A family tree

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Round three. Gladiators. The rules were simple to hit your opponent off from the ledge. First it was captain against captain then it went down the list it was a close call. One of my team mates got hurt and his girlfriend left with him to get hiss wound looked at. This meant that my team had leaser people than the other. Everyone had a chance against an opponent but the other team had one left, Ava. Someone teased," look a Pit-bull against a Chihuahua. We were set off and fighted. I was the first to hit her. Accidently it was on her head. She stumbled a bit but regained her balance. I wanted to apologise but before I knew it I was hit twice. Then I was on the ground. With me on the ground a whistle was blown and the other team was declared the winner. I had to admit that wasn't what I was expecting.

Ava's POV
We have been in New York for a week. Anthony is awake and out of danger but still got hurt really badly. I could tell that Dale wanted to be by his brother's side but he didn't want to leave me alone and he knows how uncomfortable I get when his mother is there. We are sitting at the table. "Go to your brother. We both know you want to be at his side." "I'm sorry it was supposed to be a holiday and now it has turned into a bad dream." "Hey this is not your fault now go to your brother." "Are you shore that you would be fine on your own?" "Yes, and I promise I will call you if something is wrong or I feel something is not right." After breakfast Dale left to go see his brother and I decided that I was going to take a bite out of the big apple.

It was staring to get colder I was lost in thought as I walked around New York until someone tapped me on the shoulder I turned around and saw a teenager. "Excuse me Miss I think you dropped this." I looked in his hand and see a letter. Josh it has to be him. "Thank you." "You are welcome have a nice day." He turned around and left. I opened the letter and read. Ava I know you are mad at me but please I can explain everything but I promise you I didn't shot Antony. If it is not too much to ask but I would like us to meet so I explain myself. This ends now. This ends today. I decided to go and meet Josh because if I don't he will never stop.

"Thank you for meeting me Ava." "I'm here on one condition if I feel you are lying or I feel any discomfort from you I leave and call the cops." "It is fine. First I would like to apologise for the car accident. When you were passing out on the back seat I looked at you for a moment and I ran a red light and we got hit by a truck. When I woke up in the hospital and the doctors didn't talk about you I thought I had killed you but Dale confirmed it when he came and beat me up." Dale did what? Seeing the question in my eyes Josh says. "I don't want you to be upset with Dale about that. After I was discharge I went to prison and after Antony came to visit me in prison and told me you were alive I couldn't believe it." "Wait hold up what does Antony to with this?"

"It is a long story but the short version is he is your half brother." "Come again?" "Before your mother and father were together he and Moria had an affair. Your father is his also father." "How do you know this?" "A year ago my younger sister and I made a plan to destroy the Cunningham's. I hacked all of their servers I got all of their information. My sister worked as a sectary but she fell in love with Antony and later told him what the plan was. ""Jane is your sister?"

"Yes, have you met her?" "I met her at the hospital last week a few hours after we landed." He looked mortified. "Is she hurt or is Elijah hurt?" "You don't know what happened do you?" "No!" "There was a robbery at Antony's house and he got shot. Jane and Elijah are fine." "Thank goodness. Okay where was I oh yeah Moria forced me to fine out everything about her new silent partner, Vanessa, you. After I found out where you lived she had me paid to stalk you but the more I followed you the more I learned. I am truly sorry if I scared you." "Wait if you didn't know about Antony and what happened what did you do that I would be upset at?"

"I may or may not have hacked your computer, his computer and put him on the FBI most wanted list." "You are kidding about that last part aren't you?" "Yes, I whipped my arrest record clean and brought myself time by deleting my profile on every police station in every town I visit." "Why did you hack my computer?" "Used a key logger." "No, I didn't ask how I asked why?" "I wanted to know where you were going with Dale and when I realised that you left your laptop back in Portland. I hacked Dale's computer. Are you mad?" "I'm impressed but I want you to undo the hack on my computer and Dale's computer." "I will."

"Thank you. What did you learn about me? You said you learned a lot about me so tell me what you leaned" "You care about people especially kids. You go almost every Friday to the hospital to play with the kids. You are very intelligent and can hold your emotions. You changed your name from Adylea to Ava because you don't want people to feel sorry for you about your father and your illness." He takes my hand. "Ava I never meant to cause you any harm I wanted to end the stalking after I discovered I had feeling for you. That night in the restaurant when you were on a date with Dale. I was jealous and angry. I knew I had to tell you what he did before you got hurt."

"Do you mean what he did to Katharine? Josh thank you for telling me the truth but it is a lot to process. I will drop the charges against you if you promise to give Dale and me our space and leave us alone." "Ava you can't trust him but okay if that is what you want but you have to promise me that you will call me as soon as something anything happens that you don't like. Promise me that." "Okay I promise. Give me your number." "I'll text you then you can save it and you can pretty intimidating and scary when you need to."


I'm busy taking chicken pie out of the oven and listening to music loudly when I feel a set of eye's on me. I turn around and look at Dale. In his hands is a bouquet off flowers. "I am sorry I have been neglecting you this past week. I know you are going to say that it is fine and I needed to be with my brother but I shouldn't have neglected you." I was at a loss for words. "Since you have already started with dinner I'm going to cancel the reservation but that doesn't mean we aren't going out tonight. I know this nice and quiet spot perfect for eating desert." He puts the flowers on the table and kisses my head, my nose, my lips my neck before he asks. "So how was your day baby?" "It was interesting I found stuff out that I didn't know other than that it was alright. How is Antony doing?" "He is being discharge tomorrow but I don't want to talk to him tonight, or about my family or about the business." "He said in-between kisses down my neck."Tonight it is just me and you."

It is past two in the morning and Dale and I just finished having desert. This time it was more passionate, more romantic. I'm laying in Dale's arms his hand playing with my hair. His heart is still beating fast from the desert. I hate that I can't tell Dale about what Josh told me but I'm scared. Scared to get hurt because I'm falling to fast for Dale and I can't stop myself. I don't know how. Dale almost sensing something is wrong. "What are you thinking off?" I look up at him. "Us." He pulls me into a kiss. "I'm not going anywhere without you and I promise I will never hurt you." It is me that kisses him now and we spent the rest of the night in each others arms.

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