Very Special Passion Juice with Pineapple

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We were neighbours long ago. We use to play together every day at kindergarten and afternoons play outside in my tree house. She wasn't like all the other girls who play princess dress up no she always wanted to be a pirate.

"Good morning Mr Cunningham." "Good morning Ethan. How many times have I told you stop with the Mr Cunningham, call me Dale, Mr Cunningham sounds like my father." "Alright Mr Dale you have to meet the architect in two hours and after the meeting your schedule is free. Welcome back to Portland." "Thank you Ethan it's good to be back."

Well I'm never getting those 2 hours back. The supposed to be professional but they didn't even look at the notes that I send them or talk with my on-sight manager. If they didn't work for my father I would have fired them a long time ago. "Ethan could you make a reservation at a restaurant please?" " Already done Mr Cunningham they'll expect you at 6 pm."

"Good evening Mr Cunningham. My name is Ava and I'll be your waiter for tonight. What would you like to drink?" "I 'll have a passion fruit juice special. "Are you sure don't you have a serious allergy to pineapple." " Yes, how do you know that? Is the surprise pineapple?" " Maybe, how about I order you a papaya sorbet instead with lime." "Okay?! and I'll have the steak with a Greek salad." She left. How did she know that I was allergic to pineapple no one knows about that but my family and even they sometimes forget. A few minutes later she came back with my food and drink. "Here you are Dale call me if you need anything else." "Ava. How do you know me?" I asked firm and bit annoyed. "Do I really look that different to you? I know my hair is a bit longer and blonder but I haven't changed that much Dale. Sorry I have to go other tables are waiting to be served."
The whole morning I've been thinking about her. She looks so familiar. I know her but where have I seen her from."Mr Cunningham are you alright? You seem a little bit distracted." "I'm fine Ethan just thinking." "She talked to you didn't she?" "Who?" "Ava." "Yes, how do you know her?" "Let's just say we are friends." "Tell me who is she and why doesn't she want to tell me who she is?" "She asked me to not give her game away and if you didn't figure it out by tomorrow she will tell you." "Okay but please just answer me on the question. Did I make her pregnant?" "I really can't say because if I say yes than you would stop going to the restaurant and if I say no than you don't get to stress."


I know it is wrong to play this game with Dale but it is time to get payback. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "How old is the child?" "What?" "Did I make you pregnant?" "So I tell you my hair is a bit blonder and longer, where did I tell you that we were, I don't know if I should be offended or surprised that you think that I'm that type of girl." "So we didn't." "No, we only kissed." Ethan walked in with a big smile. "Hey Ethan." "Hi Ava. Have you told him yet?" "Nope." I said popping the P. "Okay what is the deal with you two are you guys dating or what?" "No, we're just close." "Alright so if you're not going to tell me than gave me a hint." "My name Ava is an abbreviation of my first name A, my second name V and my surname A. A.V.A. You gave me an ugly scar on my waist." "What was I drunk?" "You were a bit upset that a girl beat your ass in gladiators so after everything was done you and your buddies got drunk so you still want a rematch at gladiators?"

"Vanessa." "Yes, it is me do I really look that different?" "How can I not recognize you we were the best of friends when we were kids. I don't know how I could forget about your beautiful blue-green eyes." "Its fine I have admit that it was fun messing with you." "You said I gave you a scar were you serious?" "Yes, but it is in the past." "No, tell me what happened." He garbed my arm. "Okay after all the exercises at the boot camp was done we all went to swim in the waterfall, you remember that? He shook his head yes. "You and some other guys had a beer or two and you thought it would be funny to do a cannonball, you shouted cannonball and jumped, I tried to get out of the way but you were already on my back pushing me down and there was a sharp rock that cut me." "I'm really sorry let it make it up to you. Let me take you out to dinner tonight. When does the restaurant close? " "Uhm, today is Tuesday so at nine." "I will pick you up at nine- fifth teen." "Okay."


"Ava you have a call." "Coming." "Hello?" "Good afternoon may I speak to the manger?" "She is speaking. How can I help you." "Last week my I ordered a passion fruit juice special and I saw wandering if you could maybe tell me what the surprise is?" "Oh you mean a Passion Special and it depends on if you ordered a Very Special Passion or a Passion Special." "What is the difference?" "Very Special Passion is for adults and Special Passion is for children." "Okay might I ask what is the special in the Very Special Passion is?" "It dependents on various things but the surprise is alcohol and for the children the surprise is juice." "Thank you for your time and have a lovely afternoon. Good bye." And he hung up. Is he stupid or what? Mike knows that I won't tell my biggest competition my specials so that they can also sell it.

Since it was a slow night so I closed the restaurant at half past eight and locked up. My house is only a few blocks away so I quickly drove home. The question now is what am I going to wear. I want to wear something nice but not too fancy but then again he could take me to a five star restaurant and I don't want to look out of place. The choice is now between the white dress, purple dress and my black dress. I got dressed in the white dress, put a few curls in my hair, did my make up and then I drove to my restaurant again. After I parked my car in the loading zone I walked around the corner and saw Dale leaning against his red 2015 ford mustang, his gaze fixed on me. 

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