll leave you alone," he said dejectedly, taking me by surprise.

"Just like that? You're giving up, just like that?" I questioned incredulously.

"Well... yeah," he shrugged scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay," I replied, walking back to the door. "Oh, and Jack, if you are lying, or try to tell anyone what you saw today, I'll ... Well, I think you should know by now. Right?" I asked rhetorically before leaving his room.

Well, that most certainly went a hell of a lot better than I thought it would.

Whistling softly, I walked back into the kitchen contemplating whether or not I should have taken Freddi up on her offer for a shower.

Running a hand through my slightly sweaty hair I decided it was better to piss off my mother than Freddi's by going back upstairs. So, hoping I didn't smell like sex, I walked into the kitchen to face the adults.

Lucas was not in the kitchen as I walked in but my mother and Freddi's seemed to be in a very heated discussion. Not having been seen yet, I took a step back to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I'm sorry but this is not like my daughter! Your son is obviously a bad influence on her!" Freddi's mom exclaimed.

"Yes I understand that she's been a 'perfect child' or whatever but you need to tell her to leave my son alone. We don't need her being a gold digger like her whorish mother now do we, Meredith?" My mother threatened, causing me to clench my fists.


"Threatening me won't do a damn thing Sarah and I am not a whore. Freddi is most definitely not a gold digger!"

"It doesn't matter what she is! My son is supposed to marry an heiress. One whose parents are of equal status. Not the daughter of an old slut!"

"Look who's sounding like a gold digger now?" Freddi's mom retorted.

"You know what? I'm doing this for her own good. Those two need to cut all ties. He'll only break her heart anyway," my mother sneered.

Okay, that was enough. I walked into the kitchen and sat down on a stool, pretending I hadn't heard anything.

"Hello Alex, is it?" Freddi's mom greeted, a fake smile on her face as her narrowed eyes looked me up and down. Silently judging me

"Axel," I corrected, adjusting my sunglasses over my eyes.

"Take the glasses off inside son," my mother commanded. 

Obviously, I ignored her, leaning back in my stool and placing my feet on the counter. Freddi's mom watched me in obvious disgust. I figured as much, considering I was already a bad influence.  

"Right. Where's my daughter Axel?" Mrs. Thompson asked in a clipped tone.

"Well Mrs. T, she decided to take a shower after I fucked her up against my bookshelf," I replied nonchalantly with a smile, chuckling lightly as I watched her nostrils to flare in anger.

"Axel!" A soft voice scolded, announcing Freddi who had made her way downstairs dressed in a red crop top that zipped in the front, a short black skirt, and black thigh high boots. My dick twitched in my pants preparing for another round.

"What are you wearing young lady?" Her mother exclaimed, still glaring at me as though I had chosen the outfit. My mother looked at her smugly, as though Freddi's outfit proved her point.

"Clothes, mother," Freddi answered in the same clipped tone that her mother once had.

"Well that's a bit inappropriate don't you think? Go... change into something else," she commanded, but Freddi shook her head and walked over to me.

Placing my arm around her shoulder, I pulled her closer to me, my smirk unwavering.

"Didn't you date my stepson?" My mother asked Freddi accusingly.

I felt her shoulders tense slightly before relaxing. "Yes Mrs. Keaton that was me," Freddi replied, looking down at me with a smile.

"And don't you think it's a bit strange that you are now dating his stepbrother?" Her mother asked, this time in a disbelieving tone.

"Nope. Not at all mother," Freddi said, keeping that big smile on her face.

"Okay this is not acceptable, I need to speak with my daughter alone," Mrs. Thompson said, grabbing the arm of Freddi who just rolled her eyes, allowing her mother to drag her along.

Giving me the perfect opportunity to smack her ass, just once, before she walked away. Once they left the kitchen, my mother took that as an opportunity to question me as well.

"What do you think you are doing with this girl," she asked.

"What can I say? I'm in lov—"

"No, you are doing this to spite me! I have built up an empire with Lucas and you are the oldest! If something happened to me or him, you would have to take responsibility. What happened to the other girl? Samantha? Why aren't you with her? She was so much better than that tiny thing!" Why the hell does her height matter?

"What the fuck is your problem? I didn't want her! I never did! I love Freddi and you will leave both of us the fuck alone!" I snarled. My swearing wasn't a new thing, but by now it seemed as though it hardly phased her.

"I am doing what is best for—"  she began to argue.

"No, you're doing what's best for you," I roared, walking out of the kitchen.

In the living room stood Mrs. Thompson scolding Freddi who sat on the couch with her arms folded. "This isn't like you. Why are you with him?"

"He loves me and I love him," Freddi replied, that evil grin still on her face.

"You don't know what love is. You are 16 and that boy looks almost 25! He is using you!"

"Axel is only nineteen mother and you don't know what love is! You don't love me you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself."

"That is not true I loved your father and I love you! Your father loves you too!"

"So beating me nearly every day for the past four years was love? You leaving me for all of that time was love? Go to hell Meredith!" Freddi yelled, running into my open arms as angry tears trailed her cheeks.

"Four years?" Mrs. Thompson whispered to herself, looking broken as she looked at us with horror written all over her face.

"Come on Axel let's go." 

Freddi tugged on my arm, leading me to the garage, into my car, and away from both of our troubles.


Published: 07/06/17
Edited: 01/27/18

And again on: 09/22/18  


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